Shop critique please

Hello everyone I'm fairly new to this platform and adding products as and when I can. I've tried adding description and provided ask the information as much as I can along with better photos. I'm not getting any traffic. What am I doing wrong? Can someone please guide me? THanks in advance 

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Shop critique please

You may get better responses posting on the public pages but Ill give you my advice


At the top of the community pages there is a video and it will offer tips (Ive attached the image of the guy)

  • First 4 words of the title should be the main ones
  • You must fill in the item specs as much as possible 


  • Remove commas and PCS for pieces and duplicate words - Commas take up character space 

80 Pcs of Washi Stickers, Vinyl Stickers, Vintage, Tickets, Party, Floral, Love would be better as 80 Washi Skickers vinyl vintage tickets party floral love but if I look at what other people put they have used words like "Scrapbooking, album, journal etc" so you may wish to try different ones if you are not getting any hits after 30 days


Also I will add if you are selling these as a business you need to upgrade to a business account 






Message 2 of 3
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Shop critique please

As advised by another mentor on 1st November, you need to upgrade to a business account.

You are selling in a very competitive area and buyers would expect you to have a proper returns policy as required by the law.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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