eBay Money Guarantee for non-delivered goods - Refusal of eBay to pay up though Seller Has Departed!

I have paid for 6 items in 2 orders from a Seller who no longer has a Shop on eBay, does not reply to e-mails and whoce business phone is disconnected. ebay asked me to engage in dialogue with the Seller. HOW? I paid by Mastercard and opened a cae yet they refuse to pay up. How do I get my money back?


I have noted the items in a Word File which is "not supported" so cannot be displayed.

The 'Agent' I initially contacted praised me for being with eNBay for 24 years, but offered no meaningful assistance when, for the one and only time, I sought assistance.


Any suggestions regarding ways to get my money back?



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eBay Money Guarantee for non-delivered goods - Refusal of eBay to pay up though Seller Has Departed!

A seller cannot remove themselves completely if they have current transactions, but eBay can,  if the seller has broken some selling regulations.


I suggest then to contact eBay again,  but do so only very first thing in the morning when the lines first open at 8 a.m. as there's more chhance of Dublin answering.  If eBay have removed the seller then Customer Services need to open a case for you for the return of your money.


To Contact Customer Services it's a Live Chat, or you can select to speak and request a Call Back. Click on this link:




On weekdays lines open between 8 a.m. and 10 p .m.

On weekends they open between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.





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