Charged twice for postage

Sold an item, generating my own Evri label via eBay.

First time errored out with a red banner that said something like "Unable to create label", didn't pay too much mind to it.

Tried again 2 minutes later, sucess.

However, I have been charged for the failed attempt so I have 2 transactions for the same amount being charged to me.

There isn't a 2nd label to void when I look at manage shipments.


Annoying cannot get to speak to anyone. 


What can I do about this?

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Charged twice for postage

Youu may need to wait 24 hours for the label to appear before being able to void it and receive a refund this way:


Find your label with this link . and to the left of the sales record there is a drop down menu under 'Actions' click on that , then click on 'Void Label'.


The refund will take between 5 - 7 days to process.

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