Buyers protection fees

I really don’t understand what eBay are playing at it’s hard enough to make any money on eBay as it is now they bring in buyers protection fee for what for a service that should be there for free. I list stuff regularly and have no trouble selling it but now I’ve noticed this fee and I also noticed I have no watchers on my items which I find strange because I did the other day now I no why. Now sellers will find it even harder to make any money on eBay not unless you drop your price and take a loss thanks to these fees. And also holding on to your money until delivery confirmation that’s a joke I’ve had plenty of situations where no one has been in and parcels has gon to the depot or post office awaiting collection this means if they don’t get off there asses to collect I don’t get paid. What a joke eBay has messed up here big time I’ve now took my stuff off eBay I won’t be selling anything until this is gone. 

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Buyers protection fees

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