07-11-2023 12:49 PM
Good afternoon to you all
it's very easy to get bogged down with negativity. I for one have in recent times been quite negative, but this morning I had a sale and yesterday I had 3 so I've decided to try and be positive in these uncertain times
so I thought it would be a good idea to start a positive post
would anyone like to share your tips for increasing sales. Something that has worked for you maybe or something you are trying to see if it has results
I know there's no magic wand to be waved but let's see if we can try to improve our sales by sharing the love
my first tip is to use sell similar on ended listings and to change just one thing. I think in the past I have been very complacent and just need to up my game a bit. I've been taking fresh photos of ended items to refresh the listing
over to you
23-11-2023 6:47 PM
Sorry if this has been mentioned already, only on page 2, but when talking to the pro trader team and at the open event, I was told on both occasions not to use full caps, software thats sued for sight issues mostly read caps as a single letter so instead of saying Nike they would say N I K E so for the brand name it might be ok, for anything after that it would be slightly annoying for the buyer or maybe not even recognise the word. Personally it just seems to be an old way of listing like when ebay first started and people would use @ signs and other random stuff in the title to look a bit different.
23-11-2023 7:03 PM
@simplyessential_uk wrote:Says the person who jumped on a positive post to drag it down
To be fair, he might have posted a 'negative' post on a 'positive' thread 'for balance.' If it's okay to post positive things for balance on a 'negative' thread then surely you have to accept it's okay to post a negative thing on a positive thread.... you know 'for balance.' Don't shoot the messenger, just trying to be fair. Good enough for the Goose etc.... 😊
23-11-2023 8:48 PM
@goingfishinguk wrote:
@simplyessential_uk wrote:Says the person who jumped on a positive post to drag it down
To be fair, he might have posted a 'negative' post on a 'positive' thread 'for balance.' If it's okay to post positive things for balance on a 'negative' thread then surely you have to accept it's okay to post a negative thing on a positive thread.... you know 'for balance.' Don't shoot the messenger, just trying to be fair. Good enough for the Goose etc.... 😊
At least you're someone with some decency and some understanding. Bravo !
23-11-2023 9:13 PM
@goingfishinguk wrote:
@simplyessential_uk wrote:Says the person who jumped on a positive post to drag it down
To be fair, he might have posted a 'negative' post on a 'positive' thread 'for balance.' If it's okay to post positive things for balance on a 'negative' thread then surely you have to accept it's okay to post a negative thing on a positive thread.... you know 'for balance.' Don't shoot the messenger, just trying to be fair. Good enough for the Goose etc.... 😊
It's very kind of you to speak up but we both know there is a massive difference.
A thread declaring ebay is dead, the search doesn't work, sales have fallen off a cliff and why are the boards full of terrible stories if not proof that ebay is in its death throes, is asking for feedback on sales. Which I give. For balance.
A thread asking for anyone who is selling to give tips is clearly asking for, well, tips. Sadly, Bitty boy got confused and thought a silly picture was a worthy contribution. I didn't think it was. And said as much. But don't worry I have had my knuckles rapped.
My ego remains unshattered.
23-11-2023 9:35 PM
Give it a rest.
...Talk about making a big issue out of nothing and overreacting !
23-11-2023 9:37 PM
As ever its easy to get weighed down with the ridiculous and be too tired out for the insightful. I just wanted to say thank you. I have read but I want to reread tomorrow when I am fresh. My business is doing well - hourly rate fine - but I think I need to reconsider ROAS and PL. So glad this thread is continuing. There's been some great food for thought.
Night all xxx
23-11-2023 9:41 PM
for goodness sake why does every thread on the flipping forum have to constantly be dragged into another moan. Same flipping accounts everytime cant help but have a dig, cant abide to read good news or support anyone offering any motivation for others. One positive post out of the 99 moaning ones and surprise surprise its hi-jacked with moaners again and sarcastics tit for tat "for balance" comment. Whatever, Im bored with it all.....
23-11-2023 11:25 PM - edited 23-11-2023 11:32 PM
Im bored with it all..... too.
