I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

I cannot spend or withdraw my ebay balance. Is this a common issue, as it does say it is avaialble to do either ?


Message 1 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

This is a new thing, so it doesn't surprise me that there are problems with it!  Are you getting some sort of 'error message'?

I expect you saw the update message from eBay:- 'New ways to use and access your funds starting 16 October'.  At the bottom of the message, it says:- 'As always, if you have any questions, just get in touch - we're here to help.'

If the 'help' involves the useless automated assistant, it would be interesting to know what solution it comes up with. I haven't any experience with the eBay balance as yet, but hopefully someone who has will be able to offer some advice.

Message 2 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

I had the same problem, opting out of seller hub solved it.

Message 3 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Hi @kimmie2000 ,


Thank you for your post.


Are you still having issues trying to withdraw your funds?


Thank you,


I am currently out of office and will return on the 24th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 4 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

I definitely am. I'm in the withdraw page and I can type in the payout amount but the total payout section just stays at £0. The send my money now button is also just greyed out so I'm unable to withdraw my funds. I definitely have money available to withdraw as it's shown below the payout amount section. It's also showing I have money to withdraw on my eBay page.

Message 5 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Hi @lepar_3121 ,


Where it shows as £0.00 click into that and change that amount to what you want. Once you do that, the withdraw button should become available to click on.


Thank you,


I am currently out of office and will return on the 24th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 6 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

So I can click into the big £0 at the top of the page and change it fine, but it does not update the "total payout" section below which stays at £0. 

Message 7 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Try a different browser, that may be the issue


Chrome normally works fine on eBay


Don't even try to use the app....

Message 8 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Hi @lepar_3121 ,


Are you using the app or desktop? What browser are you currently using and can you try from a different browser to see if that allows you to withdraw?


If possible can you share a screenshot of your view making sure to block out any personal details


Thank you,





I am currently out of office and will return on the 24th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 9 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Im using the app which I thought would be the most secure and likely to work option.


I've added an attachment so hopefully you'll be able to tell me that I've missed something painfully obvious.


As you can see I can change the upper number fine but the lower number just sticks at £0. I've tried clicking into £0 but it doesn't seem to do anything.


Message 10 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Fixed. You need to make sure to click the "Tick" on your numpad when inputting the amount to withdraw otherwise it doesn't actually change the value from £0 even though it shows that it does. 

Message 11 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

@lepar_3121 That's great that it's worked and thank you for coming back and confirming.


Thank you,


I am currently out of office and will return on the 24th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 12 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Yep , this is happening to me as well .. Have rang customer service 4 times and keep getting fobbed off ..telling me to try a different device or go through Google or the latest one delete the app and re install ..nothing works .one agent slipped up and mentioned they don't want you to take your money out ...soooo frustrating ..I'll be closing my account of 18 years once i get the money .it's just not worth the hassle

Message 13 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Hi @pdavies980 ,


Can you provide a screenshot of your view when you are trying to withdraw.  The other user here was successful when he made sure to " tick" on his numpad (numbers part of keyboard) when inputting the amount to withdraw otherwise it doesn't actually change the value from £0 even though it shows that it does. 

If you have an option to use a desktop you can click on the blue banner and arrow and select amount where it shows the 0 part and withdraw.


Thank you,



I am currently out of office and will return on the 24th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 14 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

I've just withdrawn my money just by adding the amount into the larger, £0 in bolder print at the top of the page, then clicking on withdraw at the bottom , this was all that was needed,  to move the money into my bank account.  


I withdrew the full amount checked later,  and Available funds showed zero, indicating money successfully transferred.







Message 15 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

I am trying to make an offer on an item and the 'new' system demands a payment method if the offer is successful. Mine auto fills to paypal and there is no option to select 'pay with ebay balance'. If my offer is successful I want to use my balance that is sitting there. I also cant edit my payment method to anything other than another card and the balance isnt a 'voucher or discount code'.

Message 16 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Not applicable

I can’t withdraw money from my balance as the withdrawal button is grey 

Message 17 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Thanks Lepar, It took me ages to find your post and it worked. Sometimes most obvious things are not that obvious! 

Message 18 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

I have the same issue. Did you get it sorted? 

Message 19 of 20
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I cannot spend or withdraw my Ebay Balance

Oh dear lolol

customer services are a hoot

Message 20 of 20
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