I am receiving texts from DRS

I have received several text messages from DRS containing a link. They have my full name. Telling me I owe money. I have contacted Ebay directly and they I have stated my account has no arreas or money owed. What should I do? I don't want this to end up with a court judgement or debt collectors

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Re: I am receiving texts from DRS

I have been recieving exactly the same texts recently. My eBay account has no arrears. I rang DRS to find out more and they said if I didn't give my full details they I'd  have to speak to EBay about it. The lady said she would remove my number without prompting. All very suspect IMO. 

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Re: I am receiving texts from DRS

Very suspicious. Ebay have confirmed I am not in debt with them so im thinking to just ignore these texts. The only thing is how have they got my full name and number to be able to send me these text messages

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Re: I am receiving texts from DRS

Sounds more like a phishing attempt to me; the sender has probably obtained your name and number from a scammer's list. The fact they mention eBay is probably a lucky guess, similar to the scam phone calls from 'Microsoft security' trying to get remote access to your PC - most computers run Microsoft software so the vast majority of the time they'll call someone who uses MS software.


Check the details for the company/originating phone number on the internet. DRS is an ancronym for (amongst other things) Debt Recovery Service and whilst there are numerous DRS companies I'm not actually sure if there is a Debt Recovery Service called DRS.


If there was a genuine debt you would have received Court papers long ago and had the opportunity to respond; if you had then had judgement made against you for a debt you would have been served with paperwork detailing the debt and only if you ignored everything would the company to which you owed that debt then go to the High Court to obtain a warrant for recovery and called in a debt collection agency.


The debt recovery process does not operate via text messages. Do not engage with this 'company' - it only confirms to them that the details they have are correct.


Message 4 of 6
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Re: I am receiving texts from DRS

Thanks for your answer to the DRS question. I'm getting these text all the time. There is no phone number just DRS and I have no idea how I would owe eBay money anyway. I also feel they would of contacted me by email or message on my eBay account. Now I know I would have had papers by now has stopped me worrying about the text any more. Thanks. 

Message 5 of 6
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Re: I am receiving texts from DRS

I have reported this company to the FCA and there is a form on their website. Also it is harassment and needs to be reported to the police. I have had a string of texts for some that is not me, blocked the number but they just use another one. 

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