How is the seller protected from buyers claiming non receipt of items even if seller has tracking?

I have an issue with a buyer who claimed non receipt of item.  Item posted on 10th and delivered 13th Jan according to Evri tracking. But buyer did not raise an issue until 18th Jan. Checked the longitude and latitude coordinates against the buyers address and they matched. I told buyer item had been delivered but I would contact eBay to assist. I spoke to eBay on 2 occasions and I was told that I had done everything correctly so I was protected.  But now got an email stating that they had ruled in favour of the buyer.  It gives option to review details but when I click on the button information not available.  There is no appeal for me.  After numerous attempts I get a call from eBay for them to stare the line was bad they would call back.  They have not.


So if there is no appeal, no access to how eBay came to the changed decision,  how can a seller protect themselves from being scammed not only by a  bogus buyer falsely claiming non receipt  even though all evidence points to this but also by EBay?   What is the point of their policies if they don't follow them.   Does this mean every buyer can put in a claim for non delivery even if the seller has tracking and eBay allows it to happen without any chance for the seller to dispute?   If so I one can  buy without paying.  Can someone well versed on eBay policies, if they do indeed exist, assist and clarify?  And am still waiting for eBay to call, guess the unicorn that is customer services doesn't exist at all as now I can't even get the chat it to talk



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Re: How is the seller protected from buyers claiming non receipt of items even if seller has trackin

Experienced Mentor

Did you add tracking when posting item & to case stating delivered.

If so, you should have won case.

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Re: How is the seller protected from buyers claiming non receipt of items even if seller has trackin

Experienced Mentor

Tracking needs to be entered into a transaction before a case is opened.


If the tracking shows delivered or attempted delivery the case closes in favour of the seller. 

Message 3 of 5
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Re: How is the seller protected from buyers claiming non receipt of items even if seller has trackin

Yes tracking uploaded automatically and when I received message from buyer
on the 18th Jan I restated the information and the tracking confirmed
delivery as of the 13th Jan. I managed to get a callback from customer
services to discuss the issue on the 23rd Jan and today, the 24th and both
times I was informed I had done everything right. I then get an email
confirming this. Then an hour later I get an email stating eBay had now
sided with the buyer and the case closed but see details tab does not work
so I cannot see how they came to that decision. I managed to get a call
back again from customer services after a few attempts but after a putting
forward all the evidence and asking how eBay came to their decision the
representative pleaded bad line, will ring you straight back and guess what
still waiting.... I feel there's no protection for any seeker from any
buyer who wants to get their item for free by simply claiming I didn't get
it irrespective of what the tracking states
Message 4 of 5
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Re: How is the seller protected from buyers claiming non receipt of items even if seller has trackin

Thank you for your reply.

The tracking does show delivery made and the longitude and latitude
coordinates on Evri tracking is the same as the address. I spoke to
customer service twice and they both confirmed I was covered but now they
have changed decision and I do not know on what basis or evidence this has
been determined. So to me it appears eBay does not follow it's own
policies, the seller is not protected even though you do everything
younshould because if a buyer says they haven't got the item then that is
all that is needed. So it opens the door for bogus claims. So seller beware
you have no recourse with eBay. All is in favour of the buyer despite proof
to the contrary. It's upsetting because I pride myself in posting same day
or next day I even pay myself extra postage in some cases and get treated
like this. eBay is a platform for scamming that is clearly.
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