Gpsr and the private seller

Interesting. I have just watched a YouTube video. Car boot Chris talking about the new Gpsr rules which affect only business sellers. Why is it only affecting businesses no matter how small.

It doesn't affect private sellers. Why ?? .How would customs know the difference between a  business and private seller. If you don't fill in the boxes at the bottom of a listing, will it automatically hide your listing even if you haven't excluded Eu and NI.

Is this why EBay have rolled out this free fee for private sellers to maybe turn businesses to private.

I imagine the knock on effect on many businesses no longer selling into EU is going to have a massive shock to EBay's pockets.


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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

I read into it and watched some videos too, really doesn't make sense... A new EU law that will hurt them more than good.

Ebay rolled out free fee to private sellers i guess as they worried sellers would move from this platform and go to vinted.  Certainly not to turn business to private sellers.

I spoke to ebay CS saying the same thing and although its government law and not ebay, only when i said ebay will have decline in sales as alot of business who sell vintage and preowned items dont have this information to provide.  So listings that aren't eligable = no sales to europe, less sales = less commission for ebay, less sales = less need for global shipping.  All i got was yeah may need to report this to management to look into.....

Message 2 of 11
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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

Hi yes I know that it's nothing to do with EBay, but it's going to affect EBay seriously with a knock on affect to all the people involved with posting, customs etc. I think this is deeper than people going to Vinted as they are only clothes...

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

The madness is that I can't send a vintage doll to the EU as I can't provide the relevant information, but if my other half wanted to, he could.....

Message 4 of 11
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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

@spence0175 I was watching Nic and Andrea Hills on Sunday, I believe they were going to an eBay council meeting on Thursday and were raising the issue too. 

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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

I don't have a lot of sales to the EU maybe one or two a month but I'll not be selling internationally from December and obviously I won't be alone. I think eBay make huge profits on global shipping and it's going to hit them hard. I know this isn't anything they can do but I'm sure many business sellers are leaving in their thousands too  I do actually fear for this market. It will be full of private sellers who break the rules until HMRC knock on their door 

it feels to me that eBay don't want small business sellers on here as things seem to be getting more difficult to sell by the week 


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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

Agree it will hit ebay massively and it seems there is nothing they can or will do about it. 


You can sell anything on vinted not just clothes and business sellers with a pro account and not pay any fees on either accounts, thats why ebay introduced free selling for private sellers

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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

They do make big profits and i know potenital customers can now no longer purchase from uk due to increased global shipping charges.  I've noticed a drop in my international sales due to this.

After december i will turn off EU shipping on my listings.

The rules have made it what it will be, private sellers can ship to EU, private sellers can sell for free.

Business sellers have no incentives, 

I can also see and have seen now business sellers on private accounts, once they hit threshold ebay give details to HMRC, sellers pay their tax due HMRC are happy and seller continues on selling on ebay.

Ebay will have a drop in business sellers on this platform within a year then it will be interesting to see what they then do!

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

@spence0175 wrote:

Hi yes I know that it's nothing to do with EBay, but it's going to affect EBay seriously with a knock on affect to all the people involved with posting, customs etc. I think this is deeper than people going to Vinted as they are only clothes...

Not any more, Vinted have launched 'Vinteriors' which covers most household products and Vinted Pro (for business) which is also FREE.

Not sure how ambitious they are but I remember when Amazon was an online book seller!

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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

Well it's a mass exodus to Vinted then for many......

Message 10 of 11
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Re: Gpsr and the private seller

This is the point i've been making for months too.


On eBay, their GPSR info mentions article 51, and article 51 states if any items have sold into the EU before the 13th Dec, then they do not need the GPSR information.


I have contacted ebay 4-5 times about this, to clarify, and they can't.

I asked how will customs/whoever is checking the parcels know which parcels have exempt items, and which don't.

They could not answer this.


It feels like a complete farce. I don't see how they will enforce this policy, IF article 51 is correct and some items won't need this information.


It's a complete joke.

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