Look at this little fella.......



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Re: Look at this little fella.......

you're right there fred...when I was feeding the donkeys, one of them was a cross...an ass I think...she had been cruely treated and was food mad. She came up and grabbed the food and got my little finger in there too. She wasn't letting go and it became a battle of wits...eyes met, I couldn't get my finger out of her mouth. If it hadn't been for a ring I had on my pinky, she would have bitten my finger off I'm sure of it!!! She bent that ring practically flat. Funny though, I don't think she meant it, I just think she thought I was part of the food parcel!!!!


Message 21 of 27
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Re: Look at this little fella.......

OUCH, OUCH, OUCH. Woman SurprisedSmiley Surprised

Message 22 of 27
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Re: Look at this little fella.......

Unlike a horse the donkey can kick out wards as well as backwards, & believe me with deadly accuracy , coupled with the fact they are very intelligent . On the plus side they are very loving & will come over just to say hello without any coaxing or offers of food. In the right hands they are very willing & quick to learn. Unfortunately for them it's on their terms so they are often mistreated for it!

Message 23 of 27
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Re: Look at this little fella.......

My daughters horse did that to me only it was my thumb. After letting him out of the stable I started to eat a creme egg, he then came from behind and nicked my egg but alas my thumb too. I smacked his nose and he let it go but I had a nasty cut on my thumb. Still got the scar. Norty horsey.

Message 24 of 27
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Re: Look at this little fella.......

Blimey, I bet those bites from equine creatures really hurt.  Animals can be cute but they can really hurt if they bite.

Message 25 of 27
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Re: Look at this little fella.......

If you're going to feed any animal whether it be a horse, pony or even a sheep, KEEP YOUR HAND FLAT.  This is of paramount importance.  A horse or pony cannot SEE your hand - you are the one in control.  Once you've fed it, show it your empty hands and move on, and don't over pet them.  Even the best trained horses come unstuck sometimes - Princess Anne had her finger broken when she was about fourteen feeding one of her animals.

Message 26 of 27
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Re: Look at this little fella.......

I had my hand flat but unfortunately she was like a hoover, she must have been starved one time I think.

Bless her, when she was on her good behaviour, she would lay her head on my shoulder and just stay there!! her head was flippin' heavy but I felt really privelaged to have her stay with me.

She eventually had a foal of her own and then calmed down beyond belief. Her hinny was so cute too.


Message 27 of 27
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