25-03-2025 9:44 AM - edited 25-03-2025 9:44 AM
Why are my listings not getting the 'Buy 3, get 1 10% OFF' red call to action text under the delivery details in search results?
My Listings:
Other Listings:
My Listing Full View Showing Discount:
25-03-2025 10:10 AM
Try searching by item number to see for yourself, item number "306135096530" correctly shows the offer. My item number "335865145540" does not.
25-03-2025 10:31 AM - edited 25-03-2025 10:36 AM
Have you created a promotion in the promotion section of your sellers hub or did you add that to each listing as you listed it? The one you can see in the search results has more than 4 listed but your other listing only has 1 listed, hard to get 10% off if you only have 1 of that item. If you want buyers to put 3 different listing only their basket to get the discount you need to create the promotion and add all your stock into it, don't need to create it on each listing as you list as that promotion will only be for that listing. Edit. just tried to add 3 items to my basket and worked ok until the 3rd add then it went back to add 2 more to get discount even though i had 3 in my basket, looks like you have more than 1 promotion running at the same time for the same discount
25-03-2025 10:43 AM - edited 25-03-2025 10:49 AM
Hey, it's intended for people to buy 3 different items and get the discount. It's not a 'Multibuy' listing like you're describing for multiples of the same item, it is an 'Order discount' offer.
See the discounted item list below;
I have multiple versions of the same promotion but they're specific to categories of items. So I have the same offer for 'Star Wars Cards' for 'Lorcana Cards' and 'Magic The Gathering' cards to ensure they're upsold and targeted separately. The same buyers dont buy a mix of the three. It sounds like you added 2x of one and 1x of the other so had two incomplete promotions. The discount works fine and I've had plenty of orders with it working. (see basket below on a fresh account). The issue is just with it not showing in search results.
Discount Breakdown in settings:
Working Offer in Basket:
25-03-2025 10:58 AM
Not a clue about cards so just added 3 different ones into my basket. Knowing buyers rarely even read the description part of a listing it will be rare for anyone to read the eligible listings and terms, all they will see is the buy 3 get 10% off in the top corner so that leaves you open for INAD cases open when they check their bank and find out they did not get 10% off they they brought 3 different cards. I can see the promo on all your listings when i click on them so must be a glitch it not showing in search, could be AI picking up you have less than 3 listed and can't recognise the promo because of that
25-03-2025 12:51 PM
The reason it doesn't show in search results is purely because ebay get to decide whether or not to bother displaying it there. If it's considered a particularly good offer then allegedly there's more chance of it showing. In reality though it seems to work that the bigger the seller, the greater the chance of any offer being displayed in search results. I currently have a buy one, get one at 10% off offer on all my listings but you only see it once you've already clicked on the listing - which partially defeats the object. But the identical offer from World Of Books, a huge seller, does show in search results. So there's your answer. There's nothing you can do to make it show and nothing you're doing wrong at your end.
25-03-2025 1:36 PM - edited 25-03-2025 1:38 PM
I actually think it's a search results bug that nobody has picked up on. In your example, I think you're comparing a 'Buy One, Get 10% Off" offer with a "Buy One, Get 1 at 10% off" offer ... it would seem the latter is being advertised in search results but the former, is not.
I've raised this with eBay support and they have escalated to IT/tech. I would advise you (or anyone in the same boat) to do the same to escalate the issue getting confirmed/resolved. (https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/home)
If you look at the screenshot below, you can spot the offer that 'works' as it has the (add X to basket) on the item details page like the top example. Top gets the listings upsell in search results, Bottom does not (in both our cases).
25-03-2025 1:42 PM
I have the a permanent order discount running, never shows in search results, only on actual listing pages.
25-03-2025 5:09 PM
@strangestash no, it's not a bug, this is how it has always worked and was designed to work. It was picked up on at least a couple of years ago and ebay confirmed this when it was flagged to them. There were posts on the boards regarding this but it's too long ago now, they've long since been archived. The official advice was the better the offer, the more chance of it being displayed - but they also have their favoured accounts whose offers will always show. When provided with examples where better offers from smaller sellers were not showing, ebay failed to give a reasonable answer. CS will tell you they've escalated it as a tech issue just to appease you. It's what they do. Honestly, it's working as designed.
