Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

I like to browse for things like watches and other luxury items to keep up to date with pricing and trends, and maye find a bargain!


Of late i was looking at Rolex GMT Master 2, and found several items clearly fakes but with people placing bids on I assume what they think is a bargain, they even had the authenticty blue tick! 


I know a fair bit about them as ive been a watch nerd for many years and owned a few, I decided to use the report function to hopefully save some poor person being scammed out of money and a fair chunck of it too. 


I reported them as counterfeit which they are, and some were laughable, they were so bad! All of the items reported were allowed to continue after and ebay customer servcie person reviewed them and found them not to be in conflict with the there terms! 


This has to raise questions on the safety of any value items listed and that the authentcitiy program is also not fit for purpose (i appreciate that its happens after the sale but perhaps a quic glance at the listing by a pro for high value items wouldnt go a miss and and to stop alterations after any edits require re-apporval by a pro so stop listing a gen item nd then updating pics to the couneterfeit or not even bothering.


There is on the other hand the idea that this is not a listing for the item at all and is just a fake listing to pay for other types of goods, in plane sight, as it often the case of "getting paid" through legitimate channels so to speak! 


I guess i dont expect Ebay to really care in the slightest however they, do have a duty of care. 


Food for thought but for anyone reading this be extra careful with any high value items even if through a high posi feedback account, its worth checking the previous sale items as many will be pennies and ebay only allow the last 6 month or so! they should at list put the desctipion for the listings on the feeback previous sales to stop that too! 

Good luck and browse safe 


Message 1 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

Experienced Mentor

The blue tick means that the watch will be sent to the authenticator before if it sent to the buyer.

If the watch is discovered to be fake, then the buyer is fully refunded and the watch is returned to the seller.

If sellers are listing fakes, they will be found out and won't profit.

You seem to be suggesting that some sellers may be listing high value items for the purposes of money laundering 'a fake listing to pay for other types of goods, in plane sight, as it often the case of "getting paid" through legitimate channels so to speak! '  Apologies if that is not what you meant.  However, the seller won't be paid until the watch has been checked and authenticated.

Authentication can't take place from looking at a listing and Ebay staff do not have the expertise to remove items based on one complaint.

With millions of listings on the site, Ebay can't check individual items.

I would guess that most people who have enough money to buy a Rolex will be cautious and thorough.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 2 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

Honestly, at this point they are highly complacent, if not complicit. Tl;Dr at the bottom.


It took negative feedback (in which the seller accused me to being another seller trying to ruin their store) a phone call and TWO reports to get some fake toothbrush heads pulled down. These go inside your body.   There are health warnings about them.

During the phone call the ebay worker was able to view the chat with the seller I had about how the items were counterfeit. I had pics of real and fake Philips brush heads side by side.

Her response "Well the seller has good feedback (they were selling since 2024, a total of about 80 feedback) and the seller says if her supplier says they're fake she'll pull them down tomorrow (it tomorrow had came and went at this point) so just ask for a refund and ship them back"


The pics showed that despite the brush heads claiming to have the little NFC wireless function (basically tells you when the brush head is worn out, but also hard to fake it seems) with no NFC chip in the clear amber UV resin (UV resin glows green under a blacklight) and I had photos of the lack of a chip, which you can easily see, heads side by side under a blacklight with one having a piece of green fluorescent resin and the other a piece of yellow plastic made to look like the resin. Had pointed out that there were health warnings.


Now, since these go inside your mouth and toothbrushing can draw blood occasionally if these were made in a factory with poor hygiene a worker with a disease like hepatitis (which is more common in less wealthy countries that usually engage in counterfeiting) could easily get blood (we're talking microscopic droplets here, blown nose from a nosebleed with no tissue, or speaking with bleeding gums, infective hepatitis is highly infectious) on the brush heads. Hep C can survive in dried blood for up to six weeks, so it's not a 48 hour virus like covid.

Six weeks is long enough for that to make it out of the factory and into some unsuspecting buyer's mouth.

I assume that UV cure resin is on the Philips brush heads for two reasons:


1 because it's easier to put a chip in and use UV light to cure (harden) the resin into a plastic like substance.

2 the brush heads are UV sterilised before packing which cures the resin and is an easy way to do quality control, if the resin is still liquid, the brushes aren't sterilised and should be tossed/re sterilised.


Even Philips said they were fake.

