what's happening to the post office???

I took my three parcels to the p.o. today, now they were going surface mail, no stickers for air mail on them, she was more interested in gossiping about what was in them, who were they going to etc etc. So she weighs it and then goes and puts an airmail sticker on it!! she'd already printed the label with the price on so she panicked. I being me, totally soft said it was OK it could go airmail...it was the smallest parcel thank goodness... still cost me £7thud smiley.gifShe couldn't work out how much it was for surface mail, in fact she could'nt find surface mail at all!! in the end she discovered economy mail which must be what they call it now. Gawd, it cost me all in £32 so I hope she got it right and they get to the USA alright.....


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Re: what's happening to the post office???

Last December, they altered our post office and it's now open from 8 til 8 Monday to Saturday and 10 til 4 on a Sunday.  Just after this, I went to post a parcel which was going to someone in this country.  I was told that I couldn't send it because the post code was wrong.  I was posting an item I'd sold on here.  Fortunately, I had the sense to check with the Royal Mail website and the postcode was in fact correct.  Can you imagine if I'd have contacted the buyer to tell her that her postcode was wrong when in fact it was correct?  I was seriously underwhelmed.  They wonder why you get annoyed with them.  On a second visit to the same post office, they found that the post code was correct.  

Message 2 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

Meant to add CB, I hope that your parcels arrive safe and sound.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

our post office is having big problems as the computer system is kaputt and they can only do postage if you have cash..no pensions no car tax no bill paying no banking.nothing this has been going on for nearly a week.

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 4 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

Our post office will be closing down as the post master is retiring and can't find anyone to buy it. Awful shame its a little goldmine it's always busy. Will have to travel 4 miles to the nearest one is.
Message 5 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

cor...go on Ed buy the place!!! mind you, I ran an office for 12yrs for my boss, it was in the 80's not computerized and a nightmare, it's so easy now for them as it's all computerized.


Message 6 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

until the computerized bit goes wrongbashing computer.gif

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 7 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

Not ours sadly it's very old fashioned it needs an awful lot of work and money spent on it.
Message 8 of 9
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Re: what's happening to the post office???

Our post office is now in the One Stop shop.  It moved there around 20 years ago when it was the Spar shop.  I never went to where it was before but I could well imagine that it was a dump.

Message 9 of 9
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