24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Just a rant here. 24 years selling on ebay and 2024 has made me ready to pack it in.


Fees - crippling. Unless I find it on the floor, buying and selling is now impossible to make any sort of profit. Ebay and couriers make more per sale than me. 


Buyers - 100% feedback on 1200 sales but in the last 20 sales, nothing but issues. A buyer who was 100% trying her luck to claim an item was undelivered (I won but ebay took no action), a buyer with an inability to convers with any manners (this could be a society issue 🤣), 2 buyers who changed their minds after asking questions AFTER the auctions ended... but don't forget, ebay removed the ability to leave them anything but positive feedback years ago. They thrive, we die.


Facebook market place - as much as FB is full of time wasters and muppets, the ability to sell cash in hand means I can charge so much less and keep my money. Ebay response to this threat? Increase fees.


Pay to win - anyone else notice how many things don't exist when you search on eBay? Search through Google and so many more things appear. Is this about promoting items? 


Long term user, first time community poster. Rant not over just TBC.


Thanks for listening 🤣

Message 1 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

As a private seller of your own items why would you be concerned with "profit"?


If you are buying to sell then you are not a private seller.


Someone who ignores feedback policies should not be complaining about others.

Message 2 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Any business masquerading as a private seller is part of the problem. 

Message 3 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Experienced Mentor

Surely all items sold by a genuine private seller have been 'found on the floor'?

Message 4 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Not applicable

You're running a business on a private account. I have no sympathy. 

Message 5 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

I'm not sure, even if registered correctly, you've managed to make a living anyway. 1190 feedback since 2002 isn't even an average of 1 p/w, but as pointed out, your a private seller, so profit doesn't come into it!

In all seriousness though, if you are earning a living trading, you need to deal with it before hmrc get your details next year.

Message 6 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

The point is being missed

if even a PRIVATE sellers

Are finding it hard to cope,

what chance a business seller ,

in the vicious circle of  fees

and costs

When will ebay realise to survive, sellers must profit



Message 7 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Add corporation tax and VAT onto that and it leaves crumbs for the business owner.  It's called the 'reward' for doing things legitimately.

Message 8 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

I do have some sympathy with you. As a private seller also, it doesn't mean you just want to give your things away cheap, otherwise where's the incentive to list, take photos, pack and go to the Post Office? Even private sellers need to have some worthwhile profit, or why bother at all? I've also had non paying bidders. EBay doesn't do anything about them, despite a bid supposedly being legally binding.  I do understand your need to rant. 

Message 9 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

'profit' cannot come into it as a private seller.


also, you are heading for serious trouble selling 'used' perfume as 'new'.

Message 10 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable


I'm sorry you chose to be rude and disrespectful of my opinion. I respectfully disagree with yours. Thank you for taking the time to check my listings. There are many used perfumes for sale on eBay. I give a full description and photos of the amount used. There is no category for used. 

Message 11 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

There is no category for used cosmetics as they are not allowed to be sold on eBay.


Message 12 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Ebay isnt just for private sellers. Its also always been a site where small businesses operate and sell their goods.  If your not aware that EBAY has businesses selling then you've not understood ebay. I am not a small business nor use it for profit. However Ebay when it started had a vast number of small business operating they even had annual conferences of these small businesses.  Most of them work from home and many are housewives and mothers who work from home. Its their living and I am surprised that anyone would not understand its a MIXED community. Private sellers, small businesses run from home and BIG business many based in China.

Message 13 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

I fully agree. I have listed brand new never worn clothes which cost me £30 for £6 and no one bites..... I've had two buyers try it on. Ialso used Vinted which was up till 12 months ago pretty good in UK.  Then around February it started to be infected with scammers like ebay is now. People buying items that cost me £29.99 never worn as new with tags listed at 9.99 and then offers of £5.00 and if you do sell they then complain trying to even get it for FREE. Its bonkers its like the world has turned into a global community of parasites. 

 If you live in UK here is a TIP......wait till spring and search for local CAR BOOT SALES and take a load of stuff pay the car park fee and have folks BUY ON THE STOP with CASH.  All you pay is maybe £25 just take a load of stuff..... dont under price as people will banter. Ask a reasonable price plus a bit for bantering. If you want £9 stick £12 price tag and when they banter say the best price you can do is £9 it works trust me. No worries about postal charges, parking meters at your local P.O. One fuel cost not dozens as every time you drive to P.o. you use fuel.

Message 14 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

@rhadliegh2012 wrote:

Ebay isnt just for private sellers. Its also always been a site where small businesses operate and sell their goods.  If your not aware that EBAY has businesses selling then you've not understood ebay. I am not a small business nor use it for profit. However Ebay when it started had a vast number of small business operating they even had annual conferences of these small businesses.  Most of them work from home and many are housewives and mothers who work from home. Its their living and I am surprised that anyone would not understand its a MIXED community. Private sellers, small businesses run from home and BIG business many based in China.


I understand perfectly how eBay works.

I think you have misunderstood the point of my 8 month old post.

"small businesses" should be correctly registered.

Message 15 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

our local car boot gets pretty busy, costs £7 for a car and you are lucky if you get a couple of quid for something new or nearly new in the clothes range because everyone is selling them now, just like e bay!   People want something for nothing in both situations but one difference is that with e bay i am not sat out in the cold and rain repeatably telling someone no i will not take 50p for something i have got £5 on!   Mind you i will still be back out there next season.  As for your other comment, i rather think we all know that e bay is for a full range of sellers, the point is that if you are going to moan about something then make sure you are in the correct catergory!! 

Message 16 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

No idea until now this had so many replies.


To those who supported my points, thank you.


Everyone else, appreciate the opinion. Ish.


But fees are gone so everyone rejoice! The people are making money again, not the corporate machine! 


Message 17 of 18
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24 Years and This is No Longer Viable

Rather silly response. I used Car boot sales in North Derbyshire.  Its not always raining how ridiculous to assume its always raining.  Yes I do have to be there for 7.30 a.m. Which I guess some people hate speciallyon a Saturday or Sunday.  I sell load of clothes and paintings and yes there is the odd stupid offer which you politely decline and say "Sorry but if you want that item the price tag is what I am looking for, if your after a cheap bargain you wont find it here"....... If someone makes me not a 50p offer for a item worth £19..... I shooo them off with that...... however if someone offers me a 15 on a £19 item I will meet half way and it can create a deal. I took £378 in one morning between 8 a.m. and 2.30 PM.  Your comments seem quite bitter and vengeful. Sadly I am far too educated to enter into a online battle with someone obviously looking for one.  This is the right catagory thank you very much have a nice day.

Message 18 of 18
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