Auto relist

I'm so sick of this site and the constant glitches - I've no faith at all in the seller hub de auto listing everything because last time out 50 of items didn't come off auto relist.


As painful as it is I now go to take off items individually and low and behold the auto relist tick box is simple not there on many of the items either on the app or online - at this point I'd best remain speechless about the competence of eBay's software people so I'll just simply say useless.


And we've all got the pleasure of their new bidding  and payment system coming in next week - it'll confuse bidders and sellers will end chasing payments because the tracking system doesn't work probably.  The current system works pretty well and the changes are so stupid that they beggar belief - who's running this business, a *bleep* with no practical experience of trying to use it and who totally fails to realise that focus should be made on the existing processes working correctly !00% of the time before moving on to another *bleep* up.


So frustrated.


Chris at Winchesterblue



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