We've looked everywhere.

Yet again more glitches. Trying to list and it's hit and miss if it gets saved into a draft or if you have to keep doing the same listing over and over. 

Message 1 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi keelinge, thanks for your post.


If you provide us a screenshot of the error you're getting, and you let me know when exactly that happens, I will be happy to get that reported to our IT team, so they can review that for you.


Thank you,


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Message 2 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

I cannot send images as you only except small ones and mine always exceed the amount allowed. 


Message 3 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.


I have found a way, this shows it is an intermittent problem across all areas of the selling site. 

Message 4 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Thanks for your reply, keelinge


Just to make sure we are on the same page, is this happening every now and then in different pages or is just happening sometimes when you try to do something in specific?


Thank you,


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Message 5 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi marco,

This issue is happening to me right now on a purchase of a car battery that has not arrived, when I track it with ebay it displays like the above "We've looked everywhere" This need some serious fixing as it can happen anywhere, oh, I will also add that sometimes you click the user id of a seller and it displays invalid member or something like that but if I go to his shop he is an active seller on ebay.


Many Thanks


Message 6 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi Marco,

Yes you are after scrrenshots, well I was creating them after I posted the issue, So here is the senerio open the tracking page of the purchased item, it gives you the blurb on delivery date, you then hit the tracking on the left had side and bingo you CANNOT track it at it throws up an error as in the images. This issue is not good as I have blamed the seller for the NON tracking issue.

Screenshots are below



Message 7 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi keeling,

Snap what sort of site is this you have to convert images from a PNG to a jpg. maybe they dont want to fix the site.


Hi Marco, From this image you hit the fedx tracking and it shows "We've looked everywhere." WHY dont the programmers leave things alone when it works instead of breaking the site it is a constant battle.

Hopfully the image will load




Message 8 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi Marco,


Screenshots have been provided, clearly showing the error, please read my previous post when you hit the tracking button it goes to an error so basically you CANNOT TRACK A PURCHASED ITEM. This is a serious error/bug.

Message 9 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi Marco,

As I cannot access the tracking for this purchased item, I do not know if a delivery has been made or not!. Your earlier question about this error happening anywhere else the answer is yes it is site wide as "keelinge" screenshots display as they are on a different link, the tracking has been like this for 2 days!.

Message 10 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi wavesales


I can see you are using Firefox, I would recommend using Google Chrome, as sometimes the issue could be related to the browser. Please try again with Chrome, and if you get the same issue, please share the screenshot from Chrome here, and I will be happy to report that for you as well.


Thank you,


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Message 11 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi marco,

Definitely not!!!. it is the same accross all browsers, the very latest microsoft edge, and Chromium, firefox there is absolutly NO POINT in blaming browsers blame the programmers!!. I have gone though hell as I could not track a battery that should on being delivered on Monday but due to this bug I had to ring them up to get the tracking. the eBay tracking on my tracking page is broken.


Recommending Chrome is a very bad choice as it is closed source, Chrome is based on Chromium just go into the chrome browser and then "about chrome" you will clearly see that chrome is based on chromium.


15 years in computing here, if you hit a link and it displays an error that is what it is, dont blame the browser as it is ONLY ebay that this is happening too. If you look and analyze the >links< in the screenshot it clearly tells you there is  a serious issue and in this case the browser is linking to a >broken link or links<  or in laymans terms a missing page!.

oh and I can see that NOTHING has been done yet to fix this, it is a serious error and needs sorting.


Kind Regards


Message 12 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi Marco,


I have just been onto eBay with the very latest microsoft edge, I will try to attach the screenshots


site will only let you add 1 image how is anybody going to fix this why only 1 image?.

Message 13 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi Marco,

here is the other image, why not have 2 images as default?



Cheers Les

Message 14 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi wavesales, thanks for your reply.


I need you to try from Chrome, just to confirm. If you try from Chrome, and you get the same issue, please attach a screenshot here, so I can report that for you.


Thank you,


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Message 15 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Have you thought of using a third party programme ?


I use Auctiva, little bit if a pain to learn, but never have an issue listing. Only down side is it only sends across the main picture ( but all pictures are in the main description ), so you have to amend the listing on ebay and add ALL your pictures for the item across.


Oh and the listings are stored till YOU decide to delete them and not just 90 days if out of stock etc

Message 16 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Hi Marco,

Just as I stated, it is just the same and I can see one error as it jumping to ebay.com on the second I do not know if this is correct or not.

Anyway I will send 3 screenshots. The first one is showing the chrome version the second is showing the tracking page and the third one is showing the error on ALL BROWSERS

Message 17 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Why can I not at least upload more than 1 image just plain stupid?


Next image

Message 18 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

Last image you can clearly see it is jumping to a ebay.com.

Hi Marco,

If you look at the top left corner of the screen you will clearly see the error page in the title. This is Not a browser error as you stated!!


Thank you.

I do hope this error is solved quickly I hope not to many people have been affected but I do not believe this..


Message 19 of 42
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We've looked everywhere.

marco@ebay wrote:

Thanks for your reply, keelinge


Just to make sure we are on the same page, is this happening every now and then in different pages or is just happening sometimes when you try to do something in specific?


Thank you,


You should know about this by now, it's mentioned enough times. 

It's clearly a server error. Suddenly no pages can be negotiated on the site, NONE. It all gives that "we've looked everywhere" error. 

When going direct to ebay.co.uk homepage though it says (This has been happening a lot recently). It's nothing a few people have or they have gone to certain pages, it's server down and likely booting back up taking maybe 20-30 mins (It just happened now and only just working again now):

"Where's all the stuff? Our homepage is down, but the rest of eBay is fine. We'll have it back up in a moment."

Message 20 of 42
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