So. I reported it a second time after the report was denied because their AI saw nothing wrong with a pretty scathing report (200 words max) on the state of ebay. This time they pulled it. After the seller had been selling them for more than a week from my first report.


Other stuff ebay sells are things like fuses which don't blow at the right current. Or electrically unsafe items. They (along with Amazon) even sold radioactive wristbands and stickers for a while that in one of the pics on an amazon review had left a radiation burn on the buyers wrist. These were sold as health items.


So what's it going to take? A death? A dozen deaths? Probably not, ebay will just claim that it's not their problem and the seller is at fault, or pay a fine/compensation of <1% of their quarterly profit. They need to be fined 1% of their quarterly profit daily until the majority of fakes and fake location sellers are gone.



It never used to be like this. Half the stuff on sale is either dropshipped or sent direct from China. Ebay ignores these reports too.


Honestly I'm just about done with this place. 15 years (give or take) and thousands spent on their site, a few items sold and they've thrown up the middle finger to me. Entirely. Seems so long as they're making money they just don't care about having a safe marketplace now.


Tl:Dr ebay ignored reports on toothbrush heads which were obvious conterifeits and these items go inside your body. There are gum health warnings out on them and since they're fake and used internally, in an area which may bleed, they pose an infection risk for diseases like hepatitis, which can survive in dried blood (small, almost imperceptable quantities) for up to 6 weeks. Took a report with pics, showing clearly they were fakes a phone call where the ebay worker could see the pics, negative feedback and finally a second report for ebay to pull the item down. During which time dozens sold. Doubt ebay will issue warnings or refunds to victims of this counterfeiting.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

"With millions of listings on the site, ebay can't check individual items"
While this is true, you'd expect the "Report an item" function to be, well, functional, no?

For items I've had shipped direct from China with "UK vendor" on the description and on the postal info, reporting has "Our AI tool has found no issues" phoning at that point had "We'll ask the seller to re-list as selling from China" a week later they're still claiming to be from the UK, with negative feedback from California and other parts of the US as well as the UK about the duration of shipping. 

This should be an immediate ban
Not "Well, uh, w-w-we can ask them to re-re-relist the item, they're bringing in so much m-m-money for us so we don't want to r-r-rock the boat" 

Same for counterfeit items. Took me TWO reports and a phone call and negative feedback to get counterfeit items (toothbrush heads, had a health warning out, could be a hepatitis C risk given it can live for up to 6 weeks in droplets) de-listed. 
What did the phone service agent say? "Well the feedback on the item seems to be good, even though the images you gave show that it's obviously fake, but they said they'd take the item down tomorrow (two days before phoning) if their supplier tells them it's fake, so it's fine, just ask for a refund" 
By the time the items were pulled the seller (joined 2023, selling 2024) had 365 of these sold. Does ebay chargeback the seller? Does ebay refund everyone? 

It's a joke really, as ebay has sold radioactive items and I can say this with certainty as I bought one of the highly radioactive 'water treatment' pens as a curiosity. Checked it with a scintillation counter and it's hot as hell. It lives in a metal box at the far corner of my house, triple bagged with "Radioactive, do not handle, do not open" notes in each bag and on the box. Amazon (and ebay, I'm not linking someone's individual listing) sell items that decapitate people's pets and both sell items which are electrocution and fire hazards. 

Negative feedback is discouraged through a feedback timer, which hopes to make people forget about taking the trouble to leave negative feedback through making it more painful to leave negative feedback than positive, even telling people to talk to the seller, which is basically eBay facilitating positive feedback farming by saying to people "Don't do this, the seller can smooth things over with some money". 

It's got to the point that when I buy from ebay I expect to get scammed half the time and rely on chargebacks and the 14 day consumer protection to not lose money. Most of my positive feedback is "Actually shipped from the UK, good seller" or "Totally legit despite being a good deal. Great seller, would recommend to my friends and family, would buy again" 

So where's the endgame? People are buying from first party seller storefronts/websites more and more. This is destroying the credibility of ebay. Is it just "line pockets, runaway!" or is upper management drinking lead smoothies?

Message 4 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

It’s not just counterfeit items that are difficult to report.


A good example is genuine Levi shirts being misrepresented (either knowingly or unknowingly) by sellers.


