NI Number request/not a tax payer

Hi I’ve been sent a request for my NI number is this safe to sent onto eBay?   I am fortunate that I have not worked for 30 years being married to someone who earned good salary (and a higher rate taxpayer).   I only sell my, his and the children’s clothing and shoes as over the years have built up vast collections of materialistic items.   Some have original receipts some don’t.   nothing I sell has sold for over what I paid for it.       do I need to start paying tax on these items?   I am unsure how this works?   Any advice would be helpful.   

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NI Number request/not a tax payer

Experienced Mentor

You have sold over 30 items so Ebay have to report your details to HMRC.  You need to supply them with your NI number.

You do not usually have to pay tax if you are selling your own unwanted items.  If you don't work, you still have a personal allowance of £12750 (think that is right but have not checked) so you are unlikely to have a tax liability for selling on Ebay.

There are several threads on this topic on the discussion boards so it may be worth reading through some of them.

Honestly though, the best place for tax advice is HMRC.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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