No sales

What is going on at eBay?


No sales, no offers no response to offers, last sale 15 hours ago and counting. I sell worldwide, all listings promoted, TRS, eBay premium service, fast and free, NO SALES. 

Everything's collapsed since mid march/early April. 
Something changed at eBay during this time that has collapsed my sales and views prior to that time I had regular sales,  and offers throughout the day and night, from all over the world.


Suddenly nobody wants to buy what they were calmouring to buy previously. 

This is nothing to do with the economy so please don't wheel out that lazy excuse. 

Message 1 of 1,529
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1,528 REPLIES 1,528

Re: No sales

Why don't you try registering as a business seller and accepting returns? You may make more sales.


You mentioned giving up after April, just try it for a month and see what happens.

Message 1181 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

It's taken a couple of days but ebay has now removed the extra impressions and views from the 17th. 

Something went a bit haywire there. External views are still woeful - down 57%. 

Message 1182 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

I use a cashback site when I buy on eBay and they credit me 10-12% back on my purchase price but only the item price, not the postage. I reckon you lose clicks from buyers who buy like I do and will choose the book at £8.99 free postage rather than the £5 plus £3.99 postage one.



Message 1183 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

@bittyboy101 wrote:

I wish I could report something positive but every item I relisted on 11th April 2024  is still saying 0 views.


It seems eBay are not indexing/adding my stuff to their database. 

The same happens to me once I get to the max 8-10 sales for personal items for the month.

0 views on many items.

I've tried relist & sell similar but the views remain restricted.

I hold no hope of any additional sales of personal items this month as I've reached the usual max for the month........🙄🤔.

Gone are the days when postie would be collecting at least something each day. Now it's a flurry of 7-10 days and see you sometime next month 😮😐🙄

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1184 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

@swiss_expert_uk wrote:

*bleep* is going on with sales? NO SALES. 

Still the same old 😐. People haven't stopped spending but they have stopped using platforms that don't work or produce stressful shopping experiences.


To be honest, I have virtually stopped buying on eBay now as the defunct search made online shopping an exceedingly stressful and over time consuming event. I used to spend a considerable amount each month on eBay on basic items but now I go elsewhere and all done and dusted within minutes so I can get on with life! 😊

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1185 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

Because I am NOT a business.

Just selling off my private lock collection for a quick buck !

Message 1186 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

@bits_n_bobs_heaven wrote:

@bittyboy101 wrote:

I wish I could report something positive but every item I relisted on 11th April 2024  is still saying 0 views.


It seems eBay are not indexing/adding my stuff to their database. 

The same happens to me once I get to the max 8-10 sales for personal items for the month.

0 views on many items.

I've tried relist & sell similar but the views remain restricted.

I hold no hope of any additional sales of personal items this month as I've reached the usual max for the month........🙄🤔.

Gone are the days when postie would be collecting at least something each day. Now it's a flurry of 7-10 days and see you sometime next month 😮😐🙄

This never used to happen 10 years agp or even 5 years ago... eBay are deliberately blocking traffic and sales by NOT INDEXING ALL of our listings so that  they can be seen by other people who *might* then buy them.... if something cannot be seen... then how on earth are people meant to buy it ??... this is a  sick joke !

Message 1187 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

I stumbled accross something really interesting today when looking at my listings today.


I've noticed that clearly eBay have been jiggling / adapting the 'Key Word / Words' for listings.

For example, I list personal clothing items and  'Womens' has been the  the first word in the title for weeks.

However, with the last relist / sell similar NONE of the items that had the first word 'Womens' in the title had or have had any views. Today, I decided to remove 'women's from the title but keep it in the description and low and behold, I've started to get views on the items along with a few watchers??


As I've already stated, people are spending money. You only have to go into non-food shops to see people spending, and on a daily basis.


It can only be jiggling and so called perfecting of a defunt search facility that is taking place and it is sure confusing the AI programes, but jigglers never stop to think what the impact their actions will have upon their AI modals, let alone check the effects of those changes, which is fatal........🙄😒🤐.


I'm personally not anticipating any additional sales this month on top of the usual monthly 8 which have already taken place. However, should anything change after my own personal key word jiggling today, I'll let you know.



Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1188 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

Good luck - Hope swapping keywords around helps you make some sales ! 🙂


Sometimes I think that if you use the same keywords on multiple listings (for DIFFERNT Items which are similar), eBay's awful superbot then FLAGS your listings as DUPLICATE LISTINGS and GHOSTS THEM ALL ! 😞

Message 1189 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

Remember the 9 photo rule.  That still leaverages the algorithim.


Another issue I have noted.  If the catagory has an 'average' price and you are below it (i.e. giving it away) you get better listing position.  Above, and you are toast.  The problem with that is, within a catagory there can be an extensive range of variations with hefty valuation differences.  So I have a specialised algebraic CAS calculator, well below list price but well above the average for the calculator catagory since the bulk on sale are simpler models.  The algorithim is incapable of differentiating between models (pardon the pun).  I can see the same model I am selling being sold in the completed listings despite mine having a promotion percentage.  Since anybody searching for this kind of calculator 'should' only get a small shortlist, I should only need a low percentage promotion to ensure good visability.  And I undercut the other listing with the same model.  The whole listing system is just busted.

