10-02-2025 2:45 PM
Several customers messaged today saying pricing is in dollars not UK sterling on the ebay.co.uk website. Went and had a look and all our prices are in dollars on the .co.uk site.
Is this a case for tech to investigate as its putting buyers off!!!!
11-02-2025 10:37 AM
11-02-2025 11:19 AM
Hi Kat no its all sorted now. Had two customers say it was showing in dollars then I checked and it was as well on the ebay.co.uk. Anyway all sorted now so no worries. Thanks Lee
11-02-2025 1:12 PM
I had a spell yesterday where all my listings were showing with Euros € prices as well as pounds, while still on the .co.uk site. The geo crossover between supposedly independent Ebay sites has always been flimsy - I find now any link I follow from Ebay emails goes to the .com site and asks me to log in - but it seems to be getting worse.
11-02-2025 2:31 PM
@jbrusby wrote:The geo crossover between supposedly independent Ebay sites has always been flimsy
They are not (technologically) independent - eBay is essentially one website with regional front-end translations. You can go to pretty much any policy or programme page on ebay.co.uk, change the top-level domain to that of another site like .com, .de, .fr, .au etc. and see the regional translation of that page. Therefore if you sign-in to a different regional eBay website everything will be translated to what would be shown in that region (including prices).