Close-fitting Levi shirts for men are labelled as ‘Slim Fit’, while the female equivalent are labelled as ‘Tailored Fit’ (with the tell-tale signs of the sides flaring out). However, I have come across many sellers selling female Levi shirts in the men’s section.


I’ve reported a couple of these listings to eBay but to no avail (I even informed one seller but they haven't bothered correcting their listing).

Message 5 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

The point of the authenticity tick is yes its verfied by a 3rd party (they often are not all that knoweldgeable and Ive heard stories of fakes being passed on and then Eaby fail to act even after a Rolex service centre confirm it!)


What I mean is that this is that the authenticity check is most likely removed after initial lisitng or that if the auction is not completed/won then a secon chance offer may be sent where the authenticity check is not carried out and in the excitement the buyer doesnt notice! 

The point is either way the watches I reported are hopelessly fakes yet are apparently not in violation of any ebay rules, I exepct some to slip through but when being reported more attention should be used. 


the process is merely there as a tick box excercise to say they investigate when they dont they just have a delayed auto repsonse saying its not in violation of their rules, they dont actually look at the item in quesiton or refer it to an expert of maybe the authenticity people. 



Message 6 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

Agree thee are many sellers that are UK based businesses, you can do your own research most are registered with an accountant in Wales (there are loads of them) so all UK registered businesses but they are only technically warehouse storage facilities, that manage consignements on behalf of 3rd parties.


As is often the case these can offer items at a huge 20% discount or more, funnily its almost the same amount as the VAT in many cases, the buyer gets their items the seller gets their money and then the warehouse returns the goods back to China (essentially empty boxes). 

Alot of the time the seller will not uphold any form of warranty on the items either, and many if you rasie a return try and offer you a large refund and you get to keep the goods if you cancel the return, and if you do so you cant then re-raise it, so good luck seeing any refund as they just stop using te account and use another one! This is the cost of using Ebay for cheap overseas items, Amazon has similar problems but not on the same scale. 


For some payback should you fall foul of the cheap item that breaks after the return period is concerned, the best option is to purchase another item either from the same seller or one similar (many will be selling the same item and will just be a storefront, this is how the street markets in HK and KL work most are are individual stall all owned by the same person).

If you buy the same item then wait a few days and rasie the return then have to respond to it and either refund or offer replacement under the ebay rules, so your are palying them at their own game they hide behind the 30 days returns rule. Im not condinng this for genuine sellers as tey will always honour duff objects if they are honest but the volume of overseas sellers are just using the scatter gun approach, which in advertently makes search for items even harders with the volume and word bombing! 


Anyway back on topic the reporting process is not worth using in my opinion as its not fit for purpose, the item being reported is not reviewed, the only thing that gets reviewed is the listing and does it comply with the rules, so as long as it doesnt say fake or replica etc... or mention a brand name when it isnt, then its not n violation of anything.


Then there are the other listing that offer pictures of genuine items that are not the items you will get, often using Google Lens you can search and see the image of the item is from a genuine website (in the case of watches Chrono24, they have a little logo on the images small enough it doenst spoil your viewing but its there) Ive seen lots of these dodgy sales using these and from the outside the seller looks legit they have lots of  posi feedback and often for similar type items and Im sure many of the more recent ones are "fellows" helping them out with feedback "amazing watch" or the likes so at a a glance it looks legit, when really the were lot of low value trinkets. 


There is part of me that says if ebay dont care then why should I, but whats right is right and if I report something to help out a few others from being scammed, I'd like to think it would help! Ive been in security for a long time as the day job and these scams have been around for a long time and Im sure the sheer volume of sellers and stores is by design and does offer some legitimate income for a time, but these high value scams are not on the same volume as the trinkets and the fake clothes etc... when reported should be properly verified as its not done at the point of the listing unless the bot pick up on something you cant say.


I not worried about me its the other people who see things more at face value or that are far more trusting.


Message 7 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

The biggest problem with counterfeit items (aside from ones that carry health risks, like toothbrush heads, fake UVC antimicrobial lamps, radioactive items labelled as health items (one of the bracelets sold via amazon had a picture in the review with someone saying the bracelet gave them a rash and lots of complaints of itchy skin and rashes in reviews, the picture was a radiation burn, not a rash. It's harder to see reviews on ebay, but it will be the same) dangerous electrical goods and so on) is that they force legit sellers to either take losses thinking the prices really are that low, or force legit sellers to pack up and leave.

