Toothy Update

Went to the dentist this morning,,she thinks its a cracked tooth that has infection and possibly an abcess starting so im on Antibiotics and have to have the toothy out in just over two weeks. I also asked her(stupidly really) whether this could be making my Blood tests come out funny and she said yes if its a slow growing infection thats been brewing for a while so im mentioning it to the doctor. I have had two lots of previous antibiotics though. Anyway i will tell the doctor see what she thinks.Woman Happy

Message 1 of 26
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Toothy Update

I dont know what im going to do when i lose too many,,,do they fit plates on the NHS or are they a private thing?. I dont know anything about what happens when you lose your teeth?. I cannot afford to pay a lot and it worries me.Woman Sad

Message 21 of 26
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Toothy Update

Yes Rose they do do it on the NHS because I had them done, I had a small plate with 2 teeth on, and it cost the maximum band 3 which if I remember rightly was £230.   Don't want to put you off but it is rubbish and I never wear it, when I was eating with it in I bit down on something and it pressed up against the next tooth and snapped it.  I cant stand it in my mouth horrible thing.



We have now changed to a private dentist and have taken out insurance so I can have my teeth done again,  I will be having a couple of bridges and 2 new crowns, scary money but at least the insurance pays for it.  I am sure most NHS dentists are good it is just the ones we have around here are rubbish, you never see the same one and most of them you can't understand because their English is carp.


Sorry Rose not very optimistic,  good luck for tomorrow.

Message 22 of 26
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Toothy Update

ed is right.they do it if you have a NHS dentist and my new bottom plate is in the highest band which is £219 but he has designed it so if i lose any more teeth they can be added on for the lowest band which is £18.,


ed i have had my nice dentist for about 15 years now and have only had to another one once when mine was on holiday

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 23 of 26
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Toothy Update

Im back,,,well the tooth was a B***ER and broke in lots of pieces so she had to get the bits out. But there is one root that is embedded possibly calcified to jawbone. She did not want to put pressure enough and break my jaw. SO it can stay in and maybe will come to the surface and i can have it out if i wish. Or it can be left in there,it wont or should not cause any pain as there is no nerve in it,,and it just stays there when the gum heals over. She numbed it well and i could not feel a thing but it felt like she was scraping on jawbone trying to get the other bit out. It was probably just the root she was scraping against but it did not sound very nice. I was just laying there twirling my thumbs LOL. She is a very good dentist and tells you all about what she has done which is good. I have the pain tablets, and salt ready to clean it tomorrow. Its still numb at the moment but the hole is HUGE!!!. Im soooo GLAD ITS DONE!!!.Woman Happy


Thanks for advice about the dental stuff above. She said im doing well and still have 22 teeth. I just want to have the prepared knowledge for when the time comes but she said im a way off falsies yet!!.(as i call them). Woman Happy

Message 24 of 26
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Toothy Update

Glad you got on well Rose. Although as I've got a dentist appointment on the 5th of June I'm not sure I needed to know all But mine hopefully is just a checkup . The more scary is my annual eye X-ray on sat.

Message 25 of 26
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Toothy Update

Well thank you lovely Saasher and i hope you get on alright on Saturday with your Eye X Ray.

Message 26 of 26
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