The offers I'm comparing are both "Buy One, Get 1 at 10% off" - see the second offer down on this page: World of Books Ltd | eBay Stores. Theirs was showing, mine wasn't. It can also vary from one day or week to the next. Some days my offer does show in search results but more often than not it doesn't.
It's much the same as the co-funded coupons that ebay do where lots of sellers can sign up and buyers will get the offer but, when you go to ebay's dedicated page for the offer, only the listings of the favoured few sellers are shown. Ebay have always operated a very much two-tier system with all things like this.
25-03-2025 7:26 PM
In an attempt to stop people buying just one item, and after spending ages on my costing spreadsheets, I set up a 'Buy 1 Get 3 Free' Promotion.
Like @bojangled says, the offer showed on the listing, but not on the search results. Result - on the search screen, it made my item look four times the price of other comparable items.
I contacted CS, and they said they'd pass it onto the tech team. I heard nothing so, after three days, I took the offer off.
Three weeks later, I got a reply from tech. An absurd reply. It started off, 'THIS IS NOT A BUG!!!!' and went on to tell me that I had obviously amended the prices after creating the offer 'WHICH INVALIDATES THE OFFER!!!'. I was absolutely astounded by the sheer rudeness of the response - and the unforgivable use of CAPITALS and !!!!. I spent my career in IT and, if any of my team had sent an email like this to a customer, they would have been fired.
Not only was the response one that should never have been sent to a customer, the tech idiot was describing the setup of a different type of promotion. Absolute, total ignorance.
This was the final nail in eBay's coffin. I closed the shop and delisted 80% of my items.
Anyway, now I know why the offer wasn't on the search screen - eBay decided it wasn't good enough.
26-03-2025 9:00 AM
Guess I'll wait a bit to see if the tech escalation is a hollow offer, and failing that, try switching it to a Buy 3, get 1 at 10% OFF offer to see if it makes any difference in search results.
Must have ~6 active issues/bugs right now as an eBay business seller, adding another one to the list! Been on eBay 20 years now, this is definitely a rough patch!
26-03-2025 9:24 AM
I gave up years ago on ebay's promotional tools once I realised that promotions are seldom ever 'promoted'. If I recall correctly, the situation used to be even worse than it currently is and promotions were only displayed at the basket/checkout page.
26-03-2025 10:23 AM
I just don't understand why eBay doesn't feature seller promotions. I had a multi-buy offer that covered all the items in all the fibre ranges. Initially, there was a banner on the listing inviting buyers to explore the other items that could be included in the multi-buy - but it disappeared. The only way a buyer would know is if they read the description, but how many buyers do that?
Crazy. When the banner was there, I got more sales. Good for me, good for eBay. Why remove the banner?
26-03-2025 12:28 PM
I guess it's all part of steering buyers towards specific sellers who pay ebay the most overall in fees. The seller logo in search results is another example of one law for them and another law for us. How hard would it be to let all business sellers have equal branding with all business logos displayed next to listings on the search results page? You'd think they'd want to highlight seller branding to increase the chances of upselling. But no, that's yet another thing that's reserved for the chosen few. It's been several years since ebay agreed that that one was a good idea and they'd look into it but it's all hollow words. They never actually do anything for the simple reason that they don't want to.
26-03-2025 12:30 PM
@the-nutwood-collection I did add an additional text image recently to some of my listings, with details of the Buy 2 get 1 free offer because people don’t read descriptions. Can’t really judge if it’s had much effect.
Also if shopping on the app the promotion isn’t visible unless you scroll.
26-03-2025 6:28 PM
What a good idea to add text to the image - I didn't think of that. However, it's not got the same impact as the prominent red text that eBay bestows upon others is it?
I don't promote, so I guess my fees just weren't enough to cover the cost of displaying a few red pixels.
27-03-2025 6:39 AM - edited 27-03-2025 6:40 AM
I am rethinking my tactic though because I’m sure the order discount only applies if the promotion offer link is clicked. So could get messy with refunding.
Maybe I should just add the words ‘click the promotional link’ to the text image.
Ah I don’t know I just want to list, sell, repeat.