Far too many destructive changes eBay has now made... I wanna see my items getting regular views and getting sold like they were before 2020... Something has since changed inside of eBay and not for the better either !... as it is now effecting lots of people...
For the privileged few, sales might be OK but that's not the same story for everyone... most items now just sit there for 10 days with zero views... Some items have maybe 1 or 2 views and that's it, some items also get 1 - 3 watchers who are either other sellers watching to see if an item sells or not... or they are the crafty spolt seasoned buyers who are used to adding stuff to their watch lists in the hope that they will receive an offer from the sellers at an even further discounted price ! shortly after placing the item in their watch lists...
This offer thing might be good in one sense, but it has a major drawback of people not buying straightaway (when they otherwise would) because they are now used to holding on for a few moments for the weak and desperate sellers to send them an offer because the seller has seen that you, a potential buyer are now watching their item !, the other drawback is when you send someone an offer, you really don't know who, or where they are, and you could then be lumbered to having to post to USA or Australia ! at your expense ! or you could get a non paying TIMEWASTER.
Before all these new offer features came about, it used to be so simple to just list something under auction or buy-it-now and someone out there would just buy it and you're then off to post it and once they have received it and left their feedback, all is then well... now most people don't even bother with leaving any feedback at all, whilst I know it is completely voluntary... Years ago most people understood that was the sprit of eBay (to leave and receive feedback)... now all this is gone... eBay has now turned into an overgrown cattle market and all the searches have been merged into one search so that when you try to search for a specific item, you are then shown 1000's of irrelevant results of items that do not match what you are originally seaching for... whilst the items you really want are hidden pages and pages behined, where most people will just get so fed up (or they run out of time) and then give up searching... meaning that they may NEVER find your item because it has been buried so deeply in the searches by eBay...
Not trying to put the dampener on this thread or upset anyone, Just trying to let eBay know that not everything is rosey for all sellers... and some are now suffering with no help from eBay.
The biggest selling tip would be for the big guys in eBay to change the strategy in the way eBay is now run and to help promote every members sales in a fair manner so that everyone gets a fair deal.
Now we are here fishing for tips and hints because whatever we were all doing is no longer working anymore and we are now looking at what now works best because there is now a very noticable drop in regular sales on eBay lately with no explanation as to WHY ?...
24-11-2023 7:09 AM
Like @simplyessential_uk I'm on low Standard PL at 2%. Usually around 30% of my inventory, doubled this for the coming weekend, as I'm having some success with an Order Discount promotion. Given I'm free postage it's a winning strategy for me.
My ROAS 31 days 44.94%
I've played with Dynamic, Promoted Advanced, even shop ads they aren't cost effective for me.
Got a call from CS to take up the Offsite Ads offer, again thought I'd try it for the month. So far not a single click in 8 days, so maybe not for my categories.
My Pinterest experiment although is in its infancy I am getting views, not many saves, and do appreciate OJ's comment re broken links.
Re the negativity, I don't know if the Experienced Seller board is a better place for threads like this, although that board does have some tumbleweed blowing through it...
24-11-2023 10:44 AM
That looks a good return for your money
Just looked at your inventory, love your Band Merch, I have a Keef Flint pin, (not your stock) its liked a prized possession, I also see a quote from one of my favourite films, so incoming.....
24-11-2023 11:57 AM
Reading your post is making me look even harder PL standard rates.
Both you and @bojangled two different types of business and both have ROAS at over 40 on 2%, (to me thats impressive, am I wrong?) I still stand by its account/market specific but what your doing is an eye opener.
How did you get to the rate? Did you start higher/lower? Competiton using PL? What makes you think its the right rate for your business?
If your feeling really helpfull, and Im just being nosey, what budgets did you set when you dabbled with Advanced/Dynamic?
I like the certainty of PL standard, know what I'm paying, Ive read OJ & Sheba's posts on Advanced/Dynamic and for our little venture dont think its appropriate, but will try and comprehend it better in the New Year, will keep with the current plan as Im slowly heading in the up direction
24-11-2023 3:16 PM
How did you get to the rate? Did you start higher/lower? Competiton using PL? What makes you think its the right rate for your business?
