Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

I'd like to ask a basic question. Can I buy eg. 10 items from a retailer. Eg. Poundland/Argos. Then sell them on Ebay (business account). I will own all the items so I'm not advertising first, then buying them afterwards. The items will qualify as new under the ebay conditions for that. That's not the issue.


I will have receipts so that will be ok. I'm just concerned still that buying stock from a retailer is going to be ok, especially when ebay ask for receipts? (assuming they will).
Thank you.

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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

That would be fine.   They would be yours to do as you wish.   You would have to change your selling account to a business one though, if you are buying goods with the expresss purpose of reselling them.



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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

Experienced Mentor

That's all fine, many business sellers do this, but do make sure that you do a search of sold items the same as what you're planning on listing - this area is very competitive, as you can imagine.

Message 3 of 9
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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

Yes that is perfectly fine, it is known as RETAIL ARBITRAGE. There are hundreds of videos on Utube showing people doing this and making a fortune......don`t believe a word of it! The profit margins for doing this are minute, make sure that you know ALL your costs before trying it.

Message 4 of 9
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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

It's exactly what you are doing isn't it? 1008 items listed, professional record dealer for over 40 years and yet you are on a private account. I recall you've been called out on this one before but still choose to operate against the law. 


As for "retail arbitrage" nonsense. It's reselling or if clearing the shelves of certain in demand products (like a limited edition release), known as a scalping. It's the lowest of the low way to make a quick buck as it deprives genuine customers of the items at the retail price. Scalpers are frowned upon and many retailers will limit the number that can be purchased. Even so, there will be a few buyers desperate for the item to buy off a scalper but most will just accept missing out as they don't want to put money in their pockets to carry on scalping. 

Message 5 of 9
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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

Also, if in particular they are electrical, be sure to have liability insurance, and you are able to deal with any warranty issues.

Astronomy is looking up
Message 6 of 9
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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

People come to this forum for help, and then get such an ANGRY response. This does not help anyone.

Message 7 of 9
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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

@selective_distribution wrote:

People come to this forum for help, and then get such an ANGRY response. This does not help anyone.

In all fairness I think that genuine business sellers find it galling to see somebody posting here who is basically gaming the system. You're a business seller trading on a private account. Anyone else trading correctly selling similar items is not receiving promotional fee offers and are paying business listing fees. 


In your description you state "We have been professional record dealers for over 40 years" so you're not even pretending that you're not a business seller.  I have seen you mentioned a couple of times over on another forum.


Out of curiosity, why do you believe that you should be trading on a private account? I'm genuinely intrigued.

Message 8 of 9
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Buying from a retailer / ebay asking for receipts

You haven't come here for help. 


I've stated the facts on what it is. Scalpers are people who bought out all the ps5's to sell on eBay at mega high prices and a lot of families missed out as they'd been listed on eBay at stupidly high prices, way above RRP. They also buy up the Lidl trainers, Primark limited edition Greggs and Disney stuff, even in demand period protection pants to then sell on eBay at stupidly high prices. Even in business morals exist and scalpers are frowned upon. 


Resellers are different. 


"Retail arbitrage" is a term that barely exists especially in the UK. I was just pointing that out. 


I was also pointing out on the subject of business, you are brazen and have knowingly flouted eBay's terms and the law for the sake of extra money. I can only say what I see and I know you've been told about that before here but chosen to ignore it. I'm not going to condone your illegal trading behaviour when there's no reason you shouldn't be on a business account. 

Message 9 of 9
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