29-11-2024 1:15 PM
29-11-2024 1:23 PM
An article on the BBC state that Amazon have taken on a lot more staff in the north west of England to cope with the extra sales. So that is where all the buyers have gone and unless we sell over there under FBA we all suffer.
29-11-2024 2:30 PM
Sold only one item today. I send my own out on Amazon. Next day delivery T24.
29-11-2024 4:10 PM
I have bought 3 items today from business sellers on ebay. Might not seem much, but I'm not a great shopper at the best of times!
29-11-2024 4:47 PM
It definitely is Black Friday blues…..could make up a song….
29-11-2024 5:46 PM
3,398 listings, mostly new books.
NOVEMBER 29th/Payday/Black Friday + EBay= NO SALES FOR ME EITHER & only two on Amazon.
I spoke with an ebay agent early this week who was going to conduct a so called "deep dive" into my account, waiting to hear but will mostly like be the usual smoke & mirrors.
1) Stagnant listings
2) People not looking for what you're selling
3) Other sellers are cheaper (mostly they aren't)
Plus loads more tosh...
You only have to look at the forum threads, have we all got;
1) Stagnant listings
2) People not looking for what you're selling
3) Other sellers are cheaper (mostly they aren't)
For those of you with Netflix I recommend you watch BUY NOW mostly featuring on Amazon's smoke & mirrors but you can see where ebay have copied the nonsense from.
29-11-2024 8:17 PM
Watched it the other night -- shocking in many ways.
30-11-2024 6:28 AM
If you've seen Ebay's Xmas TV ads campaign you'll see they're solely concerned with attracting even more sellers with their free listings feature, never mind attracting any buyers.
In my own case my sales fell off a cliff once they started free listings for all. The last thing we needed was even bigger hoards of sellers vying for the vanishingly small number of customers left shopping here nowadays.
Some overpaid exec's bright idea for expanding business, but with very little forethought and it's a dangerous gamble I think because unless a miracle occurs before Christmas, saleswise, I suspect they'll lose far more sellers in the New Year than they're attracting overall as many loyal business dealers, who are barely hanging on right now hoping for some seasonal sales, finally face the reality of selling on here.
30-11-2024 9:07 AM
Just posted a message on the Community Board that might explain things. Looks like eBay have messed up their EDD again with 1st, 2nd & 24 hour deliveries all saying the exact same date.
30-11-2024 9:15 AM
They could have done free listings for a month, not months.
Ebay was set up for second hand, Amazon for new. Two different brands, two different ideals.
It’s a shame the former wants so much to be like the latter.
In today’s net zero world Ebay could have fortified the green agenda because we are in a way recycling our items. Whereas Amazon is mostly for new and then all the second hand items end up on eBay.
Dont get me wrong. I’m happy for new to be also on eBay but it’s what the ethos of eBay once was…
30-11-2024 9:16 AM
Always been the same for us. Black Friday = no sales. This platform is shocking now
30-11-2024 9:31 AM
I sent out offers on nearly everyone of my listings yesterday and sold a great big fat 0. It’s soul destroying…
30-11-2024 10:30 AM - edited 30-11-2024 10:33 AM
It might have been years ago but when I started reading the boards regularly, sometime after joining in 2012, the change-over was already underway.
Private sellers would regularly come on the boards complaining about the latest change and saying ebay shouldn't be imitating amazon, but should go back to its roots as the worlds biggest boot-fair.
That argument would just as regularly be countered by business sellers saying that 80% of the items on ebay were new and the 'boot-fair' only accounted for the other 20%, even back then.
They would also scoff at private sellers who dared to say that ebay wasn't playing fair with those who had made it the success that it was, replying that "It's business, ebay is duty-bound to make as much profit as it can" and "The only thing that counts is ebays bottom line".
Some were quite happy to see private sellers leaving, putting forward their view that the new "Shopping Mall" ebay was better off without private sellers cluttering-up search results with "mountains of tat and rubbish" and getting in their way of making more sales.
Ebay agreed and they got what they wanted. Ebay doubled down on its plan to totally reconfigure the site with businesses in mind and speeded-up the process.
If ebay were to release todays figures I wonder what the balance between 'new' and private seller 'tat' would be now? 90/10% , 95/5%?
