21-01-2025 4:26 PM
I have been scammed by a bogus buyer. I had a bracelet on sale with numerous watchers. At the 11th hour someone made a bid and bought it. They sent the money as normal and just as the money arrived into my account, I had an email saying: “ With regard to the bracelet I bought from you, it is a present for my mother - will you please send to this address…….”.
I foolishly didn’t check the buyer id and mailed the bracelet according to his instructions - then the real buyer contacted me to chase up the delivery.
The issue is now being investigated by eBay, as the “real” buyer is requesting a refund.
The bogus buyer has now removed himself from eBay but his account showed zero transactions.
I am suspicious that the “real” buyer’s profile also shows no activity whatsoever and although one address was in Shropshire and the other in Essex, they both had Polish surnames - that’s a helluva coincidence.
Has anyone else experienced something like this ? Any advice please ?
21-01-2025 4:31 PM
Sadly you've found out the hard way that, in order to meet the criteria for eBay buyer protection you must send the item to the name and address provided on the order details once your buyer has paid.
The bogus buyer will have been removed by eBay if they're showing as no longer a registered user.
If the original buyer has opened an eBay item not received claim, you'll need to refund them within 3 business days, after that they can ask eBay to step in, which will result in a refund and a defect against your selling account.
21-01-2025 4:35 PM
You have not got any recent sales on this account - when you post a question like this, it can be useful for other members to look at the item and the bidding etc.
Really, I don't think there is anything Ebay can do.
Obviously, the 'bogus buyer' would have had a different member name to your actual buyer and you should only ever send an item to the address shown in 'order details' on Ebay. The fake buyer could have been watching your sale. The 'real' buyer is entitled to a full refund.
I am unsure how you know both members had 'Polish' surnames and that is not, in any case relevant here.
This is a difficult lesson for you to learn. I hope it was not an expensive item.