4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

Hello just need to vent sorry if worded badly but i am raging right now!


17 cases out of 471 - wrong item sent - not working - missing parts ect, all resolved without ebay intervention. I literally stand here every day and night and to get this 4% extra charge after becoming a top rated seller is a proper slap in the face.


all other metrics are in the green and top rated, i feel let down and down right ripped off


100 pound item: 10.9% standard fee + 10% promoted fee + 4% (very high return fee) + 20% to HMC


and that spells the end of my ebay career not that the copy and paste chat human bot could give a flying fiddle or could even do anything about it even if he agreed.


this is a race to the bottom and its happening quickly you cant sell legit items with these fees but fake sellers can, Ebays ethic is to reward extremely hard work and dedication with higher fees built on the back of a scheme devised for that exact purpose.


17 issues out of 471 sales with 99% positive feedback, all cases resolved with a refund or replacement without the need for ebay intervention in a matter of days.


Ebay taking 4% of every item sold going forward for a year approximately because of problems from the past that was resolved is ludicrous


i cant believe the idea made it out of the board room meeting but here we are - sorry that is not going to happen not because of margins but on principal too.


Good luck to all my fellow sellers its only a matter of time before you find this message and agree - Rose x

Message 1 of 7
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Re: 4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

Is this about the 4% plus 75p buyer fee ?

Or the top rated seller discount on fees?

Message 2 of 7
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Re: 4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

It's about being penalised by eBay's extra fee when your metrics go below a certain standard and eBay charge an extra seller fee:-


Sellers whose performance level is Below Standard on the 20th of a month incur an additional 6 percentage points fee on top of the final value fee on sales in the following calendar month. For example, a 9.9% +30p final value fee would increase to 15.9% + 30p. The additional fee applies to the total amount of the sale. Above Standard and eBay Top-rated Sellers are not impacted by this additional fee.


For opened "Item not as described" requests, sellers are assessed compared to their peers in the service metrics dashboard in Seller Hub. Sellers with "Very high" rates of "Item not as described" requests opened against them in the evaluation on the 20th of a month will incur an additional 4 percentage points fee on top of the final value fees applicable to sales on the relevant eBay sites and categories during the following calendar month. For example, a final value fee in the affected eBay sites and categories would increase from 8.9% + 30p to 12.9% + 30p. If a seller is rated "Very high" in a category, but has fewer than 10 such requests opened against them or their "Item not as described" rate is under 1% in a specific category during the evaluation period, they will not be subject to this increased fee.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: 4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

So the second one i mentioned

Message 4 of 7
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Re: 4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

Kind of, not really a top rated seller discount though, there's no discount just a higher fee.

Message 5 of 7
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Re: 4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

the fact this is based on what the customer says being gospel is what really irks me, 2 items where damaged in transit this has also gone against me. items didnt arrive also counts as does the customer opinion that there was missing parts.


missing parts from a perfume? there is actually no way to combat this and that is the point. Its a rigged system to make you pay more fees. The threshold is so low that it really is inevitable and after the 4% comes the 6%.


i am absolutely incandescent with rage at such a disgusting display of what amounts to day light robbery. If i was a corrupt seller with awful feedback and no end of complaint i might be able to swallow it but i am top rated with an unblemished record i simply will not accept it.


and to add the 4% charge to all my items going forward is absurd, bizarre and terrible business practice and for me its the end.


every night and morning i stand here packing, dealing, sorting and being absolutely consumed by ebay and everything that goes with.


once this months stock has gone im out for good i simply will not stand for it, the fees were already high and having to opt for the promo fee was unbearable....... but now this, this is the end - you can kiss my income good bye ebay FU

Message 6 of 7
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Re: 4% additional extra very high fee Item not as described returns metric LOL

my supposedly awful performance broken down - what an absolute joke, no way to combat it nothing you can do.  Honestly i feel free already i cant wait to not be doing this anymore, i was expecting a golden hand shake not a slap in the face


Missing parts or pieces (3)

Wrong item (6)

Not working or defective (2)

Doesn't match description or photos(4)

Arrived damaged (1)

Not authentic (0)


sorry for ranting i will try not to post again, so angry

Message 7 of 7
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