Unable to view photos of items for sale

I've had the eBay app on my tablet and phone for years with no problem. Recently, I've found I can't view photos of items on my tablet. When I click on the item I get the description with no photos. My phone is unchanged and operating correctly. I've restarted the tablet, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated. The tablet and phone are both Samsung android. Thanks.

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Re: Unable to view photos of items for sale

It is a known issues some are experiencing, but our Community Managers are asking those facing this, if using the app , has the latest app version been downloaded, which is 6.192.03 


If this doesn't help I will tag our community managers to see if they can shed some light on this,  if  it is still an issue,  eBay are aware,  and  if there is any news for a fix.

I do not use the app but a laptop and Chrome,  if you're still stuck switch to that combo if you can.  It's all good there .....  so far !


dave@ebay  marco@ebay





Message 2 of 3
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Re: Unable to view photos of items for sale

Wow ! Super quick response thank you. I have downloaded the latest version of the app, but the problem persists. It still works ok on my phone, so I've got access that way, it's just annoying as the tablet photos are larger.


I feel better now I'm not alone 😊

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