what type of person are you?

I'm not a girly girl, total opposite in fact

Hate shopping, unless its in tech or power tools

Love horror movies


my biggest thing is, if I decide to do something, eg crafts/diy/exams, I have to purchase everything that may be needed ( or not really needed)


once I get to grips with a task to an acceptable level, I have to go find something else.


But I never master anything as my mind says, hey you dont know how to do that and Im off again.


So whats your personality?






Message 1 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I must admit that I prefer not to wear skirts or dresses but I will if I have to do.  I will try to do more craft things and things on the computer.  I don't like watching soaps but I like watching antiques programmes and quiz programmes.  I like Strictly but I don't like watching programmes such as the X Factor or The Voice.  I will have a go at anything though.

Message 2 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

@hightara wrote:

I'm not a girly girl, total opposite in fact

Hate shopping, unless its in tech or power tools

Love horror movies


my biggest thing is, if I decide to do something, eg crafts/diy/exams, I have to purchase everything that may be needed ( or not really needed)


once I get to grips with a task to an acceptable level, I have to go find something else.


But I never master anything as my mind says, hey you dont know how to do that and Im off again.


So whats your personality?


my mum would have called you jack of all trades master of none...she was allways saying that to me when i was younger...


I am not girly (unless forced) i am quiet and   i am also a book worm and crafter.i do not watch much tv (oh has sport on).i am happy sitting by myself sewing or reading but i do enjoy my quiz nights out. i am also a fun nanny as i do craft and baking with my grand children







Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 3 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I'm an extrovert but live with an introvert.

I am fun loving, have a good sense of humour, but a quick short temper!!!!

I like to read, craft and use my lappy to talk to you guys and buy online as I hate shopping. I was never a girly girl, I think it's because I've always been big.

I am quite happy with my lot but sometimes I wish my introvert husband would loosen up a bit at times.


Message 4 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

Like you Kate I hate shopping & love horror films & books.:) I have a bit of an addictive personality so if I take up a hobby & buy all the stuff & then if I don't get on with it I have to seel it again! I think we might be twins! lol Patchwork & Quilting is probably the only thing I have stuck with & am reasonabley good at. I am also quite bossy & like to organise! That's my Aries side coming out!


"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 5 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

reasonabley good???????? don't ya mean fantastic, your quilting is incredible.

OH calls me bolshy hahahaaaa


Message 6 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I'm not girlie, can't stand wearing frills and scarves and jewelery and bows etc.  Don't wear make up except a little when I'm going somewhere special. 


I'm lazy and prefer to stay at home rather than socialise or shop.  I'm quite quiet and laid back, am a follower rather than a leader and am perfectly happy on my own doing my odd bits of crafting.  I dabble rather than excel and am not imaginative but I think I have a keen sense of humour.

Message 7 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I suppose some would call me a tom boy, love sport and cars, can strip an engine and know the off side rule.


Out side of work you won't find me in a skirt , more a jeans and trainers person


Hate food shopping but do like spending time looking for presents for peeps,


do love cooking and baking though



“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 8 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

Read Captain Bovines post that is me ti a T.
Message 9 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

Mmmm.....seem to be at odds here...

Im not a girl anymore ....but would not dream of going outside of the house without wearing make up ...

Love jewellery ,sequins and dressing up .....love shopping .....

My reasoning is that as a young child I always had home made clothes and sensible shoes .....

My daughter is the total opposite to me .....and I love her to bits !!!!!!
Message 10 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

This is me on holday in Italy, groomed to within an inch of my life.  Always been the same. Just habit now. Mind you with my black wardrobe, once the slap is on I can be out the door in 10 mins, love wearing jewellery too. Conversely I do a lot of DIY and love my garden, was out in me wellies planting daffodils in the rain, great. I look like a bag lady when I'm working outside.  I'm hard working loyal and kind (I think!) and self contained. Love music and film, not mad on telly but do watch detective thingies, read all the time, everything from crime to the American Civil War.  Takes a lot for me to lose my temper, but once I've exploded it's done with.  Arien like Maggie, always the organiser.






I miss my hair Woman Sad



Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 11 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I am also Aries... say no more!......

Message 12 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I'm also very much a dress lady when I'm not working, quite happy to wear jeans ,TShirt & walking boots, but love pretty things & heels!.

Message 13 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

When i'm pottering about the house i wear trs or jeans & tee shirts but i love to dress up when going out .  


  I cant wear  heels as high as i used to but still wear 3" ones with a dress or pencil skirt & love pretty feminine things , so yes im very much a girlie girlCat Very Happy


A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.
Message 14 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

Cant believe how much you all have came to life for me, what fantastic insights into your persona (look at me getting all swanky worded)


Rainy you are one stunning lady!!!


Pcc, I cant walk in heels (doesnt help Im nearly six foot anyways) at the wee ones communion I had a tiny tiny heel, but stil felt like a drag queen.


Wear t-shirts and jeans/yoga pants and my must have trainers (size 😎


I can harbour a grudge for years ( not a nice quality)


have a serious mental health problem, but I choose not to be labelled so I wont say what I have (not ashamed in anyway about it, I just dont like to be niched)




Message 15 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

Hightara, to us you are a friend, and a very nice one at that, not a label, no matter what you've



Me, I'm not a girlie girl either really, I love being outdoors, love swimming indoors and out.  At

work (most of you know I'm a coach driver) I'm the only female driver but like to be treated just

the same as the blokes and think I can hold my own with them!  I am rarely, very rarely, seen

in a dress, never in a skirt, usually in trousers or jeans and I like to look clean and smart



I love crafting, love animals, love driving, going out, the seaside/coast and adore my family and

my cats.  I like to think I'm kind, I help when I can.


Downside is I like shopping - too much lol!

Message 16 of 17
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Re: what type of person are you?

I try to maintain a positive outlook, love trying new things and visiting new places, am pragmatic and a logical thinker, like to take part, love being a Dad!

Message 17 of 17
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