07-11-2023 12:49 PM
Good afternoon to you all
it's very easy to get bogged down with negativity. I for one have in recent times been quite negative, but this morning I had a sale and yesterday I had 3 so I've decided to try and be positive in these uncertain times
so I thought it would be a good idea to start a positive post
would anyone like to share your tips for increasing sales. Something that has worked for you maybe or something you are trying to see if it has results
I know there's no magic wand to be waved but let's see if we can try to improve our sales by sharing the love
my first tip is to use sell similar on ended listings and to change just one thing. I think in the past I have been very complacent and just need to up my game a bit. I've been taking fresh photos of ended items to refresh the listing
over to you
21-11-2023 11:26 AM
@ojewellery wrote:One of the things that's concerned me with social media posting from my eBay listings, particularly to Pinterest, is that the link will break when a listing is ended and sell similar used.
I post promotions to Pinterest and I would consider it for long standing listings. I've done a little from time to time.
I link from my website to Pinterest and get a little traffic but think plain background just product shots aren't really what gets pinned. A collective post showing vintage jeans paired with a lovely jacket, seasonal shirt and winter boots (all with product links to listings) is more likely to generate interest.
I'm not knocking trying, if you've got the time.
If you do create your own posts, then eBay have an affiliate programme you can sign up to which could help with balancing some of the eBay profit encroachment. You can even earn from linking to others products if styalising a piece of two from your own collection.
Maybe we could do some collaboration posts from those on this thread...Vintage outfit, contemporary jewellery, natural ambiance essential oil fragrancing, elegant setting accented by vintage china pieces.
Thanks for this OJ. Actually I was talking to my daughter last night and she said exactly the same - that I had to use interesting backgrounds. She did reckon her generation use it a lot. She is keen to help me do it and was confident about links (but thanks for the heads up about sell-similaring, I will check it out, and maybe have a selection of items I don't sell similar if there is no way around the lost link)
And thanks for the ideas about partnering. I will bear in mind. I'm trying to scale back ebay and have far fewer listings. If i manage that I would have time to try new things.
21-11-2023 11:51 AM - edited 21-11-2023 11:53 AM
Tips for increasing sales.
Here we go again - You tube demos / reviews.
Had a very busy week on the website. Always wonder what percentage bought
after seeing my YT review on the products. Some do tell me.
For example, did have one lady who spent over £100 the other day, replying to my order processing email
said she had seen me on you-tube, liked the video - bought the product - from me.
BTW when ever anyone buys from the website or my open days after seeing my YT channel, I always
put something extra in the box as a thank you.
Keep checking which are the most used referers to my website on the stats. Yes, you-tube nearly
every day.
23-11-2023 10:57 AM
Sorry to be negative... but I've had NO SALES since 3 October 2023... I think eBay is now dead...
23-11-2023 1:27 PM
@bittyboy101 wrote:Sorry to be negative... but I've had NO SALES since 3 October 2023... I think eBay is now dead...
Good point. As thought-provoking as ever. Thank you so much.
23-11-2023 1:36 PM
Maybe register as a business account before you have zero sales for ever
23-11-2023 1:38 PM
As I explained to the Moderator when I reported your offensive post
- I was only expressing my opinion because I have had no sales since the beginning of October.
There is really no need for such hostility and nastiness, as we are not in school now.
I have just as much right to post on here, the SAME as YOU and all the other board members who are voicing their HONEST opinions and trying to let eBay know that there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with how eBay is working lately.
I have nothing further to say to you.
23-11-2023 1:45 PM - edited 23-11-2023 1:49 PM
I'm NOT a business so no need to do that.
Private sellers are alowed up to 100 listings, I only have less then 30.
So this is just silly.
eBay is clearly broken otherwise why is everyone posting on here saying that they are having NO SALES ?
Now given up selling on eBay... It's hopeless.
23-11-2023 3:32 PM
@sheba-knows-best wrote:Good point. As thought-provoking as ever. Thank you so much.
Did you use the 'sarcasm' font there? 😉
23-11-2023 3:41 PM
@bittyboy101 wrote:
- I was only expressing my opinion because I have had no sales since the beginning of October.
And I was only pointing out that you seemed to have wandered onto the wrong thread.
Please see the title.
This is a thread where people "Share your tips for increasing sales."