This reduces the quality of ebay exponentially as when people start leaving the prices seem even more skewed, causing even more sellers to leave and so on, until it's just a scam website.

Look up the difference between high and low trust societies, ebay used to be high trust, the buyer trusted the seller and the seller trusted the buyer, now people expect to be scammed, there is no trust on either side because if buyers expect to be scammed, many don't mind scamming sellers as much because it becomes a case of "everyone is doing it, I lose out if I don't do it".


 This will send ebay into a death spiral

Trust will drop right off, people will go to aliexpress and buy their stuff for half the price or if they want quality goods, they'll go to the supplier.


There is a way to course-correct

eBay need to actually take notice and care. 1- For counterfeit items they need to actually look into reports. Get back to the person reporting if they are unsure, not just check it off as being legit. If someone is counterfeiting instant, permanent ban, refunds come out of the seller's account, seller is reported to police. Require ID for people to sell, or a debit/credit card with a £1 test charge that is linked to a real name and not an online prepaid card. An ebay authenticate app could even be used to issue computer hardware bans, where that computer itself is banned based on the serial numbers of individual parts inside it. This is often done in gaming against repeat offenders. You need a new computer to circumvent a hardware ban. Reporting the seller to the police won't do much probably, but the threat of it will likely make the slightly more honest sellers think twice.


2- For items listed as UK and sold out of China. If the business is registered in China, or abroad while sales state "sold from UK" this should be shown to the buyer before buying, if the seller mainly logs in using an IP from that country, or their payments are handled abroad, this should be shown to the buyer. However this should be communicated that this isn't 100% accurate and that feedback should be checked before buying. If a seller is caught selling out of China (parcelsapp can find if Chinese carriers have handled a package, but it's not 100% accurate, however royal mail saying they're expecting a parcel for 8-10 days then it arriving to a sorting centre rather than a post office is usually indicative of it not coming from the UK) or elsewhere abroad; thirty day suspension on first offence, account marked as "seller has previously engaged in disingenuous sales practices".

This marker should show up before buying any item from the seller for a year.


3) Remove the negative feedback timer. The second an item arrives, negative feedback should be allowed. Remove the "try talking to the seller first popup" this is nothing but ebay trying to cajole people into not leaving bad feedback, as "I was going to leave negative feedback but ebay said to talk to you first" usually has the seller give a discount in exchange for positive feedback. This is against ebay's own TOS


Ebay badly needs to course correct. It's got to the point where prominent anti-scam youtubers are saying "Buy direct from the seller, there are no bargains to be found anymore in this sea of scams"


ebay needs to course correct badly. I used to love ebay as a place to look hard and find bargains on the new item market. Now it seems that used is about all you'll get a bargain on and even then care needs to be taken. I rarely used to read feedback, I trusted the site and seller. Now I always read FB. I can't see ebay existing in its current form by 2035 if this continues.

Message 8 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

For Reference as an example, one of the better ones ive seen Eaby item number 235865860785



Is for a Rolex Daytona "Panda" the model is a 116500LN, these are very hard to come by either at reails or on the grey gen market! they sell for anything around £17 Upwards being 12K at retail.


This scammer is trying to palm of this fake as a genuine item, now its looks to be a reasonable fake in all fairness and only a person well versed in what to look for could tell! However the person selling has a feedback score of 2! The item is being sold apparently as an aution and when its actually being advertised as a buy it now at way below retail let alone the second hand market value! 


He says he bought it at auction without box and papers (possible) and wants it gone quick as he needs the money but the dial apparently has problems and he hasnt taken it to a Rolex service centre for repair becuase the warranty has expired, yet the watch is a 2023 model! Roelx give all new watches 5 yrs so again total BS. 


Im not sure if this is just plain stupidity by the seller or not but they have selected the authenticate service, which would hopefully maybe pick up on that its a fake, but as they do not actually remove the case back to inspect the movements in some cases these modern fakes can be pretty much identical to look out without really knowing what to look for.


I will have a bet that if i report it, no one will look into it they will just say that its does not violate the ebay selling rules. The reporting mechanism also doesnt give enough space to explain the reason for reporting which might help during review. 



Message 9 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

been going on since ebay started. ebay dont care.  there excuse is we cant monitor every item. but what about the millions of complaints and listings reported???

Message 10 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

It's been getting worse year after year.