But at every stage it pushed away private sellers. The biggest mass exodus, I would guess, was when Managed Payments and the loss of paypal was forced on them and to add insult to injury, with a tortuous process of verification of bank and personal details where ebay, nor many business sellers, cared to make any easier. (and still seems as difficult today as it was years ago)
Ebay (eventually) realised that the never ending supply of private sellers was drying-up but the only concession it made was to throw ever increasing numbers of free listings and FVF Offers at them.
Then came IS that further damaged the boot-fair private sellers. Then ebay's "Pay to Play" strategy which made it clear to most, what so many already suspected of free listings and FVF Offers, don't pay fees, you don't get sales.
IMO ebay is now nearer to being the Business Seller Only / New Goods site that they wanted and will get even nearer once the new HMRC Reporting Regulations become active next year and look where sales are now with that business plan.
To repeat something I've been saying for some time, IMO private sellers make ebay viable and if there are enough of them, then and only then does the site become safe enough for business sellers to invest in and make the site hugely profitable.
Without them there's no-one to buy the new stuff which is IMO why ebay is panicking and brought in "Free To Sell" for private sellers. It might save the day in the short-term, but long-term ebay is still the same as it was. A site that progressively drove private sellers away in their hundreds of thousands and without back-pedalling on at least some of those business-friendly 'improvements', it won't take long to drive away most of the new wave as well.
30-11-2024 11:19 AM
Yes I understand what you are saying but many of us were pushed into becoming business sellers. I am a hobby seller. Last year I made £3k. Am I really a business. What really counts as a full on business….
I also think that the government forced eBay’s hand to get rid of PayPal.
I know people who were on benefits and were making a stack of cash by selling on here. Not just a little bit but £1000s. It was bound to have come to a head sooner or later.
But I do think the £1700 limit is just too low. You could sell a few of your unwanted digital items that you initially paid a fortune for and your allowance is gone.
30-11-2024 11:39 AM
Me too, sales have just disappeared, I was making about £400 a month, now lucky if I make £100!
30-11-2024 12:12 PM
@spence0175 wrote:Yes I understand what you are saying but many of us were pushed into becoming business sellers. I am a hobby seller. Last year I made £3k. Am I really a business. What really counts as a full on business….
I also think that the government forced eBay’s hand to get rid of PayPal.
I know people who were on benefits and were making a stack of cash by selling on here. Not just a little bit but £1000s. It was bound to have come to a head sooner or later.
But I do think the £1700 limit is just too low. You could sell a few of your unwanted digital items that you initially paid a fortune for and your allowance is gone.
If you are buying/making to sell, you are a business, regardless of how much you make.
If you are selling your own items, you do not need to declare what you make (unless you have high value items and Capital Gains kicks in).
There is no legal option for 'hobby seller'.
Once you hit £1,700 or 30 items in the year your sales will be reported to HMRC - this is not the amount you can earn before paying tax, just the amount when your sales will be reported. If you are selling your own items, it shouldn't affect you. If you are buying to sell you need to make sure you are reporting you earnings to HMRC.
Ebay and Paypal split was nothing to do with the government (don't forget they were US companies, not UK). One of the shareholders, Carl Icahn, had been pushing for the split for ages.
30-11-2024 3:56 PM
I was really referring to controlled payments. I haven’t used PayPal for a long time once they were introduced and we had to use them. The government have more control or rather can see over what goes in and out of your bank where it couldn’t with PayPal .
So I’m clarifying, if I buy a joblot of items for my own self, but decide to sell a few on, does that make me a business.
If that is the case then the majority of people who sell in my main category are businesses.
Where is the line between private and business.
If a man goes to a car boot, buys a dvd and sells it, is there a difference between a man who watches it first before he sells it.
I am speaking hypothetically…
30-11-2024 4:39 PM
If a man goes to a car boot, buys a dvd and sells it, is there a difference between a man who watches it first before he sells it.
I am speaking hypothetically…
There isn't an easy answer. HMRC works with the intention of the seller. If the DVD is purchased with an intention to sell then the seller would be classed as a buyer. However for it to be that straight forward there would need to be an admission from the seller that this was their thinking at the time of purchase. No admission of intent then HMRC would have to dig a bit deeper with things like volume - is the seller selling a high number of items beyond the norm for a personal seller, are there multiple copies of the same item, is the seller offering multiple new items etc. Until there are some reports of how HMRC handles the data it will receive from January then it's really just guess work.