Who in their right mind ...........

goes onto a mountain when rescue teams are calling off a search because of bad weather and very trecherous conditions !

Two male climbers went onto Ben Nevis on Saturday and then called police to say they were in difficulties and they also remain unaccounted for. These two climbers are totally unrelated in any way to the young Bradford couple already missing on Ben Nevis and were not searching for them.

In my opinion people such as these, if the mountain rescue have to go back onto the mountain and risk their lives to get them down should be charged some kind of monetary recompense which should go to the upkeep of these rescue teams of very brave people along with being charged with gross stupidity (whatever law covers that).

Message 1 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

I agree dark castle.

I would go further and charge people something like £200 deposit before they set off.

This would only be refunded if they came back safely under their own steam.


being charged with gross stupidity (whatever law covers that)."

Wouldnt "causing endangerment to life" cover that

Message 2 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

2 Hillwalkers Found



Message 3 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

If you want to go on an expedition to the South Pole, one of the conditions you have to fulfil to get a permit, is to have an insurance policy to cover the costs of possible rescue.


If you can't pay for people to rescue you, you can't go, there is no one there to do it.


Perhaps something on those lines should operate during the winter months.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 4 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

Many of those rescued in the Lake District make large donations in gratitude - likewise people rescued by the RNLI


It seems to me only fair - although the whole spirit of rescue isn't really about money - it is questionable whether people would engage in it as a paid job maybe?

Message 5 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

wiz, I would in no way advocate any rescue service as a paid job but I would like to think some sort of recompense would be appropriate for the upkeep and replacement of equipment.

R.N.L.I. is a charity and as such is still in existence because of donations as the government give them nothing.

Message 6 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

I have always said mountain climbers/walkers etc should have insurance in case the mountain rescue have to come out to them. If you are not insured you should still have to pay. These people risk their lives for idiots who go out when the weather is diabolical and without the proper clothing etc. It makes me so mad!!!


Message 7 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

We've said that for years CB.  It is so annoying.

Message 8 of 9
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Who in their right mind ...........

i heard over 30yrs ago that if they had any equipment ie rucksacks/ropes etc. it would go missing and somehow find its way into the mountain rescues equipment but there was no way to say who it belonged to so mountain rescue kept it. don't know if this still happens but it is one way to punish the stupid ones

any-one that did all the right things but had an accident never lost anything


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