Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Dear Saasher, The bloomin' things are now gambolling on my lawn!  


I have been watching them and think they have made a home (burrow) beneath a huuuuuge conifer/tree we have in the garden (say 40'high x 20'dia).  They are no longer coming from the adjoining field, but always from there.  Could I be right?


Well today, I found they had been eating my geraniums (perennnial cranesbill) of which I have many varieties.  I can't have this, my garden is all I have left, I can't, in no particular order, jog, run, swim (well, a little bit and very slowly), workout, salsa - nowt.  My garden is my solace.


Do I phone the pest control guy?  I can't shoot a rabbit or anything else.  


I have seen only, so far, what I think is a doe and 2 kits.  Oh Lord.  Would really appreciate your advice.


From the road


   I built this from nothing.  Help!

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 1 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion



                                 smilie umbridge.gif

You can fail at what you don't you might as well take a chance on what you love.........

Message 21 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

poor Twishy, but very funny Stan...


cow statement.jpg


Message 22 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

my oh also has a 12 bore shotgun in a locked cabinat


so between us all if we go to rainy's for the weekend camping we will make sure she has no bunnies left..

twishy can alsao come so she can wash the bunnies with her water pistol and those who do not shoot can clear the mess up afterwards.

i am sure rainy will provide us with egg mayo butties for lunch..1966.gif

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 23 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Sounds like a good plan to me! Oiling me catapult as I post. lol.

Message 24 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

I was going to say i will put my Bunny Outfit on and do a Bunny patrol!!! LOL,,, but on second thoughts not while saashers about with her catapult!!! Yikes,,,,,,Woman Surprised

Message 25 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

i would not worry about sashas catapault but twishy and her water pistol.i hear she is a good shot...

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 26 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

I have been known to like the occasional egg butty by the waywaiting for tea smiley.gif


Message 27 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

All welcome - you might have to bunk up though, lol.  Lots of nice beds, love me bedding I do Woman Tongue  Food no problem Cap - egg mayo sarnies easy peasy even in volume.  Mind you, no sunshine here like you lot, piddling down with rain.


No sign of the little beggars today, maybe they are having a lie in.


Dogs - I know 2 and have 'babysat' both of them - Alpie (I know?), black lab, 7 years old, going on 70 - the rabbits could have devoured the 40' conifer by the time he moved.  He has no personality - he's just 'there', perfectly happy, his owner is an elderly chap.


Vrony (I know?) 2 year old Spaniel/Setter-ish something cross, going to classes still, learning how to point and hunt and whatever.  No goodies allowed, not allowed on the furniture and not allowed to jump up, except when she was visiting her auntie. I played hide and seek with her in the garden - she loved it, BUT.  Her owner treats her like an Egyptian Goddess (her's very strict) and I don't think he'd allow her to chase rabbits, but I could ask.  She's a bonny dog and has the most beautiful face and eyes - I'll try to get a photo.  She's a darling.


I know them because they walk past my house and I am in the garden.  Nobody here talks to anyone else much 'too posh'.


NOW I could not shoot any living animal, but talking to the locals I do know airguns and rabbits are not uncommon (we are surrounded by farmland and 'the hotel' which is causing all the uproar tarmacing over fields).  I'd have to be absent, but I mean what if I do nothing and then more arrive?


Saasher, what about one of those hoooge water pistols?, seriously.  If I could get close enough.  Twishy's bound to have one in the loft.


It's not a nice situation Woman Sad

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 28 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Lol. You'd never get close enough to a rabbit to try a shot that would be effective . No I'm afraid it's either ferrets or an air gun & lots of patience. Or even someone with a good working terrier. If the spaniel is being trained to the gun I don't think it would be allowed to chase rabbits for fun & that won't stop em either , you need a dog that will kill I'm afraid!.

Message 29 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

oh hecky thump confused cow smiley.gif


Message 30 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Sorry CB but I'm afraid it's the only way, it's either that or put up with them destroying the Garden but even then unless it's fenced it will be ongoing I'm afraid.

Message 31 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

I think our sashers right,,,,,,,, and i will second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Woman Happy

Message 32 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

CGs hubbys 410 would be ideal for popping a few bunnies off. If you get the bunny sitting side on and aim for its nose the spread of pellets should guarantee only a head shot and you can have rabbit stew.

CG is your OHs 410 the older style where the hammer has a slight bend in it too allow you to sight properly ? Mine did and that will show you how old mine was. 

Message 33 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

as long as it's quick I wouldn't mind.


is a buckling a rabbit btw?


Message 34 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

I heard that description for a young rabbit & a young deer , I think it depends which part of the country you're from,
& yes it is quick CB!. If you're doing your job properly it should always be that way.

Message 35 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Well Saasher - pest control guy phoned.  Says they get a lot of similar calls.


CB look away now please.  They gas them in their burrows.  


Makes me feel sick.  Maybe they have done a moonlight flit - I was up all night and didn't see them - and normally they are up and about early - so unless they are going round the other side of the giant conifer, maybe they've gone?  Would that happen?

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 36 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

They heard you on the phone rainy!!  They've packed their bags and moved on.  Woman LOL

Message 37 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

It's possible they've moved on especially if the young are growing but they will be back! Gassing is very effective but I personally I don't like it. If you use ferrets even if they don't make a kill or spook them into the nets, the smell of the ferret is usually enough to make them move on, to me that's more the end it's your decision .

Message 38 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Why don't you like it Sam?  Have asked Willie, one of the farmers I used to chat to when I did my daily jog (in my previous life) about ferret owners.  Says he'll put a note through my door if he finds anyone.  He will too - asked him for some compost for my garden once and he turned up with his tractor and a trailer full.  Then some big stones for my garden - same story - he even helped me to lift them into place.


Strange thing, last night, after 'meeting' Vrony and her Dad, and Robin (another neighbour), published author and writer, lovely man, and Willie, and Ian and Albie (the lab), all while I'm tootling about in my garden, it struck me how very lucky I am to live in such a beautiful peaceful country place.  With such lovely people around me.  I did know but think now I took it a bit for granted.  I'm blessed really.  Stoopid woman.



Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 39 of 41
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Re: Saasher - help needed - cuniculus/lepus invasion

Hi Rainy, good old farmers eh! lol. Gassing is affective I won't deny it, but I'm always uneasy about it not for the intended victim but for any other wildlife that may be in the vicinity , with a gun, terrier, & ferrets you know exactly what you're killing &it doesn't affect other wildlife& more than that you don't leave carcasses underground leaving chance to spread disease .its just a personal thing really.
& yes you are lucky to live in the country, although I love having the shops on my doorstep, my little house, etc, I miss the quiet beauty ,wildlife & oak trees I've left behind, so savour every minute of it& enjoy even the naughty shushers who eat your lovely

Message 40 of 41
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