Ive always been 2% PL, and 1% before they moved it to 2% minimum so not done anything special, i honestly think multibuys get more attention so maybe the high ROAS is just high by default as ppl see the listing then buy as I offer multibuy but a long time ago when sales were aplenty i decided to switch off promos as many sales didnt have in green "sold via promotion" so felt i didnt need to spend anything on promos but once i did that sales fell off a cliff, called ebay and was told that just enrolling 1% (as it was at the time) puts you in the queue, ebay fills the sponsored slots in order of highest % so once those slots are full everyone elses sit behind, so in brief getting free bump as you may then sit bottom of P1 or 2, I might not be in such a competative market so i wasnts right down the pages so Ive never changed.
If your feeling really helpfull, and Im just being nosey, what budgets did you set when you dabbled with Advanced/Dynamic?
With Dynamic it was auto but I dabbled in putting prices up and going 12% but i got a few hundred more impressions, no clicks, you could argue lack of clicks as my price was higher but the impression were not justifying giving away 12-15% if i got a sasaleI even checked if the higher paid listings got higher on p1, nope so not sure where ebay was showing my listings to justify the increase, we see impressions on external ads and that could be anything to google or those annoying ads now appearing in my emails, impressions and traffic are pointless unless its ppl who are genuinely interested, so even looking at increase of impression isnt quantifiable and sellers can be falsely thinking the increase % is getting them seen but not by the right ppl. In July when we had the infamous test that a lot of us were hit by and impressions plumetted in desperation tried the ppc, again very little reward. Felt i was giving away more % unecessarily probably would of got the same sale if i paid 2%. I think if youre going to reduce then try gradually and see how it impacts you.
24-11-2023 7:26 PM
@simplyessential_uk , @bojangled Do you ever go off the 2% - I'm strugling to work out why your ROAS isn't displaying as 50. If on a fixed rate of 2% shouldn't the ROAS be £100 of sales for every £2 spent so £100/ £2 = 50
24-11-2023 8:36 PM
Im 2% across the board but have dabbled in a few tests as mentioned about a month ago so perhaps its that
24-11-2023 8:41 PM
AHH. That would make sense. I start to think I'm getting my head round something, then suddenly it doesn't stack up. The not being 50 has taken up a silly amount of headspace.
It'd be lovely to be able to delve deeper beyond ROAS and see halo sales but I guess that's all a bit subjective.
25-11-2023 5:58 AM
Great thread and thank you to the positive folk posting.
@ojewellery wrote:@simplyessential_uk , @bojangled Do you ever go off the 2% - I'm strugling to work out why your ROAS isn't displaying as 50. If on a fixed rate of 2% shouldn't the ROAS be £100 of sales for every £2 spent so £100/ £2 = 50
ROAS is how much £ sales value is created for every £1 spent. My ROAS is around 20 and I use PL standard between 2% and 5%. A ROAS of 40 is insanely high.
25-11-2023 7:36 AM
@simplyessential_uk said it perfectly, the multi buys are the key for me too, in a different format via buy 3 get 1 free. ( With a simple html in the description to linking the offer, and or theme ie a certain band or advertising brand. And I mean simple!)
I too put prices up and played with dynamic at around 8% on higher priced items with competition, got the views not the sales.
I did reset my PL campaign in September as the original one had been running for a year and there were some listings that had been thrown off/not included despite my attempts to add them.
25-11-2023 7:44 AM
Yes I did go over 2% several times, only temporarily. I have been fiddling too much this month, and and it shows in my fees.
Sticking with 2% and after this weekend will cherry pick with care.
I've just noticed I've had 5 offside ad clicks - woohoo! No sales....
25-11-2023 9:19 AM
@bojangled , Thank you for that. I had this big moment of self doubt on my understanding of how ROAS was being calculated.
