Gift card

I sold an apple gift card worth £100. I couldn't take it back to tesco or apple as they don't accept refunds so I thought I'd try ebay and sell it. Someone bought it for £85 and I thought it was great. I then went to post office and paid for 1st class so it would get to customer quicker even though they paid for 2nd class post. (Just thought I was doing something good for someone). It was recorded delivery also.

Then I get a message next day saying the card was used. The card wasn't used. I then replied to customer that I'd get to the bottom of it. I rang apple and they confirmed that the card was used on the morning of the delivery. They wouldn't give me much more details than that. 

Like am I gona lose that £85 as the money is on hold? I really was depending on that money recouped from the 100 spent on the stupid gift card

Message 1 of 19
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Gift card

Was the card used after the item was delivered?


if it was used after the item had been signed for then they buyer had used it 

Message 2 of 19
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Gift card

Message 3 of 19
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Gift card

Well your in luck then because the process is that the item was delivered so anytime after that point the buyer can use the item, tell the buyer that you have contacted apple and they say it's been redeemed after it was accepted by you(the buyer)

Message 4 of 19
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Gift card

I have told the buyer all this and they just saying its been used. Its
basically my word against theirs. If I could get the chat transcript off
apple would that be enough to prove I'm not lying?
I have asked for copy of the gift cards timeline and they can't for privacy
reasons. I also have pictures of the giftcard and I've the reciept still
Just a kick in the teeth is what this all is. Should have just gave card to
a family member
Message 5 of 19
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Gift card

It's not in your court to have problems, if the item was delivered at 9.00am and apple say it was used at 9.03am then someone in that household has used the item, can apple tell you what the item was used on? Also are you able to get the time when it was used?

Message 6 of 19
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Gift card

Yea I can get the time it was used. It was used after the delivered time. It was used on an apple phone. But then they couldn't give the name of the person. I think I'm gona ring apple again and get exact times so I can give that to ebay as proof. I appreciate your replies and time you've shown. Given me hope. Thankyou

Message 7 of 19
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Gift card

Experienced Mentor

Unfortunately if the buyer opens a not as described case you will most likely lose.

Message 8 of 19
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Gift card

Even if its been used after delivery time?
Message 9 of 19
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Gift card

Get the exact time it was delivered and used and copy both times and send that to the buyer, say to them that it was used on a apple phone, ask them if someone had used it other than them in the household, the proof is clear - if they escalate then you give eBay the exact times, I'd ring them rather than chatting online or in the case if they open one.

Message 10 of 19
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Gift card

Is there an actual number for ebay? I've been trying everything to get in contact over past couple of days. I'd rather contact them first and talk about my situation and have my evidence sent over and ready for the persons refund appeal 

Message 11 of 19
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Gift card

Has the buyer opened an 'item not as described' case?

There is no point contacting Ebay until the buyer officially starts a request for a refund.


I would, as advised, contact the buyer (hopefully before they open a case) with all of your evidence, timing of Royal Mail delivery, info from Apple regarding time and method of how the card was used.

Inform the buyer that you will have to contact Action Fraud as the card was clearly used after they received it.

Come back to this thread after you have been in touch with the buyer with your evidence and telling them you are going to contact Action Fraud.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 12 of 19
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Gift card

I think Jckl1957 has offered you some very good advice with regards to telling the buyer that you are going to have to contact Action Fraud about the matter, stating that the card was clearly used after the point at which it was delivered.  Personally my feeling is that if you give the buyer the exact times provided by Apple as to when the card was activated, which you couldn't know if you were not telling the truth about having contacted Apple about the matter, and you also back that up by saying that you'll have to contact Action Fraud to report the matter, then if the buyer is trying to screw you over (which I strongly suspect he/she is) then that little update on the matter ought to be enough to scare him/her into backing down, as the buyer will know that not only will he/she be likely to lose the eBay case in the face of such evidence, but he/she could also end up with Action Fraud investigating the matter as well, which is something that the buyer would not want to have to deal with if he/she is indeed actively committing acts of fraud in order to scam sellers out of the money for goods purchased.

Message 13 of 19
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Gift card

Thankyou alot. Everyone has helped alot. I've got enough information on what to do now. I greatly appreciate the help. Hopefully everything will play out. Its just a pity some people will go this far for God's make 

Message 14 of 19
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Gift card

Did you actually use Royal Mail  Special Delivery?  You needed to use tracking not just post for £85!   You advertised 75p for post which means that you could not even prove delivery by tracking. 


Sadly "Action Fraud" is a bluff.  They collect information but do no casework.  As @plpmr says if the buyer opens a not as described case eBay will [initially at least] probably refund the buyer.  @patmce_79  





Message 15 of 19
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Gift card

Yea I did a tracked and signed delivery. I've checked the delivery by royal mail and the customers signature is on it. I paid for it to be delivered quicker as I thought I was doing a good deed for someone.

Message 16 of 19
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Gift card

I am just going to add a piece of advise here to this thread, to the OP and any other reader of this. If sending cash, gift cards through the mail system, then you need to be aware that Special Delivery by 1 is the only service that will give you any protection. It is secure mail and segregated differently in the postal system. In the need of any claim. Any other service null and voids any claim to royal mail. So in this instance the OP would not be able to make a claim, well they could but Royal Mail would reject it.

My business was a finalist in the ebay business awards 2023.
Message 17 of 19
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Gift card

Yea that's the one I used so hoping that it helps me in my case. I've the receipt kept too if needed. My advice to anyone selling gift cards is not to do it ebay as its not worth the hassle. Never again will I do it

Message 18 of 19
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Gift card

Thats something, if its SD by 1 its just that you mentioned you sent it recorded, in post office world these days as the service doesn't exist its usually a signed for service then that people are referring too when they mention this.


You have made a very good point too, to your self even 😉 about selling gift cards here! Personally just go out and enjoy them when you get the chance, they usually have 18 months life on them!

My business was a finalist in the ebay business awards 2023.
Message 19 of 19
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