Searching By Category Issue With Postage Cost

I’ve just been browsing one of my categories, saw a listing I have up and was horrified to see the postage displayed within the results is Special Delivery cost at £7.20. 
I offer Free P & P, with options to upgrade.
Checked the listing and all is well. 
Same with my other listings, search by category highest possible rate of postage is shown.



Searched by normal method ie top search box and they show with correct free p&p.


Have I missed a memo?


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Re: Searching By Category Issue With Postage Cost

It sounds like a variant of the unpaid items that buyers see in their "awaiting payment" list.  This also defaults to the most expensive domestic postage option (sometimes, in the case of international buyers, the most expensive international postage, even if it isn't for their own country).


I think is the reason for many unpaid items on eBay - the buyer goes to pay, and sees that the £4 bag of cement they were going to collect, now costs £25, because eBay has added the cost of next day delivery.




Cesario, the Count's gentleman
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Re: Searching By Category Issue With Postage Cost


Well on further investigations it was on all listings within the category search, apart from those that don’t offer postage upgrade. 
Just another little nuance.

Message 3 of 4
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Re: Searching By Category Issue With Postage Cost

It's a nuisance - and since it's happening in at least two contexts (buyer's items awaiting payment, and category searches within a seller's shop), I have just dropped my express option for most of my listings.  It doesn't help sales if eBay adds an extra tenner to the visible item price - especially as most of my items are under £20, and a fair few of them are about £6.


Cesario, the Count's gentleman
Message 4 of 4
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