Everyone up to date on the Vehicle Excise Duty disc abandonment?

AKA scrapping the tax disc and what it means for the future?



I came across this on another forum so thought I'd add it here in case anyone isn't up to speed with the ins and outs.




My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
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Everyone up to date on the Vehicle Excise Duty disc abandonment?

That's interesting because when I renewed mine at the end of May ( at the Post Office ) I was warned that I must display it until it expires as the end of the need to display for any given vehicle applies from the first renewal under the new scheme...
Message 21 of 23
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Everyone up to date on the Vehicle Excise Duty disc abandonment?

do traffic wardens give notices for Tax?  i thought that was a police enforcement issue


i expect there will be a few puzzled people in the PO  these coming weeks

including the counter staff,  the manageress and one staff member were doing the 1st

when a guy was in yesterday having bought a new car


according to another staff member of ours they have been sent a booklet to read 'at our leisure'


no dvd or anyone sent on a course, she is SO  happy to be  leaving before  Oct

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 22 of 23
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Everyone up to date on the Vehicle Excise Duty disc abandonment?

It states here that you don't have to display the disc after October 1st:-



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 23 of 23
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