Missing product, Refund was paid, 4 weeks later, the product has turned up....

Hi - not sure what to do in this situation. 


around 6 weeks ago, i approached the seller about a missing product, which was 2 weeks late - the seller replied "it was definitely sent", then i received no further responses from them, with queries about tracking number, where it was posted etc getting no responses.......so the seller wasnt at all helpful in trying to track down the product

Due to no responses, i raised an issue with Ebay - still didnt get any help from the seller - and after 2 weeks, i got a refund ( i'm not sure whether the seller pays the refund or if Ebay do??)

last week, out of the blue, i received a "Royal Mail has a package waiting for you but there isnt enough postage on it, so you have to pay £1.50" card in the post - as i have a few purchases, i didnt know what it was, so i paid it, and a few days later, the missing item turned up.....

the ebay case is now closed, so how do i proceed?- as per my earlier question, is it the seller who pays out for a missing product, or is it EBay themselves?  

thanks in advance for info, 

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Re: Missing product, Refund was paid, 4 weeks later, the product has turned up....

The seller will have paid for the refund - because of managed payments, the refund will have come via Ebay but from the seller's funds or bank account.

What you do next is up to you.

Personally, I would message the seller and tell them you have finally received the item.  I would offer to repay them the amount refunded, less the £1.50p fine you had to pay to receive the item.

The seller can then arrange a way for you to pay.  They will not be able to collect the payment through Ebay.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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