💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

Hi everybody!


The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible. 


Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!


Our eBay Community Team is made up of kat@ebay , dave@ebay  and katie@ebay . Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, ProTrader, Fulfilment, Parts & Accessories, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support. 


To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer. 


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat! 


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
Message 1 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

Experienced Mentor


The question below was asked by a member in the forum on 24th October.  Along with other mentors, I said this was very unlikely/not possible.  Can the community team confirm that the OP must have been mistaken?

Hi, I asked ebay for my ebay data and they sent me my personal information including my private photos, my private documents and all of the information I keep on my computer.  I would like to know how they can go into my computer and access these with out my knowledge.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 2 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

I set up a coupon the other week to send to followers, subscribers via shop newsletter >  campaign template yet when I go to select the coupon option it does not work or no options there. Spent half a hour on the phone to CS support who were no help and just told me to send it manually to previous buyers. 

Is there a way to create a coded coupon and send to followers, previous buyers etc? 



Message 3 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

Hi - I've got an issue or two with the new selling template - in particular the postage options. Here is an example.


If I click on a current item and 'Sell Similar' it brings up all the details fine. However, if I had toggled one of my previous saved postage defaults which is £5 UK delivery / £12.50 Europe / £21.50 RoW to £15 Europe and £30 RoW then the 'Sell Similar' defaults back to £5/£12.50/£21.50. Don't think that happened with the old template.


When attempting to change the original postage default (Amend postage for this listing only) it won't allow a change (just spins a wheel but won't update) unless you save the new 'Sell Similar' listing into the draft folder and then complete the draft thereafter.

I'm only using eBay on my desktop using Opera as my browser. Everything is up-to-date at my end but it's annoying to have to change the postage tabs every time, more so when it can't be done with a simple click.

Message 4 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@jckl1957 wrote:


The question below was asked by a member in the forum on 24th October.  Along with other mentors, I said this was very unlikely/not possible.  Can the community team confirm that the OP must have been mistaken?

Hi, I asked ebay for my ebay data and they sent me my personal information including my private photos, my private documents and all of the information I keep on my computer.  I would like to know how they can go into my computer and access these with out my knowledge.


Hi @jckl1957 

Thanks for reaching out. 

There is no way for us to access any information on a computer or phone unless it was was shared directly with us. 

The OP can reach out to the privacy team here for more information if they having already. Its also worth tagging one of us on any posts like this so we can look in to it if we miss the post. 



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Message 5 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

I did tag a member of the community team - maybe I didn't do it correctly?  Anyway, thank you for your reassuring reply.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 6 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

Numerous issues on the New Listing Tool,

Weekly chat has advised the threads are beinb monitored but there are many threads, 

Where can we leave feedback that will be addressed,

Message 7 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@returns_andexdisplay wrote:

I set up a coupon the other week to send to followers, subscribers via shop newsletter >  campaign template yet when I go to select the coupon option it does not work or no options there. Spent half a hour on the phone to CS support who were no help and just told me to send it manually to previous buyers. 

Is there a way to create a coded coupon and send to followers, previous buyers etc? 



Hi @returns_andexdisplay 

You should be able add the coupon in there, its possibly an issue. 

I'll take this one offline and have a look into it.  Ill get back to you a little later today.




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Message 8 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@drgwalker wrote:

Hi - I've got an issue or two with the new selling template - in particular the postage options. Here is an example.


If I click on a current item and 'Sell Similar' it brings up all the details fine. However, if I had toggled one of my previous saved postage defaults which is £5 UK delivery / £12.50 Europe / £21.50 RoW to £15 Europe and £30 RoW then the 'Sell Similar' defaults back to £5/£12.50/£21.50. Don't think that happened with the old template.


When attempting to change the original postage default (Amend postage for this listing only) it won't allow a change (just spins a wheel but won't update) unless you save the new 'Sell Similar' listing into the draft folder and then complete the draft thereafter.

I'm only using eBay on my desktop using Opera as my browser. Everything is up-to-date at my end but it's annoying to have to change the postage tabs every time, more so when it can't be done with a simple click.

Hi @drgwalker,

Thank you for your questions.

In regard to the first can you send me a screenshot of the experience. I'm not fully following when you are selecting Sell similar. Are you editing the template and it's not saving? If so, this is an issue our teams are currently investigating.