There are lots of threads where people who are unable to sell can express their belief that ebay is dead. This is a thread where sellers who know that ebay isnt dead - because they are selling - share their tips on how to sell.
I hope that makes more sense now. Thank you x
23-11-2023 3:44 PM
Your not getting the point
People are posting on 'this thread' on how they are getting sales, giving supportive, proactive advice and tips. Helping each other.
The OP originally said they had had enough of negativity on the forum and wanted to turn things around and start something positive, they gave their first tip to people who have found sales in decline (myself included) and its been followed by many others, its helping and trying to help people with poor sales who perhaps dont understand the current Ebay selling system.
For those interested in the positive of this thread, with advice from many of the posters, our clicks/impressions are on the up, Sales definitely on the up, 20% increase on this time last year, 40% compared to August and this with 10% less stock and reduced PL standard fees.
Fine you have your opinion, Its dead, start your own thread, you tell Ebay, your opinion does not relate to this thread.
23-11-2023 4:08 PM
@fatbobfan wrote:For those interested in the positive of this thread, with advice from many of the posters, our clicks/impressions are on the up, Sales definitely on the up, 20% increase on this time last year, 40% compared to August and this with 10% less stock and reduced PL standard fees.
Reduced PL fees??? That's impressive. I know @simplyessential_uk uses low PL too. And a few other people on this thread have been saying the same. I'm beginning to wonder if I am too focused on selling to 80K.
I am smashing impressions/clicks: 50-100% higher than a year ago with sales 4% up y-o-y YTD (I have to limit sales because of VAT threshold) and profits -2% y-o-y YTD (bit gutted, like I say, tough times). I have 8% of my stock on very low PL. meaning 92% on uncapped dynamic. The reason I have left so much uncapped is because YTD the average PL sold % is 9% meaning @20% FVF all in. So 20% felt... doable.... given I haven't gone over 80k.
I think my next step will be to get that 8% of stock on a low PL to 25% and see what happens to sales.
My YTD ROAS is 11%. Anyone else care to give me a kick up the butt and share their ROAS?
23-11-2023 4:18 PM
You'll only get sales if eBay show your stuff to the RIGHT people OR if you have previous buyers who have added you as a favourite seller and are regularly ONLINE and FOLLOWING you !
The eBay seaches are now BROKEN and eBay are now manipulating their searches and influencing poor unsuspecting gullible sellers to PAY for more VISIBILITY !
For me and many other senior members who have been on eBay for a long time, we have seen and know how easy selling on eBay was and now how it has now DECLINED in the space of just 4 years.
Now, I'm sorry if I accidentally posted in the wrong thread but I was just trying to get the message across to the eBay BIG GUYS so that they can look into WHY are we now suddenly getting LESS sales ? and WHY are sellers and buyers LEAVING eBay daily ??
23-11-2023 4:58 PM - edited 23-11-2023 5:02 PM
Strange how you have now removed all your listings - Doubt you have so many Antique locks in your attic to sell without it being a businesss
Re your complaint of no sales there are SO many other threads you can moan on so please dont drag this positive post down with your complaints of no sales
23-11-2023 5:11 PM
Aye, @simplyessential_uk to thank for making me think correctly on PL standard rates, top post, top poster.
To be clear I am way off many of the posters on this thread, more of a small lifestyle business, so please take these things into account, may seem as I do not have faith in what Im posting, I do, its just business plans, business styles, inventory all different, each to their own research on making decisions. (I do not sell clothing so wouldnt like to comment as to what my choices would have on your market, hope you get me)
The advice of getting higher PL to start then dropping with a Sales History behind you, I'm trialing this but its only 30% of our inventory, seems all good (fingers crossed) It also made me look at what we were promoting and promoting against, some bad promoting decisions on my part so cut back. Dropped half a percent in a month, expecting it to fall further as Im still reducing but doing it gradually. Found doing an 'across the board' reduction a year ago had had catastrophic results, the algorythm didnt like it, red arrows everywhere.
ROAS, can you make comparisons with other sellers? An outside looking in, blige clothing, thats a saturated market, you'd have to spend big, everyone is your competitor arent they? after typing the above, ROAS has to be account specific surely, spending big is not a bad thing if the plan is right, getting the ROAS rate and price right is the trick, knowing your market.
