Browser hijack

I am having serious problems accessing any Ebay pages except my home/account page. Everytime I do a search or open a page, within a few seconds the page jumps to a search error page for yahoo looking for a file with the prefix PIC. Have run virus checker and malwear scans and all this end is clean. Everything works fine on other sites but Ebay is unusable. Its driving me mad as I cannot search for anything without this happening. Using firefox. Any help please.

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

If you're using Windows, take a look through the pinned thread at the top of the board - especially post 25. All a little dated now.


I honestly can't make out whether Malwarebytes is no longer available in a free version. You could either purchase it, or just use the trial version, uninstalling it when you're done. Check for any pre-ticked boxes inviting you to try the trial version - it might still be possible to avoid the trial version of the "premium" version at the installation stage. (The paid version is probably worth it, but I've no experience of it and as it's real time protection, it's one more thing running on your computer.)


I'd be inclined to run scans first with Malwarebytes and then with AdwCleaner (now owned by Malwarebytes, I think) - remove any nasties.


See how you get on.



Message 2 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

I'm still using the  free version of malwarebytes and updating new definitions OK.

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

I use malwearbyte and all is cleane this end. As I said it is only ebay that I have the problem.


Message 4 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Try re-starting FF with all add ons disabled - option under help. Any difference? Try another browser?

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Well did as you said and turned off all addon's in FF with no difference. Checked the status of my popup blocker and found it was off. Came  as part of AVG, but it seems that since the last update to Zen, it is no longer free and you have to pay for it. Installed another add blocker and the problem went. Page stable. Something on the Ebay pages was trigering this search.

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

i wonder there are still browser hijackers bcaz im using my PC after months,anyhow u should be very careful as once i suffered from this issue and i remember some websites told that hijackers can steal your money or personal information, anyways you can try running a malware removal tool such as Malware Bytes or Super Antispyware. here is a list of useful links that will help you get rid of this problem

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

I'm getting exactly the same problem as the original poster. No other web site has this issue. The home page loads fine the just after the search the browser reloads with a chinese web page. In IE11 i get a warning the current web page is trying to open a page on your Intranet. Do you want to continue' If i say know i can use the web page ok but its very slow.

I've tried Chrome and it doesn't give me the choice not to open it and it goes straigt to it every time!

I've ran every malware / virus scan known to man all not picking anything up!

It's just so odd its just it DOESN'T do it with EBAY.COM!!!! Now explain that.

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Hi, cool-as-columbo.


The villains are getting smarter all the time, aren't they? If things like Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner haven't resolved the problem, it MIGHT be worth trying the suggestions here:


(Don't worry about the "Why did we send you here?" bit.)


Your browser might still be set to send you to the sites the original malware wanted you to visit.


Before doing all that, you might also clear cookies and cache - can't hurt. I suppose it's just possible that an old cached page is causing the problem.


I'm just so glad that I no longer rely on readily infected MS Windows - but goodness knows how long the happiness will last...

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Had a look at the link and checked and all is normal. This laptop has only just been reimaged by my IT dept so is in a fresh condition. 

All caches cleared. 

It's just odd that it's doing it in both IE11 and chrome???? And ONLY on the search bar. I can browse through ebay all day no problems until you use the search bar.

Message 10 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

I've got the exact same problem. after a few seconds of searching it sends me to an external site which doesn't load. 

It happens on Chrome and IE11. i have cleared out all caches and removed all extensions. I have ran Spybot, MalwareBytes, Sophos and window defender, nothing is found. I have also ran all the malware removers in windows safe mode and still nothing has been found. 

Only is affected .com is fine. 

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

That's what I get, the results come up ok but after 3 seconds off to the Chinese web page.
Message 12 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Really odd.


"This laptop has only just been reimaged by my IT dept" - I suppose that COULD just be the problem, if it was re-imaged from an image containing the bothersome software. Have you tried a system restore to a date preceding the problem?


Look up the gentle art of manually resetting your browser. It's just possible that, although a piece of malware has gone, its settings might remain.


If you've cleared cookies and cache (as in everything - "from the beginning of time," I think Chrome puts it), I suppose it's possible that the undesired settings are being preserved elsewhere on your computer. Have you tried clearing Flash cookies, for instance?


Really sounds annoying, and a little worrying. It'll be interesting to hear how you eventually resolve it.

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

I have cleared setting down from IE and Chrome, but it still happens.
Im.a bit lost with what to do now.
Message 14 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Presumably the problem only exists on specific computers. If it were an eBay problem, thousands of users would have been affected, and I'd imagine a lot more would have been said on these boards by now.


Remember a while ago various bits of adware seemed to sense specific shopping pages and only launched their ads when those pages were loaded? I'm wondering whether this might be something similar - a piece of software which lurks in wait for  a particular page to appear, before hijacking it.


