Chinese postage charges

I  just purchased an item for what I thought was £8.99  some basic unbranded what I thought were well priced car rods??? but there was a hidden charge at payment  that I didn't see if £65 on top of the vat creating a total of £88.99 which my eyes were drawn to as similar to £8.99. I have now paid in error. I contacted the seller requesting a refund within the hour and cancelled my debit card although from  what I've read from other threads I've  I'm not hopeful of a response or getting my money back. "Chinese Postage scam"


I Ask,

Is there any more procedures or anything else I can do by contacting eBay to get a refund and raise this with them now as fraudulent and misleading?


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Re: Chinese postage charges

Experienced Mentor

It's not clear from your post whether the listing was misleading or you weren't paying attention.


Where did the listing say the items were located?

Message 2 of 4
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Re: Chinese postage charges

Totally misleading as the delivery dates were for 30/01/2024.  2-3 days so didn't think it was China and the Actual price of the Rods £8.99 and price of good with postage £88.89 misleading and a scam 

Message 3 of 4
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Re: Chinese postage charges

Experienced Mentor

You keep asserting that it's a scam, but it's hard to offer any meaningful comment or advice without more information.


Sellers can't add anything to the price for which the item sold, and additional charges for VAT, import dues and customs handling charges have nothing to do with the seller.


What was this "hidden charge" at payment for? The best thing may be to tell us the item number so that we can see the listing for ourselves.

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