wooo hooo...SUN!!!

the sun is shining, lovely out, but I've got to wash up the lunch dishes and tidy the kitchen, but to be honest, I'm pooped!

I must get OH to put the swing seat back on and we can go out and have our lunch in the garden, at least then I'd get to snooze in the sun!!!


what are you doing this afternoon?


Message 1 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

Been lovely here all day I've got my washing dry at last, done my ironing, cleaned the house , dusted .took the dog for a long walk after washing my hair & let it sun dry( it's long& I don't often wear it loose but I love to sun dry it )came home put me flip flops & shorts on& went outside & helped my neighbour pull weeds,

Message 21 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

You seem to have had a busy day Sandra.  As I go swimming every day, I have short hair and it gets washed every day.  It only takes a few minutes to dry my hair even though it is thick.  I'm having a hair cut next week thankfully as it's annoying me at the moment.

Message 22 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

well Chris, did you find out what was going on then? I is nosey too!!!!


Message 23 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

Unfortunately not CB.  I keep looking on the websites of both the local newspapers but there's nothing there yet.  One of my neighbours may know but what she doesn't know, she makes up so we just take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.  On the road where that happened, there was a murder in one of the houses a few years back.  It's got me thinking even more now.  I'd just like to know what's happened.

Message 24 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

ooooh what have I missed I also is nosey?

Message 25 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

I think that half of Merseyside police and North West Ambulance service where outside a house near where I live this morning.  I've been trying my best to find out what's happened but to no avail.  As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.

Message 26 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh whats happened???,,i want to know now.


Well sun was out and i thought i would be sitting out on the balcony today but at the moment its gone all overcast again!!!!. I have shut the balcony door again,,,and now as im tryping suns coming out again. I dont believe it!!!!!. Grrrrrr.Woman Frustrated

Message 27 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

It's really hot here!

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 28 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh so lovely here, warm, slight breeze, gorgeous.

Message 29 of 30
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wooo hooo...SUN!!!

It was hot here first thing but it's cooled down a little bit now.


I still can't find out what happened near here yesterday.  I'll go and have a check to see if there's anything the local press websites.

Message 30 of 30
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