04-02-2025 4:12 PM
When is the Buyer Protection Fee to be added. I was expecting to see it today?
04-02-2025 4:31 PM
eBay's Announcement dated 3rd Feb says 'Buyer's Protection fees' will be rolled out gradually, starting with Electronics.
If the item, you have listed is in the Electonic section because it has a bid on it eBay may not be able to change the advert.
04-02-2025 4:33 PM
I was wondering too. I've just read it's just on electronics today. Other categories will follow
04-02-2025 4:43 PM
05-02-2025 12:03 AM
Still no change to listings in Electronics.
05-02-2025 12:13 AM
I have just relisted a camera, but nothing added.
05-02-2025 6:28 AM
I wonder if they have started in just some electronic sub categories.
It seems very odd to make a 12th hour announcement regarding changes and yet not be able to implement anything at all.
05-02-2025 7:20 AM
Perhaps it'll start later today? Maybe tomorrow? The day after?
Ebay may already be a laughing stock but becoming completely disreputable is not the answer.