Ebay can't charge or pay into my bank account

Add a payment method to get paid


We require sellers to maintain a payment method on file to pay for fees and other selling costs. Your payouts are on hold because eBay has determined that your current payment method is not valid. This can happen if attempts to debit your bank account or charge your card have been declined, returned, or eBay could not confirm microdeposits to your account


Had  £19.99 CHARGE REVERSAL seems to have caused this ...so now I can't get paid for things I have sold...what can I do ?

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Ebay can't charge or pay into my bank account

After a break from Selling, some things have changed including a requirement to Register and Validate UK Current Bank Account details to send and receive payments ... Check/update your account using these links >






Message 2 of 6
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Ebay can't charge or pay into my bank account

totally useless and confusing...will be visiting the BS on tuesday and ask them why they didn't pay the £19.99 ...

Message 3 of 6
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Ebay can't charge or pay into my bank account

' ... Your payouts are on hold because eBay has determined that your current payment method is not valid. ...'


As you wish ... useless and confusing as it may be ... unless you reset your Bank payment method to send and receive monies, you will not be paid >



Message 4 of 6
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Ebay can't charge or pay into my bank account

Tried to input my royal bank details only to bring up a bogus two stage verification number .... useless they have my correct number...if I ever get my £200 back I am leaving ebay....can't stand the stress

Message 5 of 6
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Ebay can't charge or pay into my bank account

For some strange reason after taking off what wasn't paid from my balance, ebay have paid the £200 into my original account.....why?...no reason....that's it goodbye ebay now going to close my account.....too much hasslle....

Message 6 of 6
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