They remove the ability to leave negative feedback the second an item arrives. Instead you need to wait a significant amount of time (at which point many people will have forgotten or given up, lots of people have very short memories, or are too busy to wait a week then leave negative feedback) and even if you want to leave negative feedback if that feedback is poorly worded and not very detailed (such as if written bu someone who waited a week getting more and more irritated so they just say "bad product, bad seller" that feedback is usually removed for not being detailed enough, though positive feedback like this remains up.

Feedback is also capped at 500 characters, so leaving detailed feedback is usually very difficult.

The ebay app also asks you to contact the seller before leaving negative feedback now too. This is complete and utter review poisoning, as many people will see this, contact the seller, get a % refund and leave good feedback, usually not very detailed and the score doesn't factor in whether or not someone wanted to leave negative feedback, or contacted the seller to resolve a problem.


This is review poisoning on ebay's behalf. Neutral feedback doesn't affect things and there is no "my initial experience was negative, but the seller smoothed things over" category.


Ebay are complicit at this point. Or they are the most foolish people on the entire planet for failing to understand the most basic of unintended consequences.


I'll reiterate that things used to be very different. Ebay have just styled themselves as the value amazon. Harming both sellers and buyers. They won't change short of a total boycott, or daily fines until they make their marketplace semi-reputable again.

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

I completely agree with you.


Most of my purchases this year have been utterly disastrous - so much that I'm seriously considering keeping my eBay purchases to the bare minimum in future. The attitude of many sellers has completely changed for the worst, and hardly any of the negative feedback left remains.


My most recent incident occurred a few hours ago. I won an auction for a brand new pair of leather dress shoes and received them today. As described but... the seller stuffed them into a flimsy cardboard box, and now each foot is crushed and deformed. I mean, seriously!


After requesting a return, I got on the phone and reported the seller. Why would anyone think it'd be okay to do such a thing? Cases such as this simply beggars belief.


As for leaving negative feedback, based on what's been happening with the feedback system, I don't think I'm even going to bother.

Message 12 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

The feedback system is totally busted, though if you feel that negative feedback is necessary, leave it.

Though ebay only want to see positive feedback. This has given the worst sellers a "I'm untouchable" attatude. Definitely with the toothbrush heads I bought which were obvious fakes missing key components that are in the real item. I had a back and forth with the seller, they said they'd ask their supplier if they were really fake (which is an obvious stalling tactic) and the ebay workers on the phone (I took time out of my day to get a callback and present as much evidence as possible) believed the seller would really contact their supplier to ask if they're fake, when images of a real one and their fake one side by side were already presented.

When I left negative feedback the seller just claimed I was also selling brush heads in a response (haven't sold on ebay since around 2015) and was trying to sabotage their business.

That's a known false statement, ebay hasn't pulled their response. Sale of counterfeit goods is 100% illegal, though ebay never pass details along to the cops.


It took me to report the item twice to get it pulled down, at which point over 360 had sold. The second report on the item was directed more at ebay (this was after the seller claimed I was trying to sabotage their business) than the seller with me being none too polite. No doubt this had someone pass it up the chain to have action taken against me for asking "clearly fake *bleep* is going on at ebay, do you condone selling fraudulent items?", then the manager sees the feedback, the chat, the phone call, the pictures the health warnings about that specific item and actually does the smart thing and finally pulls the item.

I doubt the people scammed were refunded though. Or warned that what they bought may be hazardous to their health.


The 200 character limit on item reports really limits the amount of evidence you can provide about counterfeit items too. Either by design, or complacency. We aren't using 55kb modems anymore, make it 500 at least with links 'costing' less than their character count.

Ebay is always saying its so much work to deal with counterfeit items, yet they make it so we can't do the heavy lifting for them and present hard evidence with arbitrary text limits.



Ebay is now a low trust website. Stacking the feedback system was a disaster. Now it's scams all the way down. It's only hard for legitimate sellers on ebay, which is why many turn into bad sellers, because if everyone else is doing it, why not them. It used to be a high trust website where the seller trusted the buyer and vice versa.

Now sellers naturally distrust buyers and buyers naturally distrust sellers.

Message 13 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

Thats my point, I get it when the listings a put live they cant monitor all of them and to be fair unless you know what you are looking at spotting a fake can be hard work, unless it blatantly obvious!