I've been terrible for tinkering, I'm trying to be more constructive across the business at present. When I start a new trial I've started making a note as to what I'm trying to achieve, how I will monitor and what I rate as a success. I seam to remember picking up something about 1 month being the minimum time to trial advertising on eBay as new campaigns take around 7 days to be fully in force and then get optimised - I can't recall my source for that line of thought though. I did drop a pay per click campaign after 2.5 weeks back in the summer though - it felt like I was just throwing money into the wind.
I'm trying to look at platform turnover and profit/ period a bit more than just item profit. Its hard to quantify the halo effect of promotions, its one of those we know there is an effect but its harder to see exactly what. Like your 5 offsite clicks. Are those buyers now top of the marketing funnel, they've checked you out, know that you exist and some of them/ maybe one of them will progress further down the funnel at some stage and become a buyer. That clicked on item hits them again on their eBay summary page next time they open ebay.
Then there is that if an item is clicked on, it gives it a tiny boost as relevant to customers and pushes it slightly up in the visibility on eBay stakes so another buyer is more likely to be exposed and click.
Its all rather interesting and I'm for ever hoping to find those little golden nuggets that nudge things forwards for my business. I recently subscribed to Diib for my website and they give me these lists of objectives/ activities to work through to target site improvements. One of them is keywords and they have this chart of percentage of traffic you obtain depending on your key word ranking. I imagine that eBay search location gives similar percentages of traffic which is why the title tweaking and getting key words in place can work in very competitive areas of the site.
25-11-2023 9:55 AM
Thanks for a phenomenal thread - huge food for thought - which will now directly impact my business. So thank you to everyone who has commented with details, figures, charts etc
Hands up - my ROAS is a problem. Clearly the lowest on here. 8% in the last month (£8 for every £1 spent - for any newcomers to the thread!) 12% in the last 13 months. ALthough I noticed OJ also had 8% on some of her campaigns. To posters who are getting 40%... I'm floored.
When I'm floored... I get nosey... I wanna know how and why and how I copy it so I go digging. I took a looked at sold listings, I took a look at OJ's and SimplyEssential's charts. These are mine:
What this next chart shows is that at the start of September when I didn't get my annual pick-up, I went mental and threw everything at ebay.
You can see the result. I am wiping the floor y-o-y in terms of impressions. But maybe, now is the time to stop going mental - my sales are 4% up YTD y-o-y - and think calmly again...
I have uncapped dynamic on 90% of my listings and a 3% capped dynamic on 8% of listings which I call my 'cherry pick' campaign. (I explain what cherry pick is - and how I gradually grow that - earlier in this thread but it is basically items that I move out of uncapped within 1 hour - 1 week because I think they have traction.). Cherry pick - which I do move up and down (to keep my sales at 80K) has an ROAS of 20%. Just to absolutely make clear - dynamic is NOT PAY PER CLICK. It is simply PL which you can cap or uncap.
I think my strategy is 'kind of working' for someone who wants to pull a proper living wage on ebay. Looking at sold listings, I (think I) am outselling other posters here. Which isn't to brag - I know other posters are earning on different sites/own shops - I'm not.
THis thread has inspired me to:
a) think harder at getting my own online shop (which as long been the plan but selling on ebay gets in the way)
b) focus a bit less on the 80k sales and see if I can reduce PL to make 78k but without a drop in profits
c) Particularly focus on changing the % of my listings on cherry pick campaign. Also cap some of my other campaigns - as they are all on different campaigns this is quite easy to do with some 'dexterity'.
Just as an aside: Multibuys dont work for me. Coupons collect buyers but annoy some buyers who 'make an offer' and then cant use the coupon. So I am loathe to use ebay's other tools too soon. I dont like to remove make an offer as it works so well for me.
All in all, I don't like December selling - I don't like December buyers (I had £850 of returns in ONE DAY in January in 2022) - last year I turned off PL entirely at some point and set my dispatch to 7 days (you can see the dip in the chart) . There was also post strikes I wanted to avoid. I am wondering about doing similar this year to give myself time to get PL ready for January.
Anyway - I hope some of this is interesting/thought-provoking. It has taken a while to write - and makes me mindful of how much time other people have spent on this thread too - so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking the time - and bravely sharing information - to help me slow down and consider my PL spend/ebay strategy.