Impressions broken again??

Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help.  dave@ebay kat@ebay 



Message 1 of 698
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697 REPLIES 697

Impressions broken again??

Just watched hayfrosells and a lot of what he had to say rang true for me. I certainly agree with him over promoted listings. I've long held the opinion that ebay has created something that it can't adequately cater for. That's why we've got ads in our listings as there are only so many listings that can be placed at the top of a search result. How do you know where your ad appears? Is it at the bottom of some dead beat listing that nobody looks at? Depending on how a seller views their listings, ebay will show them different things, in the position an item is in the search and possibly the number of ads in that listing. 

Message 201 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

It has been longer than three weeks. This is the op's second thread on the problem. The first was back in June.

Message 202 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I've watched it whilst packing.  I understand where he's coming from, agree that we shouldn't be hidden if we don't promote (don't believe we are until 90 days no activity).  I don't find his outlook and mine compatible.  He talks about not wanting to try new things, not wanting to evolve.  I've always felt evolution is going to happen and you go with it or become extinct.


eBay is a business and they want to make money, shareholders push for more money, they appear to be taking quite a short term view to try and take more from sellers without offering a lot more in return - but haven't put up base fees (which is a bonus) they've introduced more promotions and promotional fees.  Its then our choice to use or not use.


I've been actively buying from eBay this past year, putting my money where my loyalty is.  I'm not a big consumer so this is all subjective to the items I've purchased.  I find with sellers who sell on Amazon and eBay the eBay price is often higher and this presents me with a moral dilemma.  I used to think it odd with Amazons base fees being higher but now I'm wondering if the bigger players have seen this trend, watch their numbers and to have good sell through on eBay pay more in promotions.  Typically I'm seeing around 5% extra on sales price, with Amazon fees already being 8% higher I'm thinking thats a combination of 8/9% standard promoted and a bit of pay per click advanced - although they probably do that on Amazon too.


I used to read Charles Handy books and he talked about different prices for different markets, its all profit that adds up.  I feel this way about eBay.  I've run my numbers and I've decided I'm still up for playing the game.  I've added some advanced promoted listings, started an offsite ad campaign (although now on day4  its a flat line) and I'm considering upping my promoted listings standard percentage.  It will reduce my profits - if it stirs things up I'll play with revisiting prices, currently eBay is my second sales channel after years of being my first and this will make it significantly the most expensive channel I sell on.


I don't believe what everyone is experiencing is a conspiracy - the common graphs show a change, I'm just not convinced that wasn't a conscious change eBay side.  We can only work with whats in our control so frustrating as it is, I'm dusting myself off and trying to work out the new rules of play!

Message 203 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I agree eBay are taking a very short term view and unfortunately it is at the expense of small business in this case. Given the longevity of the issue with impressions it's very much starting to look like they are, by design,  making PL standard an obsolete entity pushing hard on the higher rates often out of reach of smaller businesses.

I do think, reading through a number of posts, CS telling sellers to find a new platform or advising to close their account quite telling, although that may be their frustration at being in dark and not yet having a script to cover the questions raised. 

Amazon do have a pay to play also, although generally most sales are driven without the need for it, for me I don't have shop fees on there being in the handmade category, by invitation in its infancy,  they originally had a start up free offer which has now been extended for the life of the shop it does make overall costs much lower by comparison to eBay these days, that possibly not the case in other categories. The biggest measure, for me at least, is sales continue to grow consistently on all other platforms. Impressions and as a result sales on eBay have dwindled to virtually nothing. If individuals are reliant on the revenue eBay drives, there are going to be a lot of missed mortgage payments in the coming weeks. 
As you say they've lost their position in the marketplace hierarchy dropping from the highest to second place, in my case they are now my worst performing platform of 5 consistently, they've dropped before (the old swings and roundabouts) but never for months at a time. 
I'm more than happy to utilise promotional tools, but this latest improvement is sadly beyond my small businesses means. I agree there is likely no conspiracy but simply a badly thought through plan which is clearly pushing small independents into very choppy waters. The format that has been beneficial to both myself and eBay for a number of years, definitely seems to be driving impressions downwards which rather than making dynamic attractive, which could well be the goal, simply makes eBay an unattractive proposition for small business sustainability 

Message 204 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I have all my listing on Dynamic, without caps (up 20% on some) and I have no sales. The graph is the same if you are on PL or not, or can someone show me a traffic graph for July without the drop on the 18th????



Message 205 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Yea i have promoted PPC and Standart, i have notivced mt SDtandard are doing ok, but my PPC are flatlining, i guess this is a plan to make more threw Standard rather than PPC, its a joke to honest.


We are all having the same issue, ian i bet there are thousands more that are in the same position.


Dose anyone sell on amazon aswell, pwhats the fees like on ther, im guessing there the same, mine are around %2% of total sales now, increadably bad, i made 9 sales on my website and the fees came to £5 !! ebay would have been £167, they obviuslty have a plan but its beyond me.


you have to promote hevily to gt anywere on there now, every one of my sales is promoted, 0 orgainc now

Message 206 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Comparing platforms is a little like comparing apples and pears.  They're different - pluses and minuses.


When I was first on Amazon, around 5 years ago fees were 25%+VAT and ebay had been around 10% no VAT but then paypal fees.  Now eBay is nominally 12.9 but I average about 20% and Amazon (for my jewellery items) I average just over 20% pay per click on top of both is equivalent. 