For the second one, I'll take a closer look.  Are you also using a template here or does this happen with any sell similar?




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Message 9 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

I seek clarification as to what merits negative feedback removal.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Message 10 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@fatbobfan wrote:

Numerous issues on the New Listing Tool,

Weekly chat has advised the threads are beinb monitored but there are many threads, 

Where can we leave feedback that will be addressed,

Hi @fatbobfan 

We read through all the threads daily but if there's something you want us to to look at directly tag us on the comment and we will do what we can. 



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Message 11 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm


Would be nice a place to follow update on what ebay is currently working on with estimate time of completion.... and maybe a chat option underneath so we can leave feedback.

Thank you

Message 12 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

Hi Katie. I'm clicking the 'Sell Similar' here:


Message 13 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@icecarmedia wrote:

I seek clarification as to what merits negative feedback removal.

Hi @icecarmedia,

Feedback removal is slightly rare and is taken on a case by case bases. We must allow the buyer to have a space to provide their opinion on the transaction as a whole.

In some situations we may be able to disprove the comment based on factual evidence like tracking but if this is an opinion of a buyer we may not be able to disprove.

As mentioned they are taken on a case by case and we recommend speaking to customer support if you would like a specific review of feedback.

There may also be cases where a buyer misuses the feedback system. You can see the full feedback policy here



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Message 14 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@jckl1957 wrote:

I did tag a member of the community team - maybe I didn't do it correctly?  Anyway, thank you for your reassuring reply.

Its probably worth tagging myself and Kat just in case one of us are off. We can come back in to a lot of notifications so there's a possibility a tag could be missed missed. 

Did you find your solution? Help other members by marking your problem as solved. Simply click on "Accept as solution" for the answer that helped you.
Message 15 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

you tagged katie@ebay 


and it looks correct to me!


Re: Personal informatio - UK eBay Community

Message 16 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

We've been invited to participate in the 15% off Cyber Week coupon. Before I decide whether to go for it, can you clarify a couple of things as last year it was a bit of a debacle. Will it be the same set-up as last year where most participating sellers won't get their items included on the offer page, with just a few selected sellers having their listings shown there? Or will the offer page that buyers are taken to when they click on the offer show all included listings when buyers search from it?

If it's a two-tier offer like last year, with just a handful of specially selected sellers for each category being shown to buyers outside of the normal search results pages, how do sellers actually get selected for this? Last year, it wasn't based on the size of the seller, eg only anchor shops. It also wasn't based on feedback percentage, number of listings, top rated status, free postage, delivery speed, promoted listings or any other criteria that I could see. It appeared to be a completely random selection with a few sellers in each category having all of their qualifying listings shown for the entire duration of the promotion while all other sellers had no qualifying items shown at any time.

This special page for the promotion implied that it included all listings that were in the offer whereas in reality the vast majority of included listings could only be found by chance when doing a normal ebay search.

I'm not knocking the offer as it is a generous offer from ebay. I just want to understand how it's presented to buyers and, if there are going to be just a special few sellers again, why and how are they selected? Discovering this last year was really disappointing.

Message 17 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@pixiesen2012 wrote:

you tagged katie@ebay 


and it looks correct to me!


Re: Personal informatio - UK eBay Community

Hi @pixiesen2012,

I did not receive a notification for this tag.

@jckl1957 please make sure to select the username from the dropdown when tagging.

If this is the case and the tag did not work please send a message in the group and I'll review after the chat.



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Message 18 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

Hi Katie - I have a number of pre-set postage rates stored in the rate tables folder (somewhere on eBay). It doesn't matter what rate table I try to amend, but no matter the category, nor the table, I have to save the 'Sell Similar' listing into the draft folder before it allows me to amend the pre-existing rate table.

Message 19 of 32
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💬 Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 26.10.22 @2pm

@drgwalker wrote:

Hi Katie - I have a number of pre-set postage rates stored in the rate tables folder (somewhere on eBay). It doesn't matter what rate table I try to amend, but no matter the category, nor the table, I have to save the 'Sell Similar' listing into the draft folder before it allows me to amend the pre-existing rate table.

Thank you for that further explanation @drgwalker.

This sounds similar to an issue Kat is exploring with the listing tool team.

I'm going to review it more closely after the chat. Do you have an example item number that has the rate table you were hoping to change?



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Message 20 of 32
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.