Healthy eating??????

my friend and I went out to lunch today, as we are both trying to loose weight we decided to have jacket potato instead of chips.


a portion of chips was £1.95.......


now how on earth are you supposed to eat healthy with mad pricing like that???



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Healthy eating??????

hang on, it stole half my message there....


the price of the jacket was £4.95 I asked why it was the same price as one with filling, and she said she'd put coleslaw and salad with it, which btw wouldn't have covered a saucer!!!

the chips were £1.95!!


it's not easy in the UK to eat healthily is it? you can't get a salad here with a hard boiled egg on!!!


Message 2 of 7
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Healthy eating??????

Know what you mean CB.  It's ridiculous isn't it?

Message 3 of 7
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Healthy eating??????

Not sure where, but I remember going for a meal, and they offer what they call "flip your chips"


You can swap the chips for either a jacket, boiled potatoes or mash, with no difference in the price.


It was one of those pub restaurants which is part of a chain.

Message 4 of 7
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Healthy eating??????

I will say the healthier you want to eat the more you seem to have to pay out. Even individual things to make your own meals.heart

Message 5 of 7
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Healthy eating??????

I think the only way to eat healthily around here is to buy salad and sandwiches and go and have a  picnic somewhere nice


Message 6 of 7
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Healthy eating??????

No profit in healthy, healthy is not generally messed about with, loads of cheap additives etc,  One potato makes a lot of chips and you don't have to be as fussy with the sort of potato as you do with a jacket.


Just take the glass of cola you have in a pub, water bit of gas and some syrup, and same price as a pint of beer, costs pennies to buy so much more profit.


Chocolate mousse with chocolate flavouring 45p

chocolate mousse made with real chocolate 1.05


Sorry not a  healthy example I know, but it makes a point.



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