80% off seller fee

hi ,

no more 80% seller fee today?


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80% off seller fee

Experienced Mentor

It looks like you should be trading on a business account, so shouldn't be getting the 80% fee discount offer or no fees on clothing listings. You may be facing a problem with HMRC now that eBay are reporting to them.


A private seller is one who is just selling off their own personal items such as clothes from their wardrobe, bits from their loft/garage etc. They do not have loads of brand new clothing.


A Business seller is someone who buys or makes items to sell on.  They need to be registered as a business to meet the requirements of UK law. They need to declare income to HMRC once they reach £1,000 worth of sales (eBay will be providing HMRC with your details anyway so it's vital to keep correct accounts for your tax return). You can obviously offset more expenses as a business seller, but can't offset any at all as a private one.  


To correctly register as a business seller simply go to your Personal Information in your account and to the right of Account Type, which will be showing as 'Individual'  you'll see an Edit option.




This doesn't affect your feedback profile or any current listings, it merely upgrades your account so that you're legally compliant. 


If you're also selling your own items, just open another eBay account (you can have more than one).


eBay will pass on data to HMRC automatically if you're selling 30 or more items a year OR have total earnings over the equivalent of £1,740. eBay will automatically share this information with HMRC by 31 January 2025 – the first lot of data-sharing will cover the 2023/24 tax year.


This eBay guidance page explains what's being reported and when:



Message 2 of 4
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80% off seller fee

I had to asked CS , they said 80% applied to all seller at the same time . 

Message 3 of 4
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80% off seller fee

@manfoon_1 wrote:

I had to asked CS , they said 80% applied to all seller at the same time . 

Sounds like something may have got lost in the conversation there because it's only for targeted private sellers, not all sellers at the same time. 

Message 4 of 4
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