Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

So hot here still and we now have a wopping thunder storm, very impressive lightening.

Message 1 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

it's still sunny here, hot and a tiny bit windy.....they say rain for us tomorrow

I don't care what it does as long as it's not humid, I have spent all afternoon with a tea towel, soaked in cold water wrapped around my neck to cool me off!!!!


Message 21 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

That's a good idea, Capt.


The humidity has started to go up again and I'm putting off having a shower for as long as I can as I'll only get hot again after a while, but I think I'll get an ice pack going in the fridge too to take to bed with me.


My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 22 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

I sometimes take a cold water bottle to bed with me cos as long as my feet are cool I'm not so bad specially if I leave all the windows open (which drives O/H mad)

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 23 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

Why doesn't he like the windows open?


If I had an enclosed garden where I was safe, I'd be sleeping there and flip to the thunderstorms - well, a quick dash in if it got bad.



Does anyone remember the very long hot summer of '76 when we also had really heavy thunderstorms during the day - and you could pop out, have a shower and wash yer hair if you were quick enough.


I didn't manage the shower, but did wash me hair in the rain - gorgeous it was, too.


My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 24 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

I remember the summer of '76.  Boy was it hot.  We can't sleep with the bedroom windows open as they are long and it would be too easy for anyone to get through.  I can't sleep if my feet are hot either Stan.  That's a good idea having a cold water bottle.  I'd never thought of that.

Message 25 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

...I'm currently working away here in my study in the attic, the digital thermometer in front of me is reading 31.4°C and I have not opened the window or any of the skylights...  Quite comfortable...

Message 26 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 27 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

I like the real time lightning map

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 28 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

I got married in September 76, bought my dress in April & opted for long sleeves. Not a good idea 😕
Message 29 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

I remember the summer of 76.  My children were 6 and 3.  They spent a lot of time in the garden in a little inflatable pool.  The lawn was all yellow, just like hay!  They spent almost the whole summer just in a pair of pants each!


We had the thunder, lightening and torrential rain between 4 and 5 this morning.  I could here Lottie panting from the other end of the house but there was no sound from Molly.  It's dry, grey and very humid now.

Message 30 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

We had  thunder storms here in the early hours , still raining now but thankfully much cooler .



A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.
Message 31 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

i was woken about 5.30 with the rain hammering the window,  then  the thunder and lightning for almost 50 mins


dry atm, slightly cooler but not by much, little breeze atm

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 32 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

Very close to me now!

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 33 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

Are you having a storm right now Maggie?  What a welcome for twish!!  LOL


The ones we had seem to have gone off to the north west of us, I hope yours don't take the same route or we'll end up with them too!


I bathed Molly this morning, I just couldn't bear  the smell any more!!!


She's even skinnier than I thought! Woman Sad


Actually I've just weighed her and she's 16 lbs so that's 4lb in two weeks, but she's grown much taller and longer.


Message 34 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

Bless her she looks so sorry for herself! lol Our storms are heading north by the look of it. Off to get Pat from the station now.:)

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 35 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

MOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,, yooohooo. Shes a lovely clean girl now!!.


Sensational Storm last night. Plenty of Bangs and Lights and all different colours. I love Storm Watching. Bring It On!!!.


Very warm again today,, i have all my windows and balcony door flung open. Listening to The Salvation Army band having a day of playing tunes over the road. we have a big Salvation Army building there. So glad i have a week off now. Got myself some yummy treats and ice creams for today and am going to RELAX.smily cocktail.gif

Message 36 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

Twishy has landed! She is waving to you! lol

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 37 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

Hide your choklit twish, she'll have it off you!!!


Has she asked you when you're going home yet???  LOL


Hope you both have a real good time, don't want to be reading about you in the Sunday papers though!!!   XX.


Message 38 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

No thunder or rain here at all since Thursday night, I put out loads of buckets to catch the rain but nothing.  Still very muggy here,  My son showed me the realtime lightening app this morning very good.

Message 39 of 80
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Wow, 24 degrees outside and what a show of lightening.

We had a couple of claps of thunder just before 5am and then a flash of lightening.  When I went for my swim, the staff were saying how bad it was at 3ish.  Didn't hear that but did hear it later.  We had heavy rain this morning up to about 1pm but it has stopped now.  It's looking like it might start again soon.

Message 40 of 80
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