Incomplete listing

The listing didn't show the postage that I defined.
I don't seem to be able to adjust the listing to reflect the postage cost.

Advice please.

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Incomplete listing

You have stated £15 postage in your description.     The postage: courier allows you to add the  postage via invoice once the item has sold.   But if you want to change it you should be able to using the Revise Item link, top left of the listings.   If you still have problems with that you can always end it early via the dropdown menu next to the item on your selling page, and relist with postage.



Message 2 of 3
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Incomplete listing

Thanks, but there are problems. I entered the postage in the listing, but
it didn't come up. The buyer was unable to 'Buy it Now' because there was
no postage element.
The 'Revise Item' link doesn't allow postage to be added.
We eventually resolved the problem by incorporating the postage into the
price, effectively making it post-free. But, only this buyer is aware of
this so I still need to make the alteration.
I will try to end the listing and re-list it in the hope that the postage
gets included this time.

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