Fed up with horrible comments

I really do feel that I'm being targetted.  I've sold on Ebay no problems or years.  But the past 2 months have been mad.  First, Evri made an honest mistake and are a bit delayed...buyer demands and gets a whole refund and makes my life miserable, moaning, accusing me of x y z, to me it looks very scammy.  What happened to patience?!  Next, in another recent sale,  Evri do a great job and deliver in record time to Scotland (other buyer moaned they were  week late, you can't make it up)  This time the courier does a GPS location record and a photograph of the item but apparently, according to my buyer, they never received it. Gues it could have been stolen from the doorstep.  Which is also depressing.  But they say this after the photo was sent to them and after I re-emailed it to them AND after I asked him why he was opening an 'item not received' case when I could prove  to Ebay that shipped it and it was delivered. 

It continues.  The most recent one wasn't even a sale; I had to cancel it this time.  It was my genuine error... an item went out of stock on the morning I had sold it elsewhere. I hate it when this hapens but it CAN happen and I am not a criminal mastermind.. I didn't update ebay in time, then I saw it had 'sold 'on ebay so I instantly refunded it when I saw rhe error. What happend next was totally bonkers and I think was really petty of the buyer. I refunded him as soon as I saw the error and deleted it from my stock, so he's sorted.  Except he lectures me about breaching an agreement etc etc and I suddenly realised that he didn't belive me. We are talking an old 2nd hand hoodie here, not a diamond necklace.  It just feels really sour when you try to resolve a problem and , instead, you get a confrontational 'no I won't take an apology, I'm relishing the thought of slating you online'  buyer.  He still leaves really unpleasant feedback and when I asked him to moderate it, he alters it to make it worse!  Is it just me or are ebay buyers becoing less and less reasonable and more and more defensive and unrealistic in their expectaions?   It's like so many buyers and sellers mistrust each other now and it's so sad, after 15+ years of buying and selling on the platform. to see it. Is it that some buyers just don't realise we sell on various platforms? Or are a really irritating minority playing at 'Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells' to try to get themselves extra refunds, credits or just be unpleasant? I'm aware that I could raise my game; the item slipped through the radar...but come on? I'd never treat a seller that way. I don't like the way buyers get carte blanche dump on a seller who has cooperated and refunded them in full within 24 hours if the sale fell through due to a oversight.  Sellers can apologise profusely and do the right things to resolve yet still get treated to horrible comments via email exchange before getting another dollop of misued feedback. There seem to be more and more buyers on the platform who can never be pleased any of the time, and less and less support for sellers.  I've got a tonne of items to sell and after 15 years, feel scammers have targetted me as it keeps happening.  I'm not even convinced that all these buyer accounts are human.  I can't keep pace with Ebay any more and if this is the new deal, I'm not sure I want to.  Oh well.

Message 1 of 5
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Fed up with horrible comments

Experienced Mentor

You could have got the last neg removed as it mentioned eBay case.


Your answer to the other neg is that you were out of stock - private sellers cannot be out of stock.

Message 2 of 5
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Fed up with horrible comments

Experienced Mentor

You have made 3 errors.

You should be registered as business, ebay report to HMRC.

It is against ebay policy to list on ebay & elsewhere.

You are using a useless carrier, Evri.


Sort these issues & you should be fine.

Message 3 of 5
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Fed up with horrible comments

Yes I agree with you that private sellers can't be out of stock, so Ebay have told me in the past (before a recent change)  to pt 'issue with buyer's address' so I did that and still got roasted for it.  Hmmm.

Message 4 of 5
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Fed up with horrible comments

I'm just a small private seller trying to shift a lot of stuff asap before I move. Mostly secondhand and one of everything. I think Evri are lots better than My Herpes even though they're technically the same company but maybe it depends where you are as RM kept delivering really really late so I switchjed to them.  Did you find Evri slow or were there other reasons as they ahve been generally very good for me since lockdown.

Message 5 of 5
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