Imagine waking in the morning ...........

to find part of your road had disappeared into a large sinkhole ! 

The people on that street in St. Albans must be worried now about their houses as that sinkhole seems to have appeared overnight although the fire service were already aware of a small hole in the road previous to that.

66 feet wide and 33 feet deep ! it is some size of hole and it makes you wonder how much more is unstable around it and will another appear.

There seems to be more and more of these sinkholes showing up and it does make you think where next !

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Re: Imagine waking in the morning ...........

The latst:-


They're saying that water caused the chalk layer to dissolve? Often, run-off from roofs is led to a soakaway rather than in to the drainage system so I wonder if that played any part?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 4
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Re: Imagine waking in the morning ...........

my heart goes out to them, the shock must have been immense, just imagine waking up to that!!!



Message 3 of 4
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Re: Imagine waking in the morning ...........

Those stories I find really shocking - I just can't imagine what it would be like to open your curtains and see your drive has vanished: just lucky no-one was on it.  I wouldn't even know how to check whether an area was liable for sinkholes etc - but I bet it plays the devil with your household insurance...

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