Is it just me or is anyone else fed up with the way that eBay implements new policy without any regard for the impact on sellers?
At the moment, my listings for an electric jigsaw and an ornamental letter opener are being blocked until I add an age verification delivery service.
I was under the impression that this policy was introduced to try to prevent young thugs from purchasing things like zombie knives and machetes. Last I heard, we did not have a problem with people running around London with electric jigsaws?
My issue is this - we add an age verification delivery option and it increases costs. I either absorb it which will amount to a significant amount every year. Or I pass it on to the buyer. Then of course eBay get a % of the increased sale amount.
Furthermore, if I include the extra cost in my sale price, my price become less competitive. Or if I show the increased cost as a separate entity, I lose my 10% discount on FVF for having zero shipping.
Is it too much to ask for eBay to do their due diligence? And why can't they offset the increase costs by adjusting the FVFs?