My issue was that when reporting the issue there is littl options to add details in 200 Char and Ebay dont actually look at the listing itself some call centre ticket closer just reviews the wording in line with the community guidelines (well i say a call center but in reality it will be a program that scans the listing text for words on a violation list!) When an item is being reported as fake, its fraudulent and needs someone with knowledge to actually review it, perhaps at the expense of the seller, waived if found not be fake or fraudulent, this could be done by the authenticity team remotely as they should have the relevant skills to authenticate.

That said Ive read of numerous situations where examples of Rolex's being purchased through the authenticity process being gvien the green light and yet when the wathc has been taken to a Rolex Service centre to double check its been marked as fake (maybe a very good one but fake none the less, and when they buyer contact customer service they are not interested as they say the watch has been authenticted already, and the seller naturally doesn want the item back, either becuase they knowingly sold it as fake, didnt know or used to to swap out parts!


Either way its criminal the buyer gets stung and when someone like myself who has a strong knowledge on certain brands and items reports it it should be be reviewed (not because Im some specialist) because someone has flagged it as dodgy! 


I try and do my bit but Ebay are not interested so they might as well just put a laughing emoji on a fresh page when you click the report button and be done with it!

Message 14 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

Sadly, Vinted is no better.


Twice I reported fake/deceptive listings and, on both occasions, Vinted came back stating that there was nothing wrong with them and no further action would be taken!


One of the listings was for a pair of socks from a well-known, premium sock company. The seller basically grabbed some cheapo socks, placed a ribbon from this well-known brand around them and listed them at a premium price. Anyone familiar with this company would have noticed at least two giveaways, from the photos, that the product is fake... but not Vinted.


Message 15 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

Totally agree with what's been posted.

eBay just don't care about anything except making money.

I've been trying to report someone selling pretty pieces of glass as genuine gemstones.

They look real enough in the photos and most buyers can't tell that they're fakes, but a quick RI test and other checks and yup, they're counterfeit.

Ideally, these should be crushed by eBay's t&C insist on them being returned so they can be sold again to another mug.

They also won't ban the seller despite numerous negative feedback.

I'm seriously thinking of closing my account and buying from actual shops again.

Message 16 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

I'm having a total nightmare over fake Trollbeads.  My husband bought a collection of Pandora and Trollbeads for me for Xmas and wasn't aware of all the problems around them.  I opened them on Xmas Day and knew straight away he had been mislead.  The listing insisted they were genuine and gave a reason why but we closely examined them and did our own research to prove they weren't. 


However, it was Christmas and New Year and I didn't want to make a big issue of it because my husband felt so bad that he had given me a scam Xmas present that we didn't contact Ebay until today.  Immediately, our claim for Counterfeit goods was denied because it was 4 days over the 30-day limit.


Same occurred with Paypal where I thought they gave a lot longer!


Bricks and mortar stores give long gift receipts at Xmas - but not Ebay and Paypal.


My husband was definitely aware of fake goods in his categories of interest but the right words in the jewelry listing conned him.


I've lost track of how many changes over the year have turned me off of Ebay.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!



Contact PayPal again, state that you will be contacting your bank if they do not investigate properly, they're letting their payment processor be used for illegal purposes assuming these beads are trademarked/patented/under copyright.

If they refuse, contact your bank, file a chargeback "Item counterfeit and not as described"

Then PayPal can try and get their money back from ebay.

Message 18 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

I hear you on that.  I was looking for a Huawei p30 pro as a second phone as mine had broke. There was a US listing for New Edition p30 pro in Amber Sunrise.  The box said Orange and the IMEI number came back to a Chinese version not International one. Sent report with details and they saw nothing wrong with it . So many people are clueless these old phones they are selling as new in box from 2019 are all replicas. The boxes aren't even right . They are suppose to say quad camera not triple. Why would anyone think that all of a sudden in 2025 there are thousands of brand new in box phones from 2019?I feel bad for the ones that fall for it. 

Message 19 of 26
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Re: Ebay Reporting fakes is useless, Ebay seem to condone fake items being listed!

You most definitely can tell if an item is fake or not from a listing and there are thousands of fake items on EBAY. And if I know definitely I report it as well,but like he said EBAY  reporting is a waste of time.Even when you present them with proof. An imei number check to prove it , the packaging, the stitching on clothes etc... people are gullible to believe that what they are buying has to be legit because it passes ebay so called authentification process, bull.

Message 20 of 26
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