Message 1190 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

@bittyboy101 wrote:

Good luck - Hope swapping keywords around helps you make some sales ! 🙂


Sometimes I think that if you use the same keywords on multiple listings (for DIFFERNT Items which are similar), eBay's awful superbot then FLAGS your listings as DUPLICATE LISTINGS and GHOSTS THEM ALL ! 😞

The changes have made absolutely no difference, so that leaves the maximum number of items that seem to have been set that will sell each month. I have sold 9 items on eBay this month and the same number as the last few months. No more and no less..........🤔


I too have had the ghosting issue in that if I relist or schedual a relist, the items also appear in my drafts 🤔😲.

You have to delete all the secondary drafts for the items to become apparent, live! 🙄

AI is a wonderful tool but not when it clearly doesn't work well.........🤐


I never list with more than 8 pictures, I never use AI to write descriptions, so that's not the issue and it makes no difference between relists, schedules, or sell similar. No. 9 is my number of sales each month.


Today I sold 4 personal items on another site that has no restrictions on the number of items that sell each month. TBH, I don't care which platform I sell my personal items on, as long as they all go eventually.

All sold items securely packaged and already sent! 💸 And with tracking that updates immediately! 🤐

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1191 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

Thanks for posting back the result of your experiment.


To be honest, I didn't think that joggling around title keywords would make any difference...


Whilst it used to a couple of years ago... the folks inside eBay soon wised up to this and introlduced "Item specifics" to block people from using the first 4 keywords in the title to attract viwes and potential buyers !


I never cottoned on about keywords in item specifics until recently so started adding every keyword relating to my items I could think of under the sun and hay presto the views started increasing and I got a couple of sales shortly after this...


Now it seems that eBay have now done something else ! from the beginning of April 2024 as my views and sales just abruptly stopped as if someone had flicked a light switch !


I only made 1 sale yesterday and 1 sale today and they were both old customers who had added me onto their fave sellers lists...


Hope sales pick up for you mate 🙂  


Message 1192 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

As our sales have been so sporadic as in off on off on for so many months now I am of the definite opinion eBay hide and show listings periodically. We get a few orders within the space of 5 mins then nothing for hours. This is just so obvious now and it can only mean sellers listings are being rotated and all of ours are buy it now listings.

Message 1193 of 1,529
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Re: No sales


Let's have a vote on whether you think/believe that eBay DELIBERATELY hides listings and rations sales ?

Kudo this post for YES.


Non Kudo this post for NO

Message 1194 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

there are tech problems preventing customers buying on & when using Mac, Iphones & other devises, lots of threads on that I added to this thread :

Message 1195 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

@best-range wrote:

there are tech problems preventing customers buying on & when using Mac, Iphones & other devises, lots of threads on that I added to this thread :

I don't beleieve that old chestnut... 

Message 1196 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

Only 24 hours I wish that was me.  i have gone 7 days or more i have not long ago. 24 hours is nothing just like having a day off lol 🙂  but when it comes to watchers (not buyers) i would probly win as Harry Enfield comes to mind = LOADS lol!!!!

Message 1197 of 1,529
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Re: No sales



Being told the it is the economy that people don't have the money to buy,  I decided to take a good few items off ebay and took them to a car boot on Saturday,  I sold about 25 - 30 items.  I did get the will you take less but it was only £1.00 or £2.00  but still sold items.  I am sending out offers on ebay most days but not getting a bite something is wrong.


Kind regards



Message 1198 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

@collectingatcollectables wrote:



Being told the it is the economy that people don't have the money to buy,  I decided to take a good few items off ebay and took them to a car boot on Saturday,  I sold about 25 - 30 items.  I did get the will you take less but it was only £1.00 or £2.00  but still sold items.  I am sending out offers on ebay most days but not getting a bite something is wrong.


Kind regards



Well done Rob,

I'm  really pleased for you 🙂


Yes, the problem is definitely something to do with eBay not showing ALL the sellers listed items to the people who are  searching, but instead showing YOU (the person who the listings belong to) all of your items to convince you that everything is OK when infact in is NOT OK ! and if you use another friend's computer (with a different internet line) to search for your items on eBay that you have listed - EBAY DOES NOT SHOW  THEM IN THE SEARCHES !


I suspect that they (all my items listed) are NOT ALL BEING INDEXED PROPERLY BY EBAY, this is why I seem to be getting some views on a small number of my items (5 items out of 58 items I have listed with about 3  -  10 views) and the rest (53 items) are just sitting there saying 0 - 1 views after 3  -  7 days since submitting the listings to eBay.... Terrible service.... from eBay lately 😞

Message 1199 of 1,529
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Re: No sales

giphy (8).gif

I've now given up any hope of selling anything anymore on eBay.


eBay just won't let me sell anything at all. This place is now a farce.

There is absolutely NO HELP at all from eBay for small private sellers that are now stuggling with no sales.

Message 1200 of 1,529
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