28-03-2025 10:58 AM
Hi, i STILL can't turn off or change Simple Delivery when trying to re-list auctions. There are no options to try the 'collection' hack and i'm boggled! i Can relist on a phone but not on a desktop. how can i get round this and get back to choosing my own postage services, amounts etc.?
28-03-2025 11:12 AM
You'd usually click on "Switch to advanced options" at the bottom of the postage section, and again on the pop-up you'll get. If you're not getting the switch link remove the pre-entered postage weights and the link should reappear. If not click on Collection Only, then click back to Postage Only and Custom Options should appear, which is what you want.
28-03-2025 11:16 AM
thank you for replying - there are none of these options - no 'switch to advanced options' OR 'collection only'...
28-03-2025 11:40 AM
Someone else who sells clothes was saying the same thing so it looks like Simple Delivery is now compulsory in that category. 😞
28-03-2025 11:47 AM
if that's the case that will be the end of my little e-bay empire 😞
28-03-2025 11:58 AM
You could try using a business account. They're not getting SD yet.
28-03-2025 12:08 PM
i'll have a look into that. thank you. do you know if there are amounts you have to sell to qualify or any big differences with a business account?