Returned item hasnt arrived

I sold a phone for 150 and the buyer f didn't like the condition so returned it and I sent the money back but the phone hasn't arriv3d back over a month has past and I don't have the phone and I'm outside pocket 150

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Returned item hasnt arrived

Experienced Mentor

Did you refund before getting phone back?

If so, ebay label not available, they assume you didn't want item back.

This is now between you & buyer.

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Returned item hasnt arrived

Experienced Mentor

There is not anything you can do through Ebay.

The Money Back Guarantee has a process which protects the buyer and the seller.

Buyer starts a return.

Seller provides a label.

Buyer returns item.

Seller refunds.

There is no expectation that you will refund without getting the item back.

I always think, What would happen if I bought a dress from Marks & Spencer then went in a few days later and asked for my money back?  They would ask me where the dress was!  No dress, no refund.

Never refund until/unless you get your item back.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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