EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

"Common Stock is expected* to report earnings on 02/26/2025 after market close." quote from the Nasdaq.


I can't see these being very good, the site is a mess, i wouldn't be surprised if some chickens are coming home to roost.


To rely on ebay from a business point of view since about two years ago is pretty mush impossible and is becoming worse as each month passes, i feel the camels back broke with PL, but there is obviously a delayed effect.

Message 1 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

"i wouldn't be surprised if some chickens are coming home to roost."


Neither would I, I couldn't have messed the site up any better if I tried.


Many of us have seen a huge drop in revenue, closed shops or like me gone down a level, so this must be hitting eBay as well, badly.


For years they have been papering over the cracks, increasing fees and little stealth add-ons to keep their revenue up, and now after years of being number one, they look like a relic of the past with all their rules and regulations etc as they strived for total control.


It used to be great on here, 15-20 years ago, now it's become a real chore that rarely delivers anymore as they've driven people away.



Message 2 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

Nasdaq is predicting a good quarter for eBay.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

I’d like to see eBay’s share price fall to really give them a kick up the a**. However, today the share price is at its highest since December 2021, so investors must think they’re doing something right. As a business seller, I have no clue what that is other than managing to take half my profits in fees… OH, now I see.

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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

I am not an expert on the markets, and I cant recall where I picked this information up (it was a news type programme) but there has been a growing trend with in 'tech industries' to use returns to invest with in the markets. 


So rather than using returns to invest in their own companies, improvements across the board, staff, technology , keepin pace within their industry and their competitors etc etc , they simply take the return and invest in the markets as it gets a better return


Thats the way I understood the article  


Not saying its a practice Ebay use, but did make me think, more so with some comments in this thread


If someones in the know and has links please post, its interesting

Message 5 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

I think in December it was a $3 billion share buyback, after these are done there are less shares in circulation, resulting in the profits being shared out to less shares, ie each share gets more wonga.


Sounds good, but in reality, it's a sign a company can't find something to reinvest in or develop that creates better return than the % of dividend yield they produce.



Message 6 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

Just had a look and the first site i found says ebay's dividend yield is 1.7%.


It doesn't take much imagination to create a larger return than that, so why buy the shares back, if it was L & G at a yield of 8%, than that could be worth the effort. 


If a company has offices on lease they could be paying 5% per annum in rent.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

 You've bullseyed it.

Message 8 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

We are still buying eBay services. I'm losing money but I am disposing of my stock and will continue using eBay for that purpose. 

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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

I’ve dropped to the basic store from the £73 or whatever it was. Can’t afford it anymore. 
this time last year I got between 15-20 orders per day. Now it’s one or zero per day. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

They've got the into one unholy mess at the expense of 100s of account holders to prioritise business sellers.  Greed. The software and app cannot cope with this absurd new complicated system and I would advise everyone not to buy or sell on eBay until further notice. I'm serious, its going down the toilet fast. I'm walking away.

Message 11 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

They've got the into one unholy mess at the expense of 100s of account holders to prioritise business sellers


I can see you are a private seller.....


As a business seller myself I would disagree with you that eBay are prioritising business sellers.


Indeed I would argue that eBay have given their business a massive kick in the teeth by giving private sellers like yourself fee fee selling. Thus resulting in many former business sellers switching to private accounts and undercutting their competitors with lower prices, along with many private seller that should be registered as business sellers doing the same.


I would however agree with you that eBay seem to be in one unholy mess. 

Message 12 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

Well we agree on the last point!

Free selling yes. Well no actually. Because they are grabbing in back (and more) via the back door and compiling postage. Its no.longer viable to sell anything under £10.  BPF?Nothing to do with buyer protection.

Message 13 of 14
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Re: EBAY.................Results due...........26/02/25

Yet gullible buyers believe that sellers who are cheating eBay and HMRC aren't going to cheat tiny little them! 

Message 14 of 14
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