Amazon shop £25/ month unlimited listings with no listing fees or listing upgrade fees and a much better shop with more flexibility in design and opportunity to promote brand awareness, eBay shops ever increasing in price with very limited functionality.


Amazon requires free returns in many categories, Amazon returns are much higher. If you get over a certain percentage of no fault returns for an item Amazon end it.  I had some small bracelets, listed as small, details of size in photos, bullets and description.  I had them at a hefty rrp discount.  With free returns people thought they'd see if they could squeeze into them - they were 50% cost of the next size up.  Amazon ended the listing as out of something like 50 sales I had 5 returns for too small.  That wouldn't happen on eBay.


 Amazon has more compulsory features and legislation hoops to jump through.  They have no qualms about freezing your account whilst they check out your details at their leisure.


The biggest thing is if you hit a wall on Amazon it hurts, really painfully end of business hurts.  It makes you really appreciate the customer service and forums on eBay.  The Amazon boards read like an advertorial for solicitors and claims companies.


I don't see it as either or.  I like being multi platform as it creates a more even income and when something odd happens, like this current scenario, I can keep a business head and focus energies elsewhere whilst I wait/ hope that dust settles and a new path forwards is found.  Every platform has its glitches/ blocks/ frustrations.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.


The other lesson I've learnt is that spreading yourself too thin is a fools game.  I got frustrated with eBay and spammed other platforms when I first went to Amazon.  I feel like I've spent years catching my tail, I focused on eBay and did what I perceived was just enough on others.  Last year I stepped back from Amazon, focused on eBay first, then Etsy and its really benefited my business.  I'm ready to start using energy on Amazon again now eBay is not stacking up so well but I'm not jumping ship, just spreading risk/ earnings.

Message 207 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Im convinced they are just ignoring this thread now. Ebay custoemr service has tolda few of us that the only solution is to close our accounts and open new accounts. not even joking. 

Message 208 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

@sahmparts wrote:

Im convinced they are just ignoring this thread now. Ebay custoemr service has tolda few of us that the only solution is to close our accounts and open new accounts. not even joking. 

I completely agree, how can 'whatever it is' take over three weeks to fix?  You could build a whole new eBay in that time and still have time for custard creams and bonbons...

Message 209 of 698
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Impressions broken again??





Sorry been meaning to do this for a while, apologies


The increase mid June this year was me hammering doing the 'right thing' ending relisting, price matching, etc. Not a big business compared to some but if it helps, your posts have been helpful to me, so thank you

Message 210 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

'The other lesson I've learnt is that spreading yourself too thin is a fools game.  I got frustrated with eBay and spammed other platforms when I first went to Amazon.  I feel like I've spent years catching my tail, I focused on eBay and did what I perceived was just enough on others.  Last year I stepped back from Amazon, focused on eBay first, then Etsy and its really benefited my business.  I'm ready to start using energy on Amazon again now eBay is not stacking up so well but I'm not jumping ship, just spreading risk/ earnings.'


That hits home


Currently trying to get our Ebay listigs as best as I can then this platform is taking the second seat, hoping hard summer/autumn work will pay off for Christmas sales elsewhere  


Message 211 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I had the drop earlier in the month, but have had a steady decline in listing impressions for 2 months now, down to 9 million from 16 million this date in june. Dropping everyday sales going the same way. A worrying trend

Message 212 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I see you were also hit on 18th July.  Mines creeping back up, but only after playing around with % promotions. I was 2% but went to 4% on 21st and you can see I go back up, so just now trialling 3% today, if I dip back down Ill know its that and Ebay strangling those paying the least. 

Message 213 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

i mine has been down the last couple of weeks too.

Message 214 of 698
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Impressions broken again??


Any news on this please?  Can we have a report as to what is actually being done to address this?  This would be far more reassuring than 'I'll report back when I have some news' which is in all honesty just a fob off.

Can you please let us know if the problem has been identified, is being looking into and how it is being addressed thank you. 

Like I said people's livelihoods are at stake here.  It's not just people trying to make a few £££ selling off some old unwanted items it's people's jobs and incomes at risk here.


Message 215 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Promoted advanced suddenly flickered back to life again. I made absoloutely no changes, just sat and watched.

Will be intresting to see if the regular promoted and organic impressions follow suit...impressions.png

Message 216 of 698
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Impressions broken again??



Hi Dave,


We still have no update on this issue affecting an awful lot of people.


For me personally, I now cannot afford to pay the next subscription. Unless a miracle happens i've got £8 due to be paid on my next payout on 1st july. That likely coincides with the subscription. So if there is not enough money in the payout amount, and also not enough money in the linked back account, what happens? I cannot stay longer in hope to make any money when this problem is fixed as I cannot afford to stay on the platform whilst this issue continues  or have my account in arrears.


i'm a small seller but i expect it wont be long before people are in the same boat as me. Those bigger sellers then laying off staff etc.



Message 217 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Our impressions are up massively today. Both organic and promoted are unusually high however page views relative to impressions are very poor, possibly the lowest I can remember.

Message 218 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Day 24 - Still the problem exists, still no fix or meaningful explanation.  Please can this be addressed it's beyond desperate now.

Message 219 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Impressions rising much higher today, already more or less at yesterdays numbers at 1PM.....

Message 220 of 698
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