23-11-2023 5:12 PM
Everyones sectors may be different re the PL issue but I have tried dynamic and advanced and seen very little difference in impressions, I read earlier, sorry forgot who it was, said when they reduced the PL % slowly it didnt make any effect on sales V a dramatic change - The cynic in me thinks that the algorithms may write in if any changes too drastic = poor sales so the seller puts it back up 🤔 who knows but I just dont think the return on sales = the increase in %. No point racing to £80k or extra sales if the outgoings at the other end are high, I learnt that last year when my sales exceeded prev yr only to do my tax returns and found I had paid out £10k more on outgoings so infact was a worse yr than previous so Im not too fixated on turnover or ROAS so much this year and focusing in on % profit by going back to doing my tax returns monthly and whats left "in my hand" so to speak.
23-11-2023 5:28 PM - edited 23-11-2023 5:30 PM
@simplyessential_uk wrote:Strange how you have now removed all your listings - Doubt you have so many Antique locks in your attic to sell without it being a businesss
Re your complaint of no sales there are SO many other threads you can moan on so please dont drag this positive post down with your complaints of no sales
No point in selling now on eBay... It's not working anymore.
People just watching and playing the waiting for seller to send them an offer game.
I don't like offers as it makes a seller look like they are desperate and invites non payers.
Please keep your nasty comments and thoughts to yourself.
If I was a business I would most certainly NOT sell on eBay, but on my OWN website where I can get a real result instead of eBay constantly crippling and capping my seles all the time.
23-11-2023 5:53 PM - edited 23-11-2023 6:01 PM
Please keep your nasty comments and thoughts to yourself.
Says the person who jumped on a positive post to drag it down - Ok All the best where ever you go
23-11-2023 6:01 PM
Positive for YOU lot only.
NOT really positive when eBay are suddenly hiding my items from their searches and my items are saying 0-2 views after being up for over 1 week !
Sorry, I'm no longer enjoying eBay anymore since all the recent changes. Nothing personal.
23-11-2023 6:10 PM
I've been having a play with the different advertising methods. Historically I've found minimum promoted standard has worked well for my branded items, just giving me a slight edge higher visibility and sales than my competitors who don't seam to use promotion particularly.
My new own design items have been getting great feedback on eBay, when they sell, but aren't getting the traction I'd like to see. People talk about right product and it will sell. I think that needs a bit more qualification as I have some products which are good steady sellers on Etsy, my website, Debenhams but some of those have zero eBay sales (even with discount promotions). Ebay visibility is an enigma. Spurred on by the positives in this thread and a few other forum snippets lately, I've removed lots of items from my standard promoted listings blanket campaign and set up multiple campaigns on dynamic. Lots of my natural gemstones are also birthstones so sales are 80% plus seasonal, hence I have logical brackets to divide listings into. I have put a cap on dynamic of 12% so I have a little wiggle room to use offers. I'll follow with a few screen shots of how things are doing. Its early days of data gathering but I'm feeling fairly positive towards the trial and that by bracketing products in this way I can switch the cap up and down seasonally.
This is a summary of promoted listings all last 31 days. Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS) of 31. My sales over 31 days are much higher than £3197. Not everything sells through promoted listings and there was a window where campaigns were switched off whilst I reorganised.
Looking at the two individual dynamic campaigns (which have been running for only a short window) that have a return....
On advertising but switching to offsite ads - here's my current performance. Please note the spend amount of £4.70 over 7 days where my spend cap is £5/ day so in theory I was thinking I'd be seeing £35 maybe not all elements of eBay are money grabbing at every opportunity ...
Offsite ads over 31 days spend not showing but very much below my cap and ROAS very healthy
Just for a bit of balance, promoted display didn't work for me. I did a three month trial, admittedly on a tiny selection of products because it can only be set up by eBay categories and I didn't want to promote Ojewellery (my own designs) and Clogau (well respected and known to its customers brand) in the same adverts as they're a different customer base but they fall under the same eBay categories.
23-11-2023 6:27 PM - edited 23-11-2023 6:28 PM
Just found my ROAS on the dashboard (never knew it was there) 49.85 (13mths 43.13) but as mentioned I only pay 2% PL
This month Impressions up 1.66% & Clicks up 8.87% vs. last 31 days
This is my Impressions over the last 13mth so massive difference from last Nov Sales V last Nov are down also but Im not bothered tbh as my website is picking up the slack which I pay no ads or commision on so its more profit.