It's unlikely that eBay will be able to assist, although I suppose those affected could try their luck with Customer Servies.


It might be more rewarding to accept that this is going to take a while, and to try to locate and remove the problem on the affected computers. I'm bound to leave  bits out, but I'd be inclined to proceed along these lines:


Check the computer is fully "patched" - with all Windows and third party appllcations up to date.


Take a close look at the Add/Remove Programs (or whatever it is called on your version of Windows), and see whether there is anything unusual there. If so, look any suspect programs up on the internet to see whether any of them is dodgy. Just be careful not to click on any installation pages you come across...


Toolbars are high on the list of Usual Suspects in this process. Frankly, I've never seen the point of the things, but even if you like them, it might be worth ditching any you find and seeing whether that helps. Any you really need (probably none) can always be reinstalled afterwards.


Find out how to clear ALL local data (cookies/cache) from your browsers, and do it.


If you have Flash Player, find out how to use its Settings Manager and clear everything it has stored. (You may need to reverify with a telephone numerical code next time you try to sell something. A minor inconvenience, and worth it if you get rid of something nasty.)


You're probably still not out of the woods. Run full scans with your antivirus, and with at least a couple of anti-scumware apps. I'd go for Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner. If you can face it, it would do no harm to run SuperAntiSpyware, too. There are one or two others mentioned on the pinned thread at the top of the board. (AdwCleaner will want a restart. It would probably do no harm to restart after you've completed everything else, too.)


Clear anything found during scans.


Manually check your browsers to see what add-ons are installed. Remove any you don't remember installing.


Reset your browser to its original state (it's easy to find instructions for this on the internet.) This will necessitate re-doing your usual customisations - disabling third party cookies, reinstalling wanted add-ons and so forth.


Many of these annoyances install themselves along with some piece of otherwise useful free software which we've installed, and it's quite possible that the problems folk are experiencing here might be related to other pieces of software which have been installed. On the increasingly rare occasions when I fire up a Windows computer now, I always run Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner after downloading and installing anything, even programs from reputable sites.


All a bit tedious but, without knowing just how dangerous your computer's infection is, it might be safest to take extreme action to get rid  of it. It could just be an annoying piece of adware; it could be something much nastier, hoovering up goodness knows what information/logins/financial details etc etc.



Message 15 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Thanks for the message.

I know it is something to do with my laptop, just seems strange that nothing has been picking it up and it is only affecting

I have tried 4 different malware scanners and 2 virus scanners, from with in windows 7 and from safe mode as well. I have also disabled all browser addon, cleared all setting down and cleared all temp file and caches. I have also checked for any unwanted programmes/tool bars, which there wasn't any. 


I suspect, the few people which have this problem have some malware on their system that is either really new, or not very wide spread so it hasn't been picked up by the security systems. 


I'm currently checking for updates on my virus and malware scanners and running them daily to hope it is picked up and found. 

Not sure what else to do at the moment. 


Cheers for your help


Message 16 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Hi, has anyone got any news update on this? I am suffering the same problem but am unable to work out why. Cheers

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

There maybe millions of computers affected by this (I have exactly the same problem on my desk-top Win10 pc with all updates installed). Ebay search is the ONLY browsing experience affected. If my Chrome or I.E browser were hi-jacked, why would the problem only occur in Ebay? It is a real problem and makes using Ebay a nightmare. Searches, keyboard entry, scrolling over pages and images, are all constantly interrupted by sites that appear in the bottom left-hand toolbar section of the screen as re-directs and appear to be site-monitoring programmes keeping track of my searches and or putting other ads around my ebay page. I repeat that this ONLY happens in ebay. I suspect that all this site monitoring and advertisement placement is happening because of Ebay and it's affiliated advertising sites and that the serious performance overhead I'm experiencing is due to my ESET anti-virus having to check all of these 3rd party sites for malware/viruses. If I was brave enough, I'd turn off my firewall/AV programme and see if the same performance issues existed. I'm not brave enough and maybe there's some-one with a bit more savvy that would confirm that "securepubads.g.doubleclick"   -   "" -  "rg.audit" or about 10 others which I've not bothered to capture, are actually Ebay sanctioned.

The advice about AdwCleaner, AntiMalwarebytes,Toolbar additions and clearing cache are redundant as I've tried all of these many times

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

I use adblock plus addon & pop up blocker with firefox browser for ebay, keeps things under control.


ESET anti-virus doesn't seem particularly highly regarded but as you say if the problem was an infection, more than ebay likely to be affected

Message 19 of 21
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Re: Browser hijack

Ive had enough of these vulnerabilities through only the ebay website.


Ebay are obviously not too interested in making their experience a safe one for users.


Ebay, I am disgusted at your indifference to this problem and obvious security issue it causes users; some having used your website for many years.


Its time for me to move on from this website.